REPO UPDATE ARMA 3 - Sammelthread
Update erfolgt am 12.08.2019.
Arma 3:
RHS USAF v0.4.9
SWS 843577117
ADDED IN 0.4.9
M1126 Stryker ICV
Tan pilot helmets to reflect change in US Army standard issue helmet color.
M16A4s with VLTOR IMOD buttstocks. Thanks to toadie2k for the stock model
M249 PIP with solid buttstock and RIS
Added M49A1 tripware flare
MK17 SCAR (standard FDE, and special 'murican textures)
M249 Lightweight Collapsible Buttstock
Added simple CWSS FCS for M1A1s with commander's Thermal Sight Module
Alternate ACH helmets with tan rhino mounts
Helmet randomization
Added new uniform inventory icons
Added unflip functions to MRZR
Additional M81, UCP, and Coyote Brown 100 and 200 round softpack mags for the M249
GAU-21 HMG added to CH-53E ramp (model by nextanimationstudio, gifted to RHS by armyinf & co.)
M1239 SOCOM Armored Utility Vehicle, designated M1239 AUV in game. Un-armed, M2 and Mk19 CROWS Variants
Adds all comms equipment as master file for all vehicles with comms gear, and AN/PRC-152 test object
M1238A1 RG-33 SOCOM Armored Security Vehicle 4X4. Un-armed, M2 and Mk19 CROWS variants
M1220 Caiman with CROWS-mounted Mk19
Editor placeable M2A1 and M19A1 ammo can items
ACH (Early)
ACH (Early/Rhino)
Battle Dress Uniform by DeltaHawk (in Lowland ERDL camo for GREF HIDF)
new USGI 20 and 30 rounds mags & magpull acc
New GBU-12 model
Added M8541 version with MRDS
Added M8541A version with MRDS
Added Leupold Mk4 M5 with MRDS
S&S Plateframe vest (several loudouts)
G3 uniform in AOR2 camo
Extra USMC SPC vest variant for M40 Scout Snipers
Added ability to force scope type in mission with mission namespace variable "rhs_preferedOptic"
Added reload system to M590 shotgun together with new animations - requires Arma 1.
Mk316 Mod 0 Special Ball (HPBT) ammunition for SR-25 and Mk17. Generally similar to M118 Special Ball, but slightly faster initspeed and reduced visibleFire
Added TI textures to Caiman, FMTV, HIMARS, HEMTT, RG33 & MRZR
Added HMMWV TI textures
Added TI textures to F-22A
Added TI maps to AH1Z, UH1Y & CH-53
Added TI map to M252 mortar
^ AI should now engage M113 gunners
^ Modified US aircraft magazine displaynames and added descriptionShort tooltips (mouse over mag name in Dynamic Loadouts UI for a more detailed description)
^ Improved MLRS scripted firing effects
^ Tweaked M113 Mk19 gunner animation
^ Improved HIMARS MLRS launch VFX
^ Reduced glass reflection in AH-64 cockpit
^ Reduced PhysX track width to decrease chance of wheels with other vehicle wheels collision which usually leads to backflips
^ [UH-1Y]Gunners now hold onto miniguns
^ Separate "M249 VFG" classes in Arsenal are no longer required to convert the M249 to use a grip instead of a bipod (inc. new bipod slot attachments for M249)
^ Added grip system slot to Para stock M249s
^ Unified AH-64 MFD brightness
^ Tweaked inertia for M320 standalone grenade launcher
^ Improved M4 fire geometry
^ Gave M249 plastic box magazines a more appropriate mass value
^ Changed Aimpoint T1's displayname to its US military designation (SU-278/PVS)
^ Tweaked M16 fire geometry
^ Tweaks to AI TOW usage
^ Improved M107 & M2010 fire geometry
^ Extended class-switching script for top-mounting PEQ lasers, to accept value rhsusf_acc_anpeq15 = 2; (used in RHS:USAF for SCAR rail height accessories)
^ Anim to randomly fold the barrel handle on M249s
^ Tweaked M134 ammo count & used bullets on USAF helicopters
^ Added Virtual Garage option to close & open commander hatch on M113
^ Improved position/tint of M68 CCO lenses and brought back killflash
^ Unified hand animation scheme for M4's
^ US Army units now use M4's with Matech BUIS
^ Increased COM of MRZR & increased antirollbar - it should allow more natural weight shifting with same
^ Added new icons for M249 magazines
^ Tweaked engine startup delay - engine startup delay should be shorter when engine was turned off second ago. Should improve AI behavior which tends to constantly switch on & off gas turbines
^ Added new virtual garage icons for USAF static weapons
^ Tweaked M2 Bradley gun armor (no longer destroyable with small arms fire)
^ Added separate light hitpoints to bradley, stored in Hitpoints class
^ Animation to hide Rhino on RG33L Plus and Caiman Plus up-armoured MRAPs
^ Adjusted scale of M153 CROWS. Now has a correct height of 0.762 meters
^ Replaced TD Grip with KAC grip on the M27 IAR that has a permanent grip
^ M240 bipod legs position when folded
^ Added retexture selections to M249/Minimi
^ SR-25EC (Enhanced Carbine) now utilises 7.62mm muzzle-mounted suppressor attachments, instead of the Mk.11 type of collar-locking slide-on suppressor. (Joint Muzzles compatible)
^ Tweaked M113 land contact memory points snapping in Eden editor
^ Tweaked spall, HEAT & thermobaric ammo configs
^ Tweaked M240 fire geometry
^ Improved M240 hidden selections since magazines are moved to separate proxies
^ Regenerated 5.56mm STANAG magazine icons
^ Tweaked PiP scopes aspect ratio - it's now adjusted for 16:9 screens - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4788
^ Added simple geometries to ACOG scopes
^ Added proper buoyancy & firegeometry to M4 Block II & Mk18
^ Resized and added LODs to original
^ Added new inventory icons for weapon accessories
^ RHS Vehicle icons in Virtual Garage should be visible on Steam branch release
^ Added separate name for development branch version
^ Re-equipped some MARSOC units with S&S Plateframe vests
^ Updated MARSOC Mk17 DMR's optic, to include an offset MRDS
^ Switched SWCC crews to AOR2 uniforms
^ Adjusted M2010 muzzle attachment so it can support Join Rails
^ Tweaked characters hands in shadow LOD
^ Removed heads from characters Shadow LOD
^ Halved the size of SU-230/PVS (SpecterDR) red dot in main telescope.
^ Adjusted SIDE proxy position on SMAW and M72
^ Adjusted proxy positioning setup of MAAWS and its optic to be more conventional
^ 40mm smoke grenades have now impact fuze & correct smoke time (~17-30 seconds) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4896
^ Added new VG icons to HEMTTs
^ Improved blank ammo with submunition tech so it works correctly in MP - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4916
^ Added special high deflective material to armored vehicles barrels
^ Readded proxies to characters shadow LOD
^ Some more improvements to characters fire geometry
^ Added offset to FCS animation sources to fight imprecision of animateSource when vehicle is not local
^ Added visual optics destruction to many vehicles
^ M1 Tank: Converted zoom values to macros, Removed hs materials references from config, Tweaked turret & gun hitpoint values
^ Added RHSUSF loadorder
^ Improved addons loadorder
^ Added support for spent casing ejection to bolt action system (WIP)
^ Randomisation of grip folding on rifle-mounted M320 UGLs
^ Added sensorPosition param to some of the static weapons
^ Moved 100rnd 5.56mm C-Mags to BIS CfgMagazineWells class STANAG_556x45_Large. Will now load in M4/M16 type rifles but not M249 and BIS weapons where such magazines should not fit. (Arma 3 V1.92)
^ Added engine destruction effect
^ Added MFD based CROWS monitor
^ Added data link sensor to Stryker in order to simulate Blue Force Tracker
^ Added test BFT MFD panel to Stryker
^ Added data link reporting of own position to vehicles with blue force tracker
^ Added new 5.56x45mm cartridge
^ Improved ammo event handler inheritance
^ Cleared out BI magazine classnames from CfgMagazineWells where they are are now defined in vanilla Arma 3
^ Many USAF weapons will now accept magazines compatible with CBA JAM
^ Configured M14 EBR-RI for proxy magazines and manazineWell[]
^ Adjusted M14 EBR-RI handAnim and nudged laser/light proxy forward a little
^ Underbarrel proxy slot for M240 (part of proof-of-concept testing, but might find uses in future)
^ Updated USAF load order in order to fix compatibility with new, devbranch radio protocols
^ Converted M590 buckshot to shotSubmunitions to be more in line with new vanilla shotguns. Air friction is now working with pellets so beware that ballistics are quite different to what it used to be
^ Tweaked 12GA models
^ Mk.19 40mm mag displaynameshort
^ Disabled handheld compass in AH-64 & AH-1Z cockpit
^ M203, M320 & M32 are using sound set firing sounds
^ Added Wound textures and rvmats for ABU
^ Added Wound textures and rvmats for BDU
^ Added countermeasure dispensers to CH-47F model (hides when countermeasures are removed via Dynamic Loadouts/Pylons settings)
^ Configured all USAF aircraft to carry realistic amounts of of flares+chaff, which can be managed via Dynamic Loadouts/Pylon Settings (e.g. can load only flares for maximal amount of CM releases, but will be ineffective against radar-based threats)
^ Added TI textures for plenty of US vehicles & fixed some TI textures which were using placeholder abrams hull texture. Note that those vehicles are still missing engine heat textures
^ Tweaked M1117 wheels TI texture
^ Added separate rvmat for USAF vehicles spare wheels
^ Added wheel TI texture to M1238A1
^ Unified M1A1FEP & HC hitpoints + fixed engine smoke - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5162
^ Improved Stryker TI textures
^ Added new fire geometry to Cougars - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4991
^ Tweaked Cougars glass
^ Tweaked Cougar suspension animation
^ Added placeholder TI Textures to Cougar
^ Tweaked M113 wheels TI
^ Tweaked interior light toggle function
^ Added working fire geometry for MCTAGS turret
^ Added interior light to Stryker
^ Added basic 2nd res LOD to Stryker
^ Added HEMTT TI textures
^ Removed redundant/different displayname definitions from desert HEMTT classes
^ TI textures for ACU
^ Added decal RVMAT to M1232 & M1237
^ Added decal RVMAT to HMMWVs
^ Adjusted static weapons TI textures
^ TI texture for G3 uniform
^ FROG uniform TI texture
^ Infantry/SOF helmet TI textures
^ Tweaked F22 decals material
^ Added procedural TI textures to Stinger pod
^ TI textures for crew helmets (ACVC, HGU-56)
^ Added damage & destruction materials to M252 mortar
^ Tweaked TI materials of various weapon accessories
^ Added second uvset to M8541 for scope selection
FIXED IN 0.4.9
@ Fixed M113 gunner was using wrong LOD when in optic mode
@ Fixed M113 gunner view offset in non optic mode
@ Fixed M113 weapons were using wrong memory point for guns
@ [UH-60]Fixed missing "main rotor hide" selection in one res LOD, causing duplicated rotors at some distances.
@ Fixed tooltip text for C-Mag
@ Fixed missing launchers in Zeus crate menu
@ Fixed some AH-64 rpt errors about missing MFD icons
@ Some woodland Abrams were using desert decals
@ [UH-1Y]Fixed locked camera bug for gunners(UsePiP = 1)
@ Fixed M113 tracks explosion shielding
@ Added missing UH-1Y gunner anims /facepalm
@ M240B had an extra cocking handle in the View Pilot LOD
@ Fixed TOW AI engagment ranges
@ Reduced M113 resistance against IEDs
@ MELBs had unrealistic ability to detect passive sensor locks (visual, IR etc.) Now only RWR and MAWS
@ Added static weapons bags to cfgPatches so they can be used in Zeus
@ Updated M109 loadout selection after magazine renaming
@ Fixed M113 hatch stayed open
@ USMC grenadiers had wrong M4 (added carryhandle M4 w/ M203)
@ Fixed gripod freeze - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4712
@ CH-53E ramp shadow LOD was welded to the fuselage creating some distortion when the ramp moved
@ Fixed small FAST helmet glitches with cover selection
@ Adds LODs to M1239 SOCOM AUVs
@ Fixed AO on M1239 Main CO
@ Adds Comms install to M1239 AUV
@ Adds comms suite to Cougar MRAP
@ USMC side winders were using wrong ammo
@ Fixed camo darkness on Cougar MRAP
@ Adds comm suite install to Caiman MRAP and RG-33L MRAP.
@ Fixes glass position on M1239 SOCOM AUV MRAP interior
@ Adds units to SOCOM AUV config file
@ Fixed UH-1Y was able to detect IR locks
@ Fixed USMC M32 grenadiers were using wrong weapons (with additional scope which they couldn't use, since it's integrated - it caused rpt spam)
@ Fixed open geometry in shadow LOD of TA31RCO-RMR PIP variant
@ Adds more undercarriage geometry to M1232 / M1237 MRAPs for far LODs
@ Adds OGPK Additional customisation options: Overhead protection and turret bustle to M1232 / M1237 MRAP
@ SOCOM AUV Thermal
@ Adds configurable turret accessories for Caiman MRAP with O-GPK turret
@ Adds O-GPK accessories to FMTVs
@ Fixes a bunch of little FMTV issues: CP Box cargo strap clipping, removes extra animations from versions that don't have them
@ Added autocenter & buoyancy named properties to C130J - please pay attention to missions already created since it might break plane position
@ M1 tanks were not engaging other tanks when AFRF was not used
@ Removed radio cables from pilot LOD of some IOTV vest since they were clipping badly in 1st person view
@ Fixed IOTV (repair) vest didn't match 1st res lod & pilot LOD
@ Fixed Mk.19 sounds in AI fire modes
@ Fixed zeroing of Glock 17, M9 Beretta & M1911A1
@ Fixed missing penetration material for Glock 17
@ Removed Abrams TI textures in HIMARS rvmat - temporary fix till proper TI textures are there
@ Fixed camo selections on Black PMAGs and CMAGs - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4828
@ Flag position on Caiman MRAPs changed position in different LODs
@ Some ACOG sights had a high section count in lower LODs
@ Fixed M1238A1 turn out option for drivers - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4844
@ Regenerated components on M1239 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4823
@ Fixed M1A2SEPv1 CITV firegeometry materials - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4847
@ Fixed some error messags if unit has only single magazine and gripod is attached
@ Fixed missing uvset error on MBAV & Plateframe vests (tex1 in rvmat)
@ Fixed some unnecessary tex1 reference in rvmat which were causing .rpt spam in Diag.exe
@ Fixed some bad interpolation in FFV RG-33 config
@ Fixed some broken inheritance due to fault sound configs overwrites
@ PMAG was very slightly offset to the right of the magazine proxy axis
@ Fixed missing head shadows in view pilot
@ Fixed driver interior sounds + added ability to switch between seats for various USAF vehicles with turn out/in option
@ SMAW & MAAWS were missing dispersion - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4865
@ Fixed initial view angle for M1117 driver - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4861
@ Removed turn out option from M1238A1 Crows - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4867
@ Fixed FROG uniform ghost LOD
@ Scoped out incomplete Smoke and Illum mag classes for MAAWS that were showing in Arsenal but are not made compatible with the launcher
@ Fixed inverted Stryker crew - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4832
@ Added penetration materials, armor & explosion shielding parameter to all RHS explosives
@ Fixed missing fire mode indicator in some of the helicopters if AFM & gauges were turned on
@ Fixed Stryker RWS optics hitpoints
@ Fixed Stryker fuel hitpoint
@ Fixed missing uvset asserts
@ Fixed some minor issues with new character firegeometry
@ Removed ambient shadow under mirrors from Stryker
@ Added some missing cfgPatches entries for USAF troops
@ Fixed inverted normals on 12GA bullets
@ Typo in M249 CfgMagazineWells classname
@ Typo in ABU and BDU displayName
@ M136 and SMAW launchers are no longer accepted under Code Duello (Duel Purpose -> Dual Purpose)
@ Short M590 shotgun was missing magazine proxy
@ A-10A's cockpit shadow become non-closed when assigning different texture/materials the 'camo2' hiddenSelection
@ Fixed ghost LOD on M4 with M320
@ Fixed spare wheels TI on RG33L & SOCOMUAV
@ Fixed RG33 & SOCOMUAV TI textures being super bright in TI when gun was fired
@ Fixed some of the M1232 & M1237 vehicles were missing rvmats on certain selections
@ Fixed HEMTT exhaust particle effects
@ Fixed USAF air weapons TI textures
@ Fixed open shadows in some FMTV models
@ Another fix for HEMTT exhaust particles
@ removed extra space in HEMMT displayname string
@ RPT errors fixes related to M252
@ Fixed vehclass typo in MRZR cfg
Removed .p3d files: m16a4_ris_pmag.p3d, m16a4_ris_carryhandle_pmag.p3d (separate models are obsolete since mag proxy implementation)
Removed unneeded M249 models: m249_pip_S_vfg.p3d, m249_pip_L_vfg.p3d (separate obsolete since converting bipods to attachments)
removed vanilla entries from magazine wells since it's already introduced in base game
Removes old RG-33 MRAP series as legacy vehicles
RHS AFRF v0.4.9
SWS 843425103
ADDED IN 0.4.9
Added T-90AM (obyekt 188AM)
Added T-90SM (obyekt 188SM)
Added T-90SA (obr.2004g.)
Added T-90SA (obr.2016g.)
added folded as val model
Added 3D PSO-1 (ironsight ADS is not working atm) - can be equiped by switching preference to 3D optics in RHS game options
Added TNT charges (75, 200 and 400g.)
Added OZM-72
Gorka-1 uniform
Helmet randomization
Added new uniforms inventory icons
GP-25 is now using magazine proxies
Added 2S1
Added 810 OBrMP symbology to decals
Added Grip system to AS Val & Vintorez
Added new SoundSets based sound configuration for vehicles (WIP)
Added new sounds for Kamaz-5350
Added ability to force scope type in mission with mission namespace variable "rhs_preferedOptic"
Added T-14 Armata ※ Offensive systems (armament and fire-control) and defensive systems (armour and active protection) are still very much a Work In Progress
Initial commit of Katya and Vidda Warlords missions. Feel free to improve!
HIDF vs TLA Warlords
Mil Mi-8T (early Hip variant with Klimov TV2-117 powerplant)
Added additional ammo types to BM-21
Initial push of Livonia Warlords
^ Tweaked BMP/D-2 ATGM usage by AI when target was close
^ Another attempt to improve MSK-40P behavior in MP
^ Added useWorldEnvMap=true; to vehicle glass rvmat
^ Reduced PhysX track width to decrease chance of wheels with other vehicle wheels collision which usually leads to backflips
^ Reduced Mi-24 glass reflectiveness
^ Tweaked PKP textures (WIP)
^ Tweaked folding script - it's now possible to fold AK74MR & Zenitco variants when optic is mounted on RIS rail
^ added _ti textures for T-72B3 (2016)
^ Added 3D variant of 1P29
^ added new optic for rear cam on T-72B3M
^ added log for T-72B3M
^ added icon for T-72B3M
^ changed names of random components on T-72B3M
^ Improved AFRF VG40MD smoke grenade bounciness
^ Improved RGN/RGO so it uses more engine functionality instead of scripts
^ Tweaked engine startup delay - engine startup delay should be shorter when engine was turned off second ago. Should improve AI behavior which tends to constantly switch on & off gas turbines
^ Changed SVD hand anim to grip one
^ Changed radar shadows to soft one by using visualEx sbSource
^ Added Land_ classes for radars so animations should work on map placed objects
^ Added new virtual garage icons for AFRF static weapons
^ Tweaked 1P87 reticle brightness
^ Added basic setup of cat eyes to 2S1
^ Improved 122mm casing for ejection
^ Improved "Cat Eyes" - now using fade out texture instead of sharp edged one
^ Decal scripts can take arrays of label places
^ Tweaked Ural explosion vulnerability
^ GP-25 is now using soundset tech for firing sounds
^ Tweaked D-30 shell ejection script
^ Tweaked D-30 AI sensor pos so AT variant can now fire behind sandbags
^ Tweaked AI aiming & sensor positions for Kornet & SPG-9
^ Disabled damageHide on Mi8 since it's not used due to Wreck type destruction
^ Cleaned up numberPhysicalWheels - removed it from non helicopter vehicles & added proper value to some of the helicopters
^ Changed tank barrels fire geometry - added new material to them with much higher deflection chance
^ Tweaked spall & HEAT ammo configuration
^ Improved T-72/90 Character Collision Geometries http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4826
^ Adding unique recoil classes to Russian rifles (using values from BI equavilents atm)
^ Tweaked AS Val muzzle smoke
^ RHS Vehicle icons in Virtual Garage should be visible on Steam branch release
^ Added separate name for development branch version
^ Added more apprioriate anim for T90SM gunner
^ Removed heads from characters Shadow LOD
^ Added new accessories icons
^ Tweaked again RPG-7 dispersion
^ Removed some obsolete insurgents from AFRF
^ Added variable to T-72 flag script which allows disable its spawning
^ Made VG-40MD explode on impact (+ removed color variants) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2740
^ Added brakes sounds to Kamaz
^ Tweaked VG-40MD ballistic - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4914
^ Calibrated PSO-1 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4910 (WIP)
^ Tweaked scope proxy on PKP - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4920
^ Changed AK-103 inheritance
^ Readded proxies to characters shadow LOD
^ Some more improvements to characters fire geometry
^ Added offset to FCS animation sources to fight imprecision of animateSource when vehicle is not local
^ Added AFRF loadorder
^ Improved addons loadorder
^ Configured amphibious properties of 2S1
^ Added 2S1 Commander & Loader animations
^ Increased a little bit 2S1 torque on low rpm
^ Added sensorPosition param to some of the static weapons
^ Tweaked RPG-7 proxies size to fit more with vanilla RPG
^ Moved some features of BRM-1K's turret from an external proxy to be part of the model. Vehicle can now be fully retextured with hiddenSelectionsTextures etc.
^ Improved RHS radio protocol compatibility with other mods
^ Tweaked 2S1 water turning radius - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4960
^ Tweaked BMP1/2 buoyancy lod & reduced turning speed - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4959
^ Tweaked once again 2s1 water turning
^ Extra customisation anims for Mi-8/17 helicopters
^ Removed countermeasure dispensers from civilian Mi-8
^ Added 6DOF view to Ka-52 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4987
^ Tweaked Mi-28 MFD parallax values - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4985
^ Added facewear proxy to pilot LOD of AFRF uniforms
^ Added forcedInitialOrientationDir[] (Arma 1.92 feature) to 125mm petals
^ Tweaked BTR-60 body normal.
^ Improved ammo event handler inheritance
^ Many AFRF weapons will now accept magazines compatible with CBA JAM
^ VOG-25P & RPG-7 Type-69 are using triggerAmmo for airburst instead of spawning collider
^ Added optional probability param to turret blow off script
^ Tweaked RWR announcer script
^ Tweaked Ka-52 HUD
^ Improved BTRs amphibious behavior - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4982 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4981 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4984
^ Tweaked Ka-52 main gun indicator http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5002
^ Updated AFRF load order in order to fix compatibility with new, devbranch radio protocols
^ Updated Katya Warlords points
^ Improved lights and cat eyes on T14
^ Enlarged cat eye lights on T-14 so they are slightly more visible
^ Added RWR, LWR & Arabalet radar to Ka-60
^ Re-generated Russian Mi-8 textures after removing some baked-in shadow artefacts from hidden or moving parts
^ Some additional customisation animations for Mi-8/Mi-17 series
^ Unified decals rvmat
^ Reduced flare count on Ka-52 to 128 to make it in line with Mi-28
^ Unified decals rvmat
^ Increased z bias on decals
^ Tweaked Ural & UAZ wheels rvmat
^ Added WIP BM-21 caps
^ Removed hand held compass from mi-28 & Ka-52 cockpit
^ Added basic dynamic loadout configuration for BM-21 using pylons tech
^ Tweaked Ural wheels specular map & rvmat
^ Improved Civilian Mi-8 textures
^ Tweaked Kamaz land contact points
^ Tweaked Ural/Kamaz wheels again
^ Tweaked Ural-4320 sound config
^ Tweaked ZiL-131 suspension
^ Tweaked decals alpha sorting on GAZ-66
^ Added log to BMP-3 shadow
^ Tweaked decals RVMAT on BMP-1
^ added TI textures for Kamaz & UAZ wheels + configured spare wheels TI
^ Tweaked BM-21 animations
^ Tweaked BM-21 particle effects
^ Added wheel damage materials for Ural, UAZ, Kamaz, Zil-131 & GAZ-66
^ Standardized wheel damage on trucks
^ Tweaked again BM-21 firing effects
^ Added launcher hitpoint to BM-21
^ Tweaked tracer burn time on PKM rounds (last mag round)
^ Extracted Sprut SD proxies and made commander periscope rotatable
^ Tweaked ZIL-131 wheel textures
^ Optimized Ka-52 UI & MFD scripts - replace setObjectTexture trickery with setUserMFDText solution
^ Reduced number of BM-21 fire particles
^ Added TI texture to Ka-52
^ Tweaked TI materials settings to various AFRF air weapons
^ Tweaked BMP-3 wheels TI
^ Tweaked interior light toggle function
^ Adjusted T90SM/AM TI textures to be more in line with rest of T72 variants
^ Adjusted static weapons TI textures
^ EMR uniform TI texture
^ Adjusted Kamaz & SPG-9 TI textures
^ Infantry helmet TI maps
^ Added TI textures for Tu-95, MiG-29 & T-50
^ Tweaked missiles TI materials
^ Added TI textures to Pchela-1T
^ Added TI textures to NSVT, ZU-23 & Kornet
^ Added TI textures for PKP & PKM
^ Warlords mission tweaks
^ Tweaked Igla TI texture
^ Zsh-7A aircrew helmet TI texture
^ Added TI textures for AK103/4/5 & AKM
^ Adjusted procedural TI textures on zenitco accessories
^ Tweaked TI materials of various weapon accessories
^ Added TI textures to AK accessories, SVD, T5000, AS Val, VSS, AKS74U, PP2000 & made some tweaks to other ones
^ Turned off A2 Russian radio protocol in favor of A3 one
^ Added some initial T-14 armor configuration (ERA)
^ Rear cargo doors can now be removed from Mi-8AMT and Mi-8T through Vehicle Customisation
^ Added TI textures to radars and pistols
^ Added new T-72 & T-80 sounds in SoundSet tech
FIXED IN 0.4.9
@ Fixed Mi-24 hand aircraft throttle indicator by accident
@ Fixed BRM-1K gunner optic view
@ Fixed Zu-23-2 gunner death anim
@ Fixed tooltip string for 7.62x39 drum mag
@ Fixed T-72/90 tracks movement when one of the side was destroyed
@ Fixed BTR-70 periscope selection
@ 2S3 was missing buoyancy property in geometry LOD
@ 6b71m + Balaclava helmet variants had two conflicting camo1 hiddenselections in lower LODs (named camo1 and Camo1)
@ Fixed 2A41 weapon selection
@ Fixed Russian radio protocol missing .wss rpt error
@ T-50 with external pylons was missing in Zeus
@ Moved BM-21 to artillery subcategory
@ Added static weapons bags to cfgPatches so they can be used in Zeus
@ Alpha sorted cargo LOD of T-72 obr 2016
@ Fixed BM9 selection on T tanks when player starts as a gunner
@ Fixed gripod freeze - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4712
@ Corrected Mi-17/8 auto-hover center.
@ Fixed some of the pistols were missing safemode
@ Fixed radars destruction
@ Fixed Tochka-U starts with engine on when camo is selected
@ Igla launchers did not have penetration materials (produced dirt pfx when shot at)
@ Fixed RGO grenade was using wrong ammo
@ Adjusted PhysX setup for 2S1, temporary fix to make it somewhat useable
@ Fixed Russian radars were not moving when controlled by AI
@ GAZ-66 R142 had land contact memory points in wrong place
@ Fixed AGS-30 sounds in AI fire modes
@ Fixed BMP-3 driver animation
@ Fixed zeroing for 6P9 & 6P53
@ Fixed missing penetration materials for 6P9 & 6P53
@ Fixed missing rvmats on tank barrels
@ Fixed some Russian radio protocol .rpt errors
@ Fixed some error messags if unit has only single magazine and gripod is attached
@ Fixed updating base class errors due to sound config overwrites
@ Fixed missing heads shadows in view pilot
@ Fixed Tigr-M driver interior sounds + ability to switch between seats
@ Fixed PRP-3 radar action - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4860
@ Fixed GP-25 recoil (was defined in mode, not in muzzle and that caused pop up error) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4879
@ Fixed one needle in Kamaz interior had some zfighting issues
@ Added missing 6P9 suppressor icon - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4873
@ Fixed MiG-29 was missing attenuation effect - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4890
@ Added penetration materials, armor & explosion shielding parameter to all RHS explosives - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4877
@ Fixed D-30 folding in virtual garage - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4883
@ Readded old Mi-24 interior sounds till new ones are ready - fix for http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4853
@ Fixed characters hands being screwd in last res LOD - added shadowlod param
@ Fixed people tag on Kamaz was assigned to multiple bones - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4825
@ Small zfighting issues fixes in Kamaz cabin
@ Fixed missing 1P29 2D option - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4875
@ Fixed some small zfighting issues in Gaz-66 cabin
@ Fixed SVD silenced sounds - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4888
@ 1P29 was using wrong memory point in 3d mode
@ Fixed open shadow in 2nd shadow LOD of PSO-1M21
@ Fixed some issues with 3D PSO scope model - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4910 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4912
@ Removed some old sound definitions - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4927
@ Fixed some issues with new character fire geometries
@ Fixed zeroing sync for 3D variant of PSO-1M2-1 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4935
@ Added missing DTK-1P icon - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4938
@ BMD-4 FCS animation speed was not updated (it was to slow) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4946
@ Fixed some missing uv sets rpt errors in diag exe
@ Repaired non-closed geometry in shadow LOD of Type69 rocket grenade
@ Some parts of BMP-1 and BMP-1K FireGeometry LOD were sharing Component## selection names, so did not function correctly. Regenerated components to fix.
@ Fixed tank commander override was working even when gun or turret was destroyed - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4958
@ Fixed PGO-7 illumination script - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4973
@ Fixed BMD-1 maljutka removal Virtual Garage action + optimized some of the components by using useSource = 1 property - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5045
@ Fixed Gorka-R broken geometry
@ Fixed UAZ driver animation due to inheritance to BIS offroad & it's recent fix for seat switching - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5056
@ Forgot to commit improved BTR-60 geo buoyancy - fix for http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5063
@ Fixed T72/T90 gun mantle weighting - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5117
@ extra commas
@ Fixed various cars/trucks missing engine on/off sounds
@ Fixed floating part of mesh on BM-21
@ Fixed salvo settings for BM-21
@ Fixed Kamaz glass TI
@ Fixed T80UE-1 searchlight http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5151
@ Fixed cockpit glass alpha sorting on MiG-29 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5169
@ Fixed Ka-52 snapping in tracking mode
@ Fixed 2S3 turret TI texture
@ Fixed Tigr-STS & M thermal textures
@ Fixed some of the GAZ-66 Kungs parts were missing rvmats
@ Folded AK-103 with Zenitco rail, had magazine proxy in the wrong position
@ Fixed missing ZiL-131 map icon
@ HUD Off user action was appearing in unarmed "Mi-8MT (Cargo)" instead of armed "Mi-8MTV-3 (Cargo)"
@ Opening cargo doors on Mi-8s was not blocking units from sitting in the correct seats on some variants
Removed vanilla entries from magazine wells since it's already introduced in base game
RHS GREF v0.4.9
SWS 843593391
ADDED IN 0.4.9
[UH-1H]Added Tan, Olive and White textureSets
Added new inventory icons for GREF uniforms
Added CDF 2S1
M1941 Jeep Cap
M43 Field Caps
M40 Stahlhelms
M42 Stahlhelms and covered variants
S-Mine 35
S-Mine 44
Glasmine 43
A200 mine
Stockmine 43
Tellermine 43
M2A3 bounding mine
M3 mine
Mk.II mine
M7A2 mine
2.5lb Tetrytol charge
Model 1939 hand grenades
Nb.Hgr.39 smoke grenades
Model 1924 hand grenades
Model 1943 hand grenades
Throwable Sprengbuechse (3kg)
Mk.I illumination grenade
Mk.II hand grenade
Mk.IIIA1 concussion grenade
Early AN/M8 smoke grenade
M15 White Phosphorous grenade
Throwable 1lb TNT charge
Added new RKG-3EM grenade script
Flecktarn version of Gorka 1 uniform
BTR-60 in TLA livery
Texture sets for TLA BTR-60PB
Added L1A1 rifle (heavy WIP)
Added IZh-18 reload animation (WIP, missing prone stance)
Added reload animation for M3A1 Grease Gun (WIP, prone variant missing)
^ [UH-1H]Increased maxFordingDepth
^Configured Mosin SBR and covered SDN-6 suppressor with Joint Muzzles
^ Added ECM to Mi-24G & added laser warning receiver to it
^ MG42 shell ejection particle effects
^ M93 uniform TI texture
^ Added new icons for WW2 helmets & caps
^ RHS Vehicle icons in Virtual Garage should be visible on Steam branch release ^ Added separate name for development branch version
^ Added Eden attribute to hide CHDKZ flag on T-72 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4854
^ Readded proxies to characters shadow LOD
^ Some more improvements to characters fire geometry
^ Added RHSGREF loadorder
^ Improved addons loadorder
^ IZh-18 is now using shotgun sounds
^ Added deleteIfEmpty = 0 to IZh-18 magazines
^ Gave VHS-2 and its OEM magazines true-to-life compatibility with G36, using common `magazineWells[]' framework. (class CBA_556x45_G36)
^ Tweaked BRDM-2 buoyancy & increased turning rate in water - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4963
^ Tweaked again BRDM-2 turn ratio
^ Added facewear proxy in pilot LOD of GREF uniforms
^ Update Textures and set default texture for BTR-60
^ Added CBA magwells to GREF weapons
^ Improved flecktarn texture for PASGT-type helmet cover
^ Added L1A1 reload animations
^ Added wooden furniture to L1A1
^ Finger is out of trigger when reloading
^ Added resolution LODs to M1 Garand
^ Camo retexture selection for M1951 cap
^ Added M1 Garand reload animations
^ Added silenced sound to L1A1
^ Added magazine proxies for M79
^ Added new reload animation for M79 (WIP)
^ Added some polygons to hide backfaces seen through the opening in the rear of Multicam SDN6 suppressor
^ Added CDF, UN & CHDKZ skins for ZiL-131 (kudos to Tema!)
^ Anim exporter test on M79 (without rotation)
^ Improved M1 Garand reload animation
^ tweaked M79 reload anim
^ Tweaked L1A1 reload animation with model.cfg exporter
^ Tweaked M1 Garand & M79 reload animations
^ Another iteration on L1A1 reload animations
^ Added short ammo description to IZh-18 12GA mags
^ Added resolution LODs to L1A1
^ Added some placeholder M3A1 reload sounds
^ Tweaked M3A1 hand animation
^ Tweaked M3A1 reload animations
^ Merged M3A1 & M3A1 specops to single folder
^ Added inventory icon for specops variant of M3A1
^ Added resolution LODs to MP44
^ Added new hand animation to MP44
^ Added new reload sounds for M3A1
^ Added test MP-44 reload animations
^ Improved MP44 reload animations
^ Added placeholder reload sound to MP44
^ Added reload sounds for L1A1 & M79
^ Improved L1A1 & M79 reload animations
^ Added spent clip ejection from M1 Garand
^ Added M1 Garand reload sound
^ Added sound sets to GREF UGLs
^ Adjusted M1 garand magazine reload switch phase
^ Incorporating improved CDF and ChDKZ Mi-8 textures
^ Tweaked decals RVMAT on GREF vehicles
^ Tweaked Canoe anims & config
^ Configured appropriate GREF aircraft with Dynamic Loadouts/Pylon-based countermeasures
^ Moved origin point of flare/chaff dispensed from L159, to a more realistic location
^ Tweaked available stores for some L39/L159 Pylons
^ Optimized canoe paddle script
^ Added TI texture for BRDM-2 new wheels
^ CDF paratrooper uniform TI map
^ Helmet TI textures
^ Tweaked Superhind TI textures
FIXED IN 0.4.9
@ [UH-1H]Fixed RPM indicator position
@ Fixed missing Panzerfaust in Zeus crate menu
@ Fixed CHDKZ sniper was using wrong scope
@ Added missing Cesna entry in units[] cfgPatches array - plane was missing in Zeus
@ Fixed driver sounds of armed BRDM-2UM
@ HIDF UH-1H door guns now have correct ammo
@ Nationalist Militia Ural ZU-23 gunner was using non-existent infantry class
@ Fixed grenades were available for M70B1 when only GREF was loaded. Removed them since muzzle grenade feature is not present
@ Adjusted UH-1H wreck placement
@ Fixed Mi-24G eden attribute for setting custom side number
@ corrected a few vehicles using wrong number decal types
@ Selection for tube extension on RPG-75 used model was wrong
@ Fixed AN-2 set side number Eden attribute
@ Fixed missing heads shadows in View Pilot LOD
@ Added penetration materials, armor & explosion shielding parameter to all RHS explosives - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4876 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4878
@ Fixed characters hands being screwd in last res LOD - added shadowlod param
@ Fixed missing default magazine property for some of the satchels - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4904
@ Fixed some minor issues with new character firegeometry
@ Kar98 handAnim had gone AWOL
@ Fixed BRDM-2UM (Armed) searchlight glitch in 1st LOD
@ BRDM-2UM TPKU-2B is hidden in armed variant in interior LOD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5001@ Fixed ZiL-131 crew - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5049
@ L1A1 was missing case ejection
@ Fixed icon overlay on L1A1
@ Fixed CDF MiG29 textures in multiplayer - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5090
@ Fixed missing CDF ZiL-131 texture - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5103
@ Some Mi-24G variants available to Zeus, were equipped with the wrong type of ATGM
@ Camo fuel pod magazine for L39/L159 had an incorrect model path
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 12.08.2019 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 26.08.2019.
Arma 3:
ACRE2 v2.7.1
Link https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/releases
[New] Rewrite of Volume Control.
[New] Default Radio Volume setting.
[New] Customization of Transmit Notifications.
[New] Spatial (ear) selection display when transmitting.
[Update] Move Livonia (Enoch) compatibility to main mod folder.
[Update] Set Terrain Loss Coefficient default back to 1.0 (there are other models now to tweak the radio range).
[Remove] Unused or default config entries for Racks and Intercoms.
[Improvement] Display frequency on single channel radios (AN/PRC-77) in ACE interaction menu.
[Improvement] Start speaking on push-to-talk in Zeus (without separate push-to-talk button).
[Improvement] Use tags for TeamSpeak metadata.
[Improvement] Allow some (CBA) notifications to be skipped.
[Improvement] Hide intercom infantry phone icon if there are no usable actions.
[Improvement] Use ACE3 getInteractionDistance for infantry phone interaction (support for large vehicles).
[Improvement] Update load order for Contact (Enoch) update.
[Improvement] Make C++ Vector a template class.
[Improvement] Use inline instead of MSCV __inline.
[Improvement] Disconnect aircraft racked radios from intercom.
[Improvement] Use new public API for CBA Settings (CBA_fnc_addSetting).
[Improvement] Disable MSCV unused "safe" function warnings.
[Improvement] Support reserved keys in radio and intercom dialogs.
[Improvement] Description of switch intercom keybinds.
[Improvement] Make ITWOM and ITM models thread safe.
[Improvement] Separated GSA connect and disconnect events into functions.
[Improvement] Convert C++ variables to basic types.
[Improvement] Streamline "Open Intercom GUI" key name.
[Improvement] Near radios now exclude rack objects (includes only regular radios).
[Optimisation] Continued general cleanup - Core, Signal, RPC and Mode components.
[Fix] Vehicle Info UI after Contact (Enoch) update.
[Fix] ITM radio model shadowed static variable.
[Fix] SEM 52SL hearable transmissions.
[Fix] SEM 70 hearable transmissions.
[Fix] AN/PRC-77 typo in variable name.
[Fix] Zeus position variable.
[Fix] Zeus near radios script error.
[Fix] Zeus unable to hear players on ships.
[Fix] Racks not being properly added to intercom in multiplayer.
[Fix] Units not updating in intercom (multiple intercom vehicle behaviour).
[Fix] Intercom and Rack persistence for JIP players.
[Fix] Bent antenna icon when prone or crouch in automatic antenna alignment mode.
[Fix] Intercom Work Knob not resetting transmission mode on disable.
[Fix] Adjust description when plug-in failed to be copied in order to match text button.
[Fix] Intercom and rack configuration warnings.
[Fix] Badly formatted Spanish translation.
[Fix] Duplicate PTT 3 keybind string.
[Fix] Config warning for rack short name length (4 -> 5).
GRAD Trenches v1.5.8
- added Anizay, Cham and Vinjesvingenc
- added Support for Livonia
- increased action range on trenches
- fixed Isla Duala (thanks @jones140)
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 26.08.2019 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 31.10.2019.
Arma 3:
CBA3 v3.12.2.190909
Link https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA…leases/tag/v3.12.2.190909
ADDED: Czech translations (#1203) Loupeznik
ADDED: Unit config entry for facewear randomization (#1201) jonpas
CHANGED: VERSION and VERSION_CONFIG macros (#1206, #1207, #1221, #1222) jonpas s-trooper
CHANGED: Cleanup configs in Music component (#1192) R3voA3
CHANGED: Default state machine target state set to transition classname (#1213) PiZZAD0X
FIXED: Crash when hosting with Very Large UI (#1180, #1218, #1224) CDouggy siredgarhussein commy2
FIXED: Potential crash when using CBA_fnc_execNextFrame (#1208, #1209) Madin5 PabstMirror
FIXED: Potential script error when returning assignments from KeyDown events (#1214) commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_getItemConfig reports null-config for backpacks (#1223) commy2
Redd'n'Tank Vehicles v1.11.157
SWS 1128145626
- Addes static GMW and static GMW - AI
- Changed function for large camo nets, the function will no longer set the fuel of the vehicle to 0
- Changed rnt_ace_compatibility.pbo moved to addons folder, if you dont play with ACE, just delete it
- Updated japanese translation
CUP Terrains Core v1.13.0
SWS 583496184
* cup_terrains_ca_language,ca_language_acr,ca_language_baf,ca_language_e,worlds - Added of the Japanese translation
* cup_terrains_ca_plants2 - Added view density material to view LOD of base A2 foliage.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings,ca_data,ca_misc_e,ca_structures_e,ca_structures_e_c - Fixed various tent objects being impenetrable.
* cup_terrains_ca_misc_e,ca_misc3 - Fixed camo netting on Fort Watchtowers being bulletproof.
* cup_terrains_ca_roads_e - Reversed end texture direction of asf1_tak_end_ca.paa. Closes T3461.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures_e - Adjusted geolod to allow walking through back door on Takistan House_K_6_EP1.p3d Closes T3480
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings,ca_data,ca_misc_e,ca_structures_e,ca_structures_e_c - Overhaul of penetration model for middle eastern wall objects.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Overhaul of penetration model for on base A2 walls.
* cup_terrains_ca_plants_e - Increased View LOD on A2 Takistan trees and bushes by an average of 20%-30%
* cup_terrains_ca_plants_e2 - Increased View LOD on A2 Summer trees and bushes by an average of 20%-30%.
* cup_terrains_ca_plants2 - Increased view LOD's of base A2 bushes and trees by an average of 20%-30%.
* cup_terrains_ca_roads,ca_roads2 - Changed destructible bridges to now be indestructible.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Set ponds to use vanilla materials.
* cup_terrains_dbe1_models_dbe1 - Widened geolod geomety on the balconies,and on the doorways for TV Station.
* cup_terrains_worlds - Update dust configs with Livonia Surfaces. Closes T3430
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings - Removed incorrectly setup occluder from garaz.p3d. Closes T2910
* cup_terrains_ca_roads,ca_roads2 - Removed destruction animation from bridges. Closes T2530
CUP Terrains - Maps v1.13.0
SWS 583544987
* cup_terrains_maps_bohemia - Fixed floating trees on Bystrika. Closes T1464
* cup_terrains_maps_chernarus_winter - Corrected AIPathOffset values in Chernarus Winter roadsLib.cfg. Closes T3396.
* cup_terrains_maps_chernarus_winter_c - Corrected missing grid offset in Chernarus Winter config. Closes T3316.
* cup_terrains_maps_desert - Fixed layer generation on Rahmadi (Missing Clutter). Closes T3123.
* cup_terrains_maps_desert2 - Fixed layer generation on Porto (Missing Clutter). Closes T3451.
* cup_terrains_maps_sara,maps_sara_c,maps_sara_dbe1 - Corrected road distortion on Sahrani and United Sahrani. Closes T3462.
* cup_terrains_maps_zargabad - Fixed road distortions on Zargabad. Closes T3101.
3CB Factions v2.0
SWS 1673456286
Added ACE Rearm compatibility to all Reammo vehicles
Added Faction: Chernarus Police Department
Added Faction: Cold War (Early) Soviet Forces
Added Faction: Cold War (Late) Soviet Forces
Added Faction: Cold War (Early) US Forces
Added Faction: Cold War (Late) US Forces
Added Finnish Defence Force textures to T-55 and MT-LB
Added Increased equipment options in Virtual Arsenal
Added M14
Added M151 ‘Mutt’ Jeep to Cold War US and RHS Horizon Island Defence Force
Added M16a1, M16a1 Bipod, M16 Commando Carbine
Added M60 MG
Added M939 truck variants to Cold War US and RHS Horizon Island Defence Force
Added Mig 29 to Opfor Takistan Army
Added Missing Helmet + Googles UI image to Afghan Border Police
Added MTVR truck variants to RHS US Army and Horizon Island Defence Force
Added Nomex Coveralls
Added Option to disable vehicle texture randomization at mission start, allowing mission makers to select specific textures for vehicles
Added Siren option to all Police Ground Vehicles
Added Two extra civilian skins to Datsun
Added UN Humvees
Adjusted armour values on MaxxPro engine
Changed Some Ghillie Suit grass colours
Fixed Armour values of Opfor Takistan Militia uniform
Fixed damage hide issue on Lada trunk
Fixed Hilux PKM / GMG gunner proxy in Fire Geometry
Fixed Incorrect direction of DSHKM cartridge ejection on T-72 series
Fixed Incorrect inheritance for Takistan Army Headgear
Fixed Lee Enfield, RPK, and M16 weights
Fixed SCUD inheritance bug breaking RHS Scarab launch
Fixed T-55 wreck using Takistan Army skin
Fixed TKM Blufor not working in ALIVE Orbat
Fixed trailing, in Indfor Chernarus Civilian Militia (CCM)
Replaced Arma 2 port of BRDM-2 with RHS Version
Removed BI weapons / magazines from MaxxPro inventory
Removed Empty visual LOD from T-series tank
Deutschland Repo only:
Ruha v1.2
SWS 1368857262
New vegetation
New less saturated satmap
Some smooting
Bug fixing
Added some invisible paths to ai
New lighting
New water config
New clutter
New textures
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 31.10.2019 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 08.12.2019.
Arma 3:
ArmaZeusCache v1.3
SWS 1908099028
CBA_A3 v3.13.0.191116
Link https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA…leases/tag/v3.13.0.191116
- ADDED: Some Turkish translations (#1239) 654wak654
- ADDED: Some Japanese translations (#1249) classicarma
- ADDED: Some German translations (#1252) commy2
- ADDED: Joint Rails support for MP7, UCP, SVD and PK (#1226, #1227) 10Dozen Blutze
- ADDED: Joint Ammo & Magazines support for UZI and AS50 (#1233) Drofseh
- ADDED: XEH support for WeaponHolder and WeaponHolderSimulated (#1228) commy2
- ADDED: CBA_fnc_turretEvent script function (#1237) neilzar
- ADDED: CBA_fnc_selectBest script function (#1244) PabstMirror
- CHANGED: Localized diary topics (#1159, #1247) ColdEvul commy2
- CHANGED: Improved settings UI slider style (#1231) mharis001
- CHANGED: AI modules re-enable AI pathing (#1243, #1251) zanven42 commy2
- OPTIMIZED: Removed excessive concatenation operators from macros library (#1225) jonpas
- OPTIMIZED: Replaced all uses of count with forEach (#1242) PabstMirror
- FIXED: includeDisabled flag in CBA_fnc_supportMonitor (#1229) commy2
- FIXED: Scripted optics in 21:9 resolutions (#1245) JonBons
- FIXED: Script error when using Russian localization (#1246, #1250) YetheSamartaka commy2
- FIXED: CBA_fnc_removeGlobalEventJIP event removal on dedicated clients (#1253) mharis001
- FIXED: Scripted optics handling of Zeus camera (#1254) mharis001
ACRE 2 v2.7.2.1022
Link https://github.com/IDI-Systems…/releases/tag/v2.7.2.1022
[New] Volume Control Color Scale setting.
[New] Remote Started/Stopped Speaking CBA Events
[New] Updated German, Japanese and Russian localizations. The status of translations can be seen here - Further help is always welcome!
[Update] API function getRadioVolume now returns a value that can be directly used by setRadioVolume.
[Optimisation] Minor Intercom cleanup.
[Documentation] Improvements on Intercom UI documentation.
[Fix] Script error in updateIntercomUse.
[Fix] Access to racks when there are no radios in the inventory.
[Fix] uniqueItems script error in scheduled.
[Fix] Zeus direct voice not coming from the right angles.
[Fix] Zeus occlusion.
[Fix] Radios in Arsenal listed twice.
[Fix] Prevent intercom from automatically connecting if no access is possible.
[Fix] Do not show intercoms that are not available in the info panel.
[Fix] Show Vehicle Info UI when entering in a position without access to crew intercom.
[Fix] Do not auto-connect intercom in limited positions.
[Fix] Non-blocking Zeus key-bind.
3CB Factions v2.0.2
SWS 1673456286
Added Arma 3 quality muzzles flashes to T-series tanks.
Added Icon flags to all Factions to match BI config
Added M939 Desert and Woodland to RHS US Army Factions
Added IED resistance to MaxxPro MRAP
Added MTVR Desert and Woodland to RHS US Marine Corp Factions
Adjusted CW Infantry load-outs
Adjusted Police Sirens and Lights to be useable by Zeus-controlled Units
Changed M16 hand animations to fix broken left wrist
Fixed Attribute inheritance on S21 and S23 Soviet artillery allowing for ammo selection in Eden
Fixed broken inheritance on T-72BM CommanderOptics turret
Fixed broken Commander turret / dshkm on RHS T-series
Fixed broken rear door animation on S1203
Fixed CW US Factions side = 0 instead of 1 error
Fixed Maxxpro gun feed axis
Fixed M939 RPM dial
Fixed missing FFV seats on UH60M
Fixed missing zasleh3 selectionFireAnim on T-72 series Commander's Dshkm
Fixed Willys and Mutt Jeep Engine hitpoints
Fixed Willys and Mutt Jeep mirrors not showing a reflective surface in external LODs
RHS USAF 0.5.0
ADDED IN 0.5.0
Added SOCOM AUV and SOCOM ASV Ammmo Boxes to all variants as a configurable option
M1240 M-ATV MRAP (M2, Mk. 19, M240, OGPK and CROWS)
Extra Hellfire and DAGR magazines positioned for fixed-wing aircraft (A-29 etc)
M257 Hydra 70mm ILLUM rocket. Flare ignites after ~10 seconds of flight: approx 3km-4km ahead of launch point. Provides up to 120s of illumination.
Added M1245 MATV SOF Version.
^ Added 2 IHADSS helmets to AH64 cargo & removed parachutes from it - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4530
^ Tweaked Stryker BFT
^ Added mirror folding VG attribute to Stryker
^ Lowered M1 Abrams interior engine sounds - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5189
^ Added death animations to Stryker crew
^ Tweaked Stryker airman guards position to reduce clipping with other passengers
^ Optimized interior light toggle function
^ Stryker config clean up
^ Improved FCBC2 symbology on Stryker MFD
^ Added new VG icons for HMMWVs
^ Added working periscopes to Stryker Vehicle Commander
^ Improved Stryker BFT MFD
^ Updated folding script with support for custom folding gestures ("rhs_fold_anim" param)
^ Matched woodland FMTV wheel color to current woodland textures
^ Added geometric occluders to Stryker interior
^ Added folding animations to Mk17
^ Added recoils for folded SCARs
^ Adjusted M2 CROWS zeroing settings to be consistent with LRF + tweaked manual steps on Caiman & RG33 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4977
^ Tweaks to SCAR folding initialization
^ Added additional resolution LOD to ACU
^ Tweaked MATV physx
^ Made aiming cursor availability on mounted M240s, consistent with other MGs
^ M240H now ejects appropriately sized cartridges (see GREF UH-1H)
^ Changed M3 HMG name
^ Re-equipped A-10A with USAF gray LAU-131 rocket pods (legacy green ones are still available, renamed as LAU-68 but retain the extant 'rhs_mag_FFAR_7_USAF' classname)
^ Replaced all 40mm HE with HEDP
^ Switched regular US Army desert units to OEF-CP ACUs
^ Changed displaynames for helicopter rockets referencing "FFAR" to "Hydra" since FFAR is an older generation of rocket
^ rhs_mag_FFAR_7_USAF (Green LAU-68 rocket pods for fixed-wing aircraft) now fires old-style 70mm FFAR rockets, more suited to the classname
^ Tweaked shotgun reload script
^ Tweaked spalling properties
^ Added additional optics components to interior of Bradley
^ Tweaked twin M3 HMG configuration
^ Added workaround for AI not being able to eject from planes with ejecting seats
^ Tweaked LR AA missiles behavior - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5284
^ Added AI friendly laser designators to helicopters
^ Added ability to manually reload M2, M240 & Mk19 on vehicle mounted weapons like M113 or MATVs by pressing reload key ("R")
^ Added custom recoil to M590 shotgun
^ Unified CROWS zoom levels - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5349
^ Converted CROWS screens to MFD tech
^ Updated HUD horizon on A10A & F22A
^ Enabled interior cargo light in Stryker
^ Tweaked AH-64 interior light
^ Tweaked attenuation values on CROWS turrets
^ Added experimental interior shoting sounds to some vehicle mounted weapons
^ Tweaked attenuation settings of static weapons
^ Added LOAL mode to DAGR
^ DAGR was missing cam shake when being fired
^ Tweaked cam shake settings across USAF vehicles
^ Tweaked water resistance settings of UH60M & CH-47 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5359
FIXED IN 0.5.0
@ Fixed C-130J not flying in 3den editor - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5182
@ Fixed CH-47 & CH-53 downwash effect + improved buoyancy
@ Fixed Stryker rear wheels destruction animation
@ Fixed Stryker passenger seats (#1 was not accessible)
@ Fixed some shotgun reload function errors - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5212
@ Fixed some Stryker hatches related issues
@ Fixed Stryker Air Guards had extra reflectors (searchlights)
@ Fixed some errors with folding script if weapon was without magazine - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5037
@ Fixes ammo crates on top of M1239 AUV Mk. 19
@ Fixes window glass on M1238A1.p3d
@ Adds mirror glass to LOD 0/1/2/3/4 of the M1239 AUV
@ Fixed missing hands weighting in 3rd resolution LOD of ACU
@ Fixed TOW missiles being unresponsive if AI is being ordered to fire them by player commander - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5252
@ 20 round M196 tracer mag had incorrect displayname string
@ M240 was missing safe mode switching sound - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5260
@ Fixed some accessories icons - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5265
@ Adds 2x more string entries for MATV names
@ Fixed M781 Practice round was missing in magazine well - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5277
@ Fixed M2A2 components (regenerated then)
@ Fixed MATV OGPK M2 turret loadout - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5293
@ Removed wrong config overwrites in USAF mod - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5298
@ Added olive texture for M-ATV
@ Changed a bit MATV armor - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5301
@ Fixed CH47 RTD ground contact points - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5278
@ Missing door sound error on MRAPs when running USAF standalone
@ Some UH-60 variants could carry more occupants than they should
@ Fixed SMAW missile trail cfg - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5348
@ Pass with CheckAll o2script - fixed otocHlaven/OtocHlaven on MATV
@ Fixed AOR2 texture - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5338
@ Fixed duplicated hitpoints .rpt errors with static weapons
@ Fixed some missing texture error with MATV
RHS AFRF 0.5.0
SWS 843425103
ADDED IN 0.5.0
Izlom field cap and MVD beret (also from tema)
Initial import of OKP7 optics (WIP)
Pontoon bridge section (PMP) and BKM Tug
^ Tweaked TI textures of Ka-52 in last resolution LODs
^ Tweaked PTS M driver view limits - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5194
^ BM-21 turret no longer starts engine
^ Izlom textures (from tema)
^ Tweaked T-14 camera pos http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5228
^ Reduced T-72 & T-80 volume
^ Disabled CDF textures on T-90 tanks - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5216
^ Optimized interior light toggle function
^ Standardized own forces tracking across AFRF vehicles
^ Added AK74M stock folding gesture (AKMS animation will arrive later)
^ Added test folding animation to AK74M
^ 7.62x39 is now using vanilla cartridges introduced with Contact
^ Adjusted T90AM/SM light intensity - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5219
^ Standardized LED lights on T90SM & T-14
^ Added folding animation to remaining AFRF weapons
^ Tweaked folded weapons recoil
^ Added new CDF decals variant (AviaCDFBlack)
^ Added simple geometry buoyancy to AFRF weapons
^ BMD-4 is now using 2000rnd PKT magazine instead of multiple 250rnds
^ Tweaked spalling effects
^ Tweaked PKT & KPVT AI dispersion
^ Tweaked RSHG-2 & TGB-7 explosion effect
^ Added workaround for AI not being able to eject from planes with ejecting seats
^ Tweaked Mi-24 engagement routine against tanks
^ Added some more classes to vehicle sound cfg to prevent loadorder issues in combination with some mods
^ Tweaked LR AA missiles behavior - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5284
^ Added ability to manually reload KPVT, NSVT, PKT, AGS-30 & DShKM by pressing reload key
^ Capped over some visible backfaces underneath Mi-8 benches
^ Added ability to manually reload ZU-23-2 via reload key (R)
^ Tweaked explosion shielding of 2S1 & 2S3 so they can be destroyed with bombs more easily (same as other vehicles)
^ 9M111 & 9M113 are no longer using ballistic flight path - direct path is used instead
^ Added interior firing sounds to some of the vehicles
^ Added magazineWells to some of the tank cannons
^ Tweaked attenuation settings of static weapons
^ Add folding animation to pontoon
^ Add snapping function in Eden to static pontoon, kudos to reyhard
FIXED IN 0.5.0
@ Fixed some missing sounds - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5185
@ Fixed BM-21 reload time
@ Typo preventing 6x32 PPI-26 Flare magazine from working with its flare launcher
@ missing izlom textures... ffs
@ Fixed VMF Recon autorifleman was equipped with wrong weapon - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5197
@ Fixed ghost LOD in BMP3 (Early) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5231
@ Fixed Mi-24 startup sound - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5208
@ Fixed removing of PSO-1 from rifle in 3D mode - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5209
@ Disabled for now GAZ-66 burst sounds - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5188
@ Fixed some errors with folding script if weapon was without magazine - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5037
@ Fixed T-14 side skirt hiding
@ Fixed decals shading on GAZ-66 (Ammo) variant
@ Fixed BMD-4 bad weapon selection .rpt spam - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5272
@ Several AK variants had incorrect/redundant initSpeed parameter definitions
@ Fixed PGO-7V2/3 replication bug - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5209
@ Straps on 6Sh116 back pouch now part of Camo3 selection - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5294
@ Fixed Ural Virtual Garage attributes
@ Fixed muzzle accessory shadow was floating in resolution LODs of AKMS with GP25 due to missing muzzle proxy in res lods
@ Fixed Mi8MT was missing pilot proxy in fire geometry - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5306
@ Fixed T-90 smoke launchers damage selections
@ Fixed script error when deleting null waypoint
@ Minor fixes in translations & strings - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5312
@ Minor fix to submunition variant of ZU-23 ammo. Base ammo was missing airfriction param leading to reduced accuracy of AI in AA mode
@ Fixed duplicated hitpoints .rpt errors with static weapons
RHS GREF 0.5.0
SWS 843593391
ADDED IN 0.5.0
A-29 Super Tucano - big thanks to Jester
^ Added Chicom chestrig variant compatible with AFRF models
^ Tweaked M1 Garand spent clip deletion - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5244
^ Tweaked M88 Chicom variant (& fixed shadows)
^ Added simple buoyancy LOD to L1A1
^ Added workaround for AI not being able to eject from planes with ejecting seats
^ Fixed parallax of sensor detected targets in HUD + reduced amount of damage necessary to trigger warning indicator in EICAS page
^ Removed patch from M43 cap
^ Added deployment gesture to MG-42
^ Reduced A29 aileron & elevator sensitivity - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5318
^ Added blurring of rear iron sights while looking down the sight on M1 Garand - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4962
^ Tweaked duration of M1 Garand spent clip time to live + tweak to sound spawning
FIXED IN 0.5.0
@ Some normal maps on L1A1 were inverted
@ Fixed bad inheritance on new Chicom variant
GRAD Trenches v1.5.9
SWS 1224892496
- added pre view picks
- added Namalsk
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 08.12.2019 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 06.01.2020.
Arma 3:
Entfernt werden aufgrund von Inkompatiblität mit ACE 3.13.0
Adv ACE Medical (@ACE_Adv_Medical)
Diwakos ACE Ragdolling (@Diwakos_ACE_Ragdolling)
ACE3 v3.13.0 Medical Rewrite (RHS Compats ebenfalls updaten!)
Link https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/tag/v3.13.0
Medical Rewrite (#4064)
Crew Served Weapons (#5652)
Implement M47 Dragon (#6773)
Add Wipe glasses self interaction (#7307)
Add Check ammo self interaction setting (#7306)
Add handheld maglite ML300L flashlight, clean up flashlight addon (#7277)
Repair - Add settings to control item requirements for different actions (#7243)
Add goggle overlay support for Contact update Blindfolds (#7157)
Ballistics - Contact DLC rifles added (#7156)
Refuel - Add events for start, stop and progress (#7023)
Advanced Fatigue - Solid stamina bar option (#6911)
Adds Crew Served Static Weapons (#5652)
Support for Linux extensions - internal (#5762, #7171)
Add setting to keep engine of vehicles running after getting out (#6885)
Explosives - Allow setting custom timer limits (#6882)
Fastroping - Add user setting to confirm cutting ropes (#6876)
Aircraft - add setting to hide Eject action from action menu (#6868)
Grenades - Add CTS 7290 9-bang flashbang (#6856)
Hellfire - Add AGM-114L Active Radar Homing Hellfire (#7337)
Cargo - Add array to disable paradrop effects (#7016)
Spectator - Add setting for follow camera max distance (#6989)
Realistic names - Contact DLC rifles added (#7155)
Cookoff - Allow enabling only on player crewed vehicles (#7147)
Rearm - Add distance setting (#7137)
Nametags - Add Nation Ranks (#7094)
Grenades - Add support for N-bangs (#6848
Explosives - Add ace_isEOD 3DEN attribute (#7080)
Maptools - Make GPS display a real 3d object (#7086)
Safemode - add public setWeaponSafety function (#7092)
Ballistics - Add shotgun shell projectile magazine variety (#7119)
Add destroyed boat ejecting (#6330)
RHS CSW compatability (#7082)
ACE Explosives functionality for RHS USAF [compat_rhs_usf3] (#7099)
Artillery rangletables (universal) (#6853)
Japanese Translations (#6980)(#7111)(#7262)(#7316)
Russian Translations (#7005)(#7093)
German Translations (#7050)(#6920)(#7211)
French Translations (#7138)(#7213)(#7321)(#7298)
Czech Translations (#7260)(#7323)(#7319)
Portuguese Translations (#7181)
Spanish Translations (#7235)
Hungarian Translations (#7234)
Polish Translations (#7291)
Tchinese Translations (#7329)(#7340)(#7320)(#7315)(#7309)(#7303)(#7296)(#7293)(#7288)(#7287)(#7286)
No Crosshair - Fix config (#6905)
Explosives - Fix placing underwater (#6898)
Medical - Fix facilities not being detected underwater (#6898)
Medical - Fix HandleDamageWounds memory leak (#6809)
Interaction - Fix Pass Magazine (#6894)
Medical rewrite - Fix pain effects no longer appearing (#6903)
Advanced Throwing - Call muzzle EH and fix RHS inheritance (Compat with RHS 0.4.9) (#6879)
version check handle minor versions below 10 (#6872)
[medical-rewrite] Fix string names (#6490)
Fix and use hemorrhage stringtable descriptions (#6472)
Fix ladder dismount animation bug (#6454)
Fix respawn not resetting variables (#6453)
Fix cardiac arrest timeout (#6451)
Fix required addons in medical restructure (#6441)
[Medical Rewrite] Fixing zeus remote controll unnconsious problem (#5022)
Fixing playsound3d limits (#7024)
Medical Feedback - Fix short blackout on any pain (#7095)
Fix medical typo 'to' -> 'too' (#4824)
Cleanup mk6 and fix nametag strings (#7317)
Fix version comparison (CBA Settings transfer) (#7313)
Medical Treatment - Fix bodyCleanupLoop typo (#7308)
Arsenal - Fix default loadout public func not checking base items (#7280)
Interact Menu - Don't show interactions for virtual units (#7271)
Arsenal - Fix script error for weapons with 3+ muzzles (#7256)
Map - Fix map shake moving to upper left corner (#7252)
Medical - Fix addDamageToUnit (#7247) (#7228)
Reload - Fix undefined variable in reload checkAmmo function (#7223)
Safemode - Fixed keybind conflict (#7189)
Fix ACE Arsenal accuracy stat bar being innacurate (#7163)
Fix undefined variable in View Distance (#7142)
Fix slide order in slideshow (#7135)
Interaction Menu - fix a crash when loading savegames (#7115)
Disable collision while carrying, Fix floating on disabled simulation objects (#4605)
Fix updating body part visuals (#5141)
Fix cardiac arrest time scale consistency by using seconds everywhere (#6244)
Fixes damage redirection issues (#6231)
Fix settings in medical rewrite (#6436)
Fixes state machine (#6435)
Various fixes for the medical restructure branch (#6434)
Fix environmental damage sources (#6515)
Minor syntax and variable reference fixes for medical rewrite (#6514)
Medical rewrite bug fixes (#6523)
Zeus - FIX ace_zeus_fnc_moduleSetMedicalVehicle setting wrong variable (#7107)
FIX French STR_ACE_Common_Anywhere (#7105)
Medical - fix canTreat (#7041)
Medical Treatment - Fix medication and ivBagLocal typos (#7048)
Medical - Fix hitpoints on VR units (#7098)
Medical - Fix unconsicous problems with minWaitingTime and fullHealLocal (#7030)
Medical Statemachine - Fix locality EH breaking current state (#7136)
Medical GUI - Localize partial wound, fix injury list color flashing (#7196)
Medical - Various debugging and fix cpr anim speed (#7122)
Fix Medical HandleDamageWounds memory leak (#6809)
Zeus/Medical - Fix modules for rewrite (#6914)
[ACE Arsenal] Fix NVGs not being subject to blacklisting in loadouts (#6936)
Medical Feedback - fix heart rate effect (#6927)
Fix trivial bugs (#6922)
Cookoff - Fix shell detonation (#6979)
Repair - Fix taking wheels from invincible vehicles (#6976)
Replace remaining lineIntersects with lineIntersectsSurfaces (#6898)
Compat - Add 2 round hellfire to pylon options (#6893)
Cookoff - Reword settings and move to CBA (#6892)
RHS Compat - Update hearing configs values for helmets (#6891)
Medical - Improve adjustment calcs / wound blood loss / medications (#6910)
Medical AI - Adjust healing logic for rewrite (#6902)
Medical - Handle old public funcs, fix strings (#6890)
Quickmount - optimize generating subActions (#6883)
Cleanup some functions headers and macro usage (#6866)
[medical] Code cleanup using SQFLint (#6485)
fix(medical): make sure vitals handling works properly again (#6481)
Minor code clean up (#6474)
refactor(medical): remove medkit due to confusing functionality (#6473)
Introduce bleedout condition and fix IV hemorrhage (#6470)
Vary time taken to bandage based on circumstances (#6467)
Improve unconscious volume handling (#6455)
Changes unit vitals rw (#6449)
Improvements to vitals and display (#6444)
Strip medical component (#6442)
Move medical facility, vehicle and unit functions (#6440)
[Medical Rewrite] Convert FAKs and Medkits on pickup (#5021)
[Medical Rewrite] Adding respawn compatibility (#5020)
Remove legacy code in medical rewrite (#4960)
Map - Don't enable map light for parachutes (#6961)
Refuel - Drop nozzle at unit's feet if no valid pos found (#6957)
Disposable - switch NLAW to CBA disposable system and remove ace_disposable functionality (#6955)
compatibility with CBA disposable framework (#6953)
Disposable - Fix magazineWell problems (#7322)
Common - Don't add UAV AI to localUnits array (#6951)
Medical - Transfer state machine state on locality (#6950)
Medical - Skip unneeded setVars on initUnit (#6949)
Limping / Splint Treatment (#6947)
Medical - add EH for setUnconscious helper func (#6937)
Medical Treatment - Modernize and Cleanup (#6933)
Fastroping - Remove FRIES on vehicle deletion / adjust Ghosthawk Fries (#6932)
Ballistics - Remove ace mags from incompatible weapons (#6930)
Medical activity to non local units is not logged (#6925)
compatibility with CBA scripted 2d optics framework (#6921)
Medical - Change animation for cpr (#6918)
Medical - Add condition for surgicial kit (#6916)
Medical - Prevent opening the medical menu if the player is unconscious (#6915)
Medical - Add self interaction when needed (#6912))
Rewrite Medical GUI (#6831)
Rewrite rectify convert option (#6825)
Rewrite rectify - Skip distance check if in same vehicle (#6823)
Rewrite rectify. Medical - Add vehicle hint when loading unconscious (#6822)
Grenades - Don't flashbang spectators (#7029)
Fractures is misspelled (#7026)
Ballistics - BI P90 and RHS MP7 updated (#7025)
Gunbag - Move gunbag type from inheritance to config property (#7022)
Fixed incorrect classnames in tracer magazines (#7021)
Unblacklist vanilla medical items from arsenal (#7017)
Missileguidance - Use checkVisibility to test LOS for missile seekers (#7014)
Medical - Fix severity of wound bleeding and adjust cardiac output calculations (#7010)
Medical - Exit turret gunner view when going unconscious (#7003)
Common - Fix script error with uniqueItems in scheduled (#6998)
Implement Metis SACLOS guidance (#6997)
Treatment - cap max animation speed (#6995)
Fix volume level of max injury sounds (#6994)
Medical Menu - Hide categories if they don't have any actions (#6988)
Fix rearming for vehicles using magazine wells (#6987)
Medical Blood - Small optimizations (#6984)
Vector - New reticle using CBA scripted optics (#6981)
remove weather dependancy from winddeflection (#6975)
+= for magwells (#6974)
Medical Feedback - Fix DISABLE_VANILLA_DAMAGE_EFFECTS (#6966)
FCS - Skip adding firedEH until needed (#6965)
Spotting scope - New reticle using CBA scripted optics (#6964)
Disposable - Add warning for addons using ace_disposable (#6963)
CSW - Add drag after deploy setting, fix container storage (#7164)
Medical - Option for treatment to require holstering/lowering weapon. (#7063)
Medical StateMachine - Tweak dead state handling (#7061)
Medical - Rework CPR and Bleeding in cardiac arrest (#7060)
Medical Engine without parentheses (#7059)
Medical - Add macros for wounds variables (#7058)
Medical - Cleanup settings (#7057)
Medical Treatment - Scale bandage time based on amount of wound treated (#7049)
Medical Treatment - Add medical facility classes config (#7047)
Medical - Finish splint/fracture (#7045)
Medical - Only stitch wounds on not bleeding body parts (#7044)
Medical - Improve loading/unloading of unconc patients (#7109)
Medical Engine - Report any fatal head damage (#7103)
Update Load Order for 1.94 Contact DLC (#7101)
[explosives] Correct class inheritance for ACE_IEDLandSmall_Range_Ammo (#7100)
Medical - add dummy cfgVehicle entries for old modules (#7091)
Small med stuff (#7084)
Update fnc_handleStateUnconscious.sqf (#7079)
Movement - shorten transition 'run lowered rifle' -> 'jump with rifle' (#7078)
Medical - epiBoostsSpontaneousWakeUp (#7076)
Stop AI firing at unconscious units (#7074)
Maptools - Don't convert vanilla straight lines (#7072)
Medical Blood - Settings improvements and cleanup (#7069)
CSW/Dragon cleanup and rearm compat (#7068)
Common - Let isEOD handle non bools (#7067)
QuickMount - Improve interact menu getIn for static weapon (#7090)
Nightvision - Enable setting NVG effects scale mid-mission (#6627)
Split interaction menu settings between interaction and self interaction (#6609)
Fixes to unconsciousness and damageTypes systems (#6589)
Use STRING macros (#6576)
Make state change status updates consistent (#6538)
Prevent bandaging when not bleeding (#6532)
Prevent treatment animation on dead bodies (#6524)
Reset default state on respawn (#6518)
Ignore missing hitpoints on playable logic (#6517)
[medical] remove collision of bandage litter (#6495)
Move medical settings into their respective components (#6493)
Move scream and moan sounds to medical feedback (#6438)
Restructure medical rewrite (#6301)
Add possibility for lethal heart damage (#6277)
Add support to toggle allowDamage (#6266)
Weather - Add a 'check air temperature' action (#6154)
Tweaks for Linux extensions (#5762)
Medical Rewrite - Add load,unload and radial actions (#5270)
[Medical Rewrite] Options to enable insta-death for AI (#5191)
[Medical Rewrite] Add HealTime modifiers to settings (#5188)
Split setUnconscious func, add spontaneousWakeUpChance setting (#5114)
Tweak randomness for wound bleeding and pain (#5113)
Med rw handle fire damage (#5100)
Medical Rewrite - Continued (#4744)
Introduce small variation to length of cardiac arrest (#4668)
MedicalSM - Tweak isPlayer checks style (#7178)
Medical - Minor fixes (#7174)
Use CBA Versioning System properly (#7173)
Remove outdated CBA Shared Version Display (#7172)
Use strncpy and disable MSVC unsafe warnings (#7171)
Medical Treatment - Add logging for splints (#7170)
Common - Handle changes to UAVControl command (multi seat) (#7161)
Improve medical statemachine settings (#7154)
Movement - Display Inventory Weight in Stream Friendly UI Mode (#7140)
Add self stitching setting (#7134)
Cargo - setSpace checks for existing cargo (#7133)
Cargo - No cargo on Contact UGV (#7123)
Inventory - Adjust for changes to medical (#7112)
Common - Log checkPBO errors to server log (#7210)
Arsenal - Don't force Camera position in Arsenal Loadouts list (#7209)
APL - Invalid lod properties with trailing space in ace_cws_tripod_spg9.p3d (#7202)
APL - Wrong texture path for ace_csw_tripod_m122.p3d, csw -> apl (#7201)
Change medical item masses to be same as old medical (#7200)
Medical - Add descriptions for limping and fracture settings (#7199)
Remove unused medical DLLs (#7198)
Medical Treatment - Expand advanced diagnose setting tooltip (#7197)
Medical - Death from sum of trauma (#7195)
Spectator - Restore HUD when coming out of spectator (#7191)
Medical Rewrite - Post Process Effects (#4754)
Repair - Handle turret hitpoints with no selection (#7338)
Tagging - Convert to CBA Settings (#7336)
AI - Pass function by reference to Draw3D EH (#7333)
Arsenal - Register feature camera (#7330)
Remove cursor config for vanilla sniper rifles (#7327)
Medical - Group Bandage Items (#7324)
Realistic Names - Fix IDAB Jeep name (#7318)
RHS Compat - Change IHADSS hearing to crew, add pilot visors (#7312)
RKSL compat - Updated with the last RKSL v3.01 (#7310)
Medical Engine - Increase lethality of aircraft explosions (#7304)
Clean up ace_main requiredAddons (#7301)
Flashsuppressors - Update muzzle configs (#7285)
Trenches - Add item check to progressBar (#7283)
[kestrel_4500] Update hardcoded layer id (#7279)
Arsenal - Remove unused VRTraining class from Arsenal config (#7276)
Tagging - Group spray paint items in Arsenal (#7268)
Only play repetitive sounds when game is focused (#7265)
Dragging - Improve getWeight function (#7261)
Update No Uniform Restrictions for vanilla 1.92-1.96 (#7259)
Common - Network safe claim (#7258)
Medical AI - Improve Healing Logic (#7255)
Add some editor previews (#7254)
Medical Treatment - Reset canTreatCached on treatment (#7253)
Medical - Change WoundReopening default setting (#7246)
Debug to clipboard - Cleanup settings dump (#7240)
Medical Feedback - Change pain scream frequency based on intensity (#7238)
Medical - Rename private (medical_status) version of setUnconscious (#7237)
Medical - Make some constants variables (#7236)
Medical - Report non-default settings to rpt (#7233)
Common - Optimize arithmeticGetResult function (#7232)
Fast medical item replacement (#7224)
Update RHS USF static weapon carry icons (#7221)
Update RHS AFRF static weapon carry icons (#7220)
Dragon - Remove Shadow Buffer (ShadowVolume 1000+) lods (#7219)
Remove duplicate class declaration from laserpointer (#7218)
Laserpointer - Add vanilla Joint Rails (#7217)
Speed up carry animation (#7216)
Medical Feedback - effects overhaul (#7215)
Medical - Increase severity of falling damage and Improve non-selectionSpecific wounds (#7214)
Remove Atropine (#7212)
port litter to treatment (#4440)
Use single queue for blood cleanup (#4586)
add a setting for 'basic' blood bags (#4547)
use liters for blood volume variable (#4537)
add addPain function, cap pain (#4536)
implement arithmetic source for fatigue system (#4517)
Medical rewrite treatment functions and unconsciousness rework (#4505)
Medical rewrite - treatment functions (#4479)
Medical Rewrite - Remove dropDownTriageCard function (#6907)
[medical-rewrite] Removed icon from legacy modules (#6486)
ACEX v3.5.0
Link https://github.com/acemod/ACEX/releases/tag/v3.5.0
Intel Items - Documents, Photos, Notepad (#11)
Fortify - Fix ability to get negative budget (#186)
Fortify - Fix cost equals budget (#184)
Sitting - Add missing param to seat distance check (#179)
KillTracker - Rework for medRewrite (#189)
Use CBA Versioning System properly (#190)
Traditional Chinese translations (#199, #202)
Japanese translations (#201)
Chinese translations (#197)
Russian translations (#191)
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 06.01.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Info !
An alle Zeuse
Das neue Achilles Update ist draussen dadurch ist Achilles wieder auf dem Server freigegeben.
Bitte benutzt die neueste Version vom Steam Workshop.
Mit kameradschaftlichen Gruß
Update erfolgt am 21.03.2020.
Arma 3:
LAMBS_Danger.fsm v2.3.2
SWS: 1858075458
Unit Voice-overs v1.62
SWS: 1868302880
Unit Voice-overs RHS v1.62
SWS: 1779856762
CBA_A3 v3.14.0.200207
Link: https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA…leases/tag/v3.14.0.200207
ADDED: Chinese translations (#1259, #1260) dfr1238
ADDED: French translations (#1265) Elgin675
ADDED: FSM editor config for CBA statemachine (#1263) Freddo3000
ADDED: CBA_fnc_encodeJSON and CBA_fnc_parseJSON (#1266, #1272) BaerMitUmlaut
ADDED: turretWeapon, muzzle and weaponMode player events (#1289) commy2
ADDED: Percentage mode for slider settings (#1290) mharis001
ADDED: Magwells for KSVK, AA-12, CZ-750 and vz 59 (#1286) Drofseh
FIXED: Script error in CBA_fnc_dropWeapon (#1261, #1262) luckyspoon, commy2
FIXED: CBA_fnc_sortNestedArray not preserving order for same sorting value (#1271) mharis001
FIXED: Script error when parsing comment lines in settings file (#1273) veteran29
IMPROVED: Standardized RPT log message formats (#1267, #1268) PabstMirror
IMPROVED: Default value to tooltip for "Reset to default" button in settings ui (#1279, #1280) veteran29
IMPROVED: Remember selected tab when reopening settings ui (#1281) commy2
IMPROVED: Orange color for settings overwritten with equal value (#1285) veteran29
IMPROVED: Ignore attachment switch key action inside vehicles (#1288) commy2
IMPROVED: Prevent double execution of Killed event on the same body (#1291) commy2
OPTIMIZED: CBA_fnc_clearWaypoints skip halt waypoint for empty groups (#1274) Vdauphin
OPTIMIZED: Skip URL decoding when URL has no encoded characters (#1275) dedmen
OPTIMIZED: AI waypoint functions with default radius (#1277) commy2
OPTIMIZED: Player events (#1289) commy2
ACE3 v3.13.1
Link: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/tag/v3.13.1
Add function to throw current weapon (#7443)
Medical Feedback - Add Icon option for Low blood volume effects (#7507)
Remove requirements for usable items to be in backpack (#7545)
Arsenal - Filter non-scope 2 mags from being auto-added (#7445)
Backblast - Fix damage disabled units receiving damage from backblast (#7505)
Ballistics - Fix some magazine wells (#7562)
Common - Add isNotUnconscious canInteractWith condition (#7544)
Common - Fix canDig returning non-bool (#7516)
Common - Fixed getVersion function (#7479)
Cook Off - Adjust players only settings check (#7419)
Fastroping - Fix deployAI not unwinding ropes (#7536)
Fix incorrect reopening chance for QuikClot on large abrasions (#7383)
Fix suppression for basic medication (#7417)
Frag - Fix script error in fnc_spallTrack (#7492)
General - Fix preprocessor issues (#7563)
Interaction Menu - Fix MenuClosed event may not fire on menu type replacement (#7546)
Map Gestures - Use object itself as center for nearEntities in getProximityPlayers (#7512)
Medical - Arm fracture effect not persisting with setting (#7518)
Medical - Fix being stuck in unconscious animation after ragdoll (#7499)
Medical - Fix epinephrine wake-up chance boost string (#7407)
Medical - fix the Enoch pilot uniform not taking damage, fix hitpoints test (#7527)
Medical AI - Block healing when handcuffed (#7493)
Medical Feedback - Set volume and radio usage based current unit (#7529)
Medical Status - Enable user input between death and respawn (#7502)
Medical Status - Fix double execution of killed event (#7561)
Medical Status - Only set unconscious upon entering Cardiac Arrest (#7503)
Medical Treatment - Fix Checking Pulse progress bar text (#7406)
NightVision - Don't apply AimDownSightsBlur on optics with integrated night vision (#7548)
NightVision - Fix border missing while in FFV (#7554)
Overheating - Fix jamming sound (#7463)
Reload - Fix static weapon ammo check (#7541)
RHS Compatibility - Remove scope adjust from ACOG Scopes (#7375)
Changed: Scripted calls to putInEarPlugs/joinTeam won't show hint (#7400)
Changes A-10/A-164 Cannon Values (#7118)
Cook Off - Change Cook Off events to global and add to events docs (#7416)
CSW - Minor fixes for CSW + RHS Compats (#7497)
Czech Translations - Medical typos and grammar (#7359)
Goggles - Skip rain effects on snow maps (#7373)
Grenades - Make flashbang reaction more authentic (#6034)
Map - Allow enabling BFT setting after mission start (#7519)
Medical - Add fracture chance setting (#7396)
Medical - Add setting for medic level to transfuse IVs (#7473)
Medical - Combine advancedBandages and woundReopening settings (#7392)
Medical - Increase Cardiact Arrest Time to 5 min (#7475)
Medical - Unlock air controls when going uncon (#7533)
Medical - Use percentage sliders for chance settings (#7542)
Medical Engine - Apply damage to the correct hitpoint (#7415)
Medical Treatment - Add self PAK setting (#7382)
Medical Treatment - Prevent extremely slow or fast animations (#7549)
Medical Treatment - Settings cleanup (#7345)
Mine Detector - Updated mine detector audio from -20db to -2db (#7460)
Ballistics - B_93x64_Ball updated (#7474)
Ballistics - Move dispersion to optional (#7558)
Ballistics - Remove dispersion changes (#7557)
Medical Treatment - Settings cleanup (#7345)
Update CSW RHS compat for new Mk-19 ammo type (#7354)
Various - Conform isNil checks across the codebase (#7523)
Czech (#7359)
French (#7550, #7440, #7414)
German (#7469, #7430)
Italian (#7405, #7346)
Japanese (#7371)
Medical Damage - Improve description of "DamageThreshold" (#7436)
Medical Treatment - Fix Checking Pulse progress bar text (#7406)
Polish Translations (#7449, #7397, #7410, #7374)
Portuguese (#7347)
Remove Blood_IV "keep cold" (#7457)
Russian translation (#7442, #7441)
Spanish (#7366)
Spanish translations (#7432)
Traditional Chinese (#7490, #7461, #7433)
Turkish (#7446, #7390)
Use Head and Torso wording instead of Head and Body (#7399)
ACEX v3.5.1
Link: https://github.com/acemod/ACEX/releases/tag/v3.5.1
Intel Items - Add function to add item to unit with data (#203)
Field Rations - Add ability to drink from source (#204)
Field Rations - Fix interaction position for moving objects (#221)
Fortify - Fix interaction overlapping remove object interaction (#212)
Field Rations - Fix changing HUD type while HUD is shown (#205)
Field Rations - Add missing interaction offsets (#220)
Fortify - Add green presets to setup module (#217)
Fortify - Display cost of item at start of interaction text (#207)
Field Rations - Disable for virtual units, Hide HUD in feature cameras (#206)
Kill Tracker - Support custom AI names (#211)
GRAD Trenches v.
SWS: 1224892496
- added multiple terrains (thanks @Dahlgren)
- fixed an issue with Sahrani (thanks @jones140)
- fixed an issue with the short trench
Redd'n'Tank Vehicles v1.12.162
SWS: 1128145626
Version 1.12.162
- Fixed issue with wrong class dependency in rnt_ace_compatibility.pbo
Version 1.12.161
- Added Trench Modules
- Fixed some .rpt errors in terms of wrong animations
- Fixed an .rpt error in terms of an double stringtable entry
- Updated Mantis ammo count to 2x 252 rounds
- Updated turretInfoType for MG3 on Fuchs, Wiesel TOW, Luchs, 5t, 7t and 10t
CUP Terrains - Core v1.15.0
SWS: 583496184
Version 1.15.0 (08|Mar|2020)
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2,ca_structures,ca_structures_c - added remodeled Hospital building
* cup_terrains_ca_misc3 - Fixed penetration material on tent_west.p3d
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - players cant vault through windows on guardhouse anymore
* cup_terrains_compositions - Fixed "No entry 'bin config.bin / CfgVehicles.Land_Misc_Cargo1a"
* cup_terrains_compositions - Fixed "No entry 'binconfig.bin/CfgVehicles.Land_A_crane_rails" - Resolves T3664
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2,ca_misc3 - Changed map icon for tent_west.p3d from fortress to regular house.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2,ca_misc3 - Upscaling test on detail textures for some industrial buildings.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Changed rubble texture on castle ruins models for Enoch equivalent.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Increased length of the roadway lod at the entrance of A_Castle_Bergfrit.p3d.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Increased width of the roadway lod at the top of A_Castle_Bastion.p3d.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - New a_office_001_co.paa texture.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - New cihla_dark_co.paa texture.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Removed incorrectly functioning occluders from castle objects. Closes T3750
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Removed small railing section from the top of A_Castle_Stairs_A.p3d.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Replaced base texture for castle objects with texture from Enoch castle objects.
* cup_terrains_compositions - Edited some compositions to use non-hidden objects
* cup_terrains_ca_structures,ca_structures_c,editor_c - & fixed hospital collisions, broke hospital glasses. win some lose some. ref T3683
Version 1.14.0 (27|Jan|2019)
* cup_terrains_a2_editorobjects,buildings,ca_structures_e_c,editor_c - added remodeled Ind_Pec_02 warehouse, ref T3315
* cup_terrains_ca_data_baf_c,ca_sounds_c_dummy,dbe1_models_dbe1_c,music - Added A2(+ DLC) Music and configured music for Zeus
* cup_terrains_ca_plants_e2 - New material for p_carduus_summer.p3d.
* cup_terrains_ca_plants_e2,ca_structures_e - Added new material for p_heracleum_summer.p3d
* cup_terrains_compositions - Added Added desert compositions for Zeus and 3Den use, courtesy of ZECCUP by LSD
* cup_terrains_compositions - Added dozens of object compositions for Zeus and 3Den use, courtesy of ZECCUP by LSD
* cup_terrains_compositions - Added missing quotation mark to macro.
* cup_terrains_worlds - Added the old Utes intro from Arma 2
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings,ca_misc_e - fixed duplicated service LODs in a couple models
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - players cant vault through windows on guardhouse anymore
* cup_terrains_ca_wheeled_dummy,terrains_core - fixed missing animation errors for placeholder anims
* cup_terrains_ca_language,ca_language_e - Updated Japanese translations
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings - Removed incorrectly setup occluder from garaz.p3d. Closes T2910
CUP Terrains - Maps v1.14.0
SWS: 583544987
Version 1.14.0 (27|Jan|2019)
* cup_terrains_maps_bohemia - Fixed floating trees on Bystrika. Closes T1464
* Added ACE_canDig property to several surfacetypes, should ensure you cannot dig on concrete and rock surfaces.
* Configured surface grassCover and AIAvoidStance properties on rest of terrains.
* Configured surface grassCover and AIAvoidStance properties on Chernarus, Bukovina, Bystrica, Utes and Proving Grounds. Values inspired by Contact DLC.
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 21.03.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 450~ MB.
Update erfolgte am 02.04.2020.
Beim Umzug des Servers und Repos haben wir gleichzeitig ein paar Unnötige Mods entfernt!
Arma 3:
NIArms G36
NIArms MG3
GM Unimog Demo
Server Transfer System
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht seit dem 02.04.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 22.04.2020.
Arma 3:
Virolahti - Valtatie 7 v1.1
SWS: 1926513010
Erdziellafette Script v1
Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgKK3DCQarq8wznYxIaRLBByx64K?e=JCqQuZ
CBA_A3 v3.15.0.200404
SWS: 450814997
- ADDED: `CBA_fnc_switchableAttachments` function (#1294) __commy2__
- ADDED: Return TARGET EXEC result back to executor UI (#1299) __veteran29__
- ADDED: Item Context Menu Framework (#1303, #1314) __commy2__
- ADDED: Support for Waypoints to `CBA_fnc_getPos` (#1305) __jokoho48__
- ADDED: JAM magwells for SKS (#1308) __10Dozen__
- FIXED: Script error in Settings menu (#1295, #1296) __dpottavio__ __mharis001__
- FIXED: Script error in Scripted optics (#1297, #1304) __MGTDB__ __SchmittAkaSmallfly__ __commy2__
- FIXED: Passed arguments of `loadout` player event (#1300, #1301, #1312, #1313) __10Dozen__ __PabstMirror__
- FIXED: Per frame handler script not removed when deleting PFH object (#1306) __PabstMirror__
- FIXED: `CBA_fnc_formatNumber` shows minus sign when all digits are zeros (#1309) __commy2__
SWS: 520618345
small change to restructure the mod folders correctly
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 22.04.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 29.04.2020.
Arma 3:
3JgKp Kasernenstein
FTP: Userordner Frostie
FTP: Userordner Kris
+added ACRE Radio Racks
changed - lowered armor value
fixed - Class Faction error
fixed - crew classname error
CBA_A3 v3.15.1.200418
SWS: 450814997
ADDED: Settings - Show raw values in tooltip for list settings (#1321) PabstMirror
FIXED: XEH - Update configs for 1.98 (Old Man) (#1311) PabstMirror
ACE3 v3.13.2
Link: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/tag/v3.13.2
Medical - Add ability for unit specific damage threshold (#7455)
Magazine Repack - Add inventory context menu action (#7631)
Grenades - use correct type for cookoff_enabled, check for AI and variable on vehicle (#7634)
CSW - Update 3den config for 1.98 changes (#7335)
Cargo - Fix tankx vehicles receiving water damage when loaded (#7636)
Reload - Fix check ammo display for empty GL launchers (#7624)
Medical Engine - Fixed typo in handledamage to improve handling of fall damage (#7629)
Explosives - Remove "Activate mine" action menu item (#7622)
Dragging - Fix being stuck dragging when in combat pace (#7617)
Rearm - Fix vehicles failing rearm due to case differences (#7609)
CSW - Check carry mag exists (#7587)
Arsenal - Fix main menu mission (#7594)
Dragging - Add possiblity to rotate a carried object (#7640)
Vehicles - Configurable speed limiter step (#7601)
Map Gestures - Improve transmit process (#7646)
Zeus - Added ace_cargoLoaded event (#7520)
CSW - Add local event when weapon is deployed sucessfully (#7635)
Medical Damage - Determine ammo damage type through config property (#7608)
Map - Detect switchable flashlight attachments for map (#7578)
Ballistics - B_50BW_Ball_F updated (#7572)
Realistic Names - Add 2D optics (#7571)
Reload Launchers - Improve External Launcher Reload (#7605)
Respawn - Add save gear event (#7607)
Ballistics - 300WM Berger Hybrid OTM airFriction updated (#7570)
Translations - Add French Medical Damage Eden threshold keys (#7652)
Translation: fix inaccurate ACE_Medical_Fractures_SplintHasEffects' key. (#7633)
Update Japanese translation (#7568)
ACEX v3.5.2
Link: https://github.com/acemod/ACEX/releases/tag/v3.5.2
Field Rations - Fix for changes to ace_medical (#230)
Field Rations - Fix Thirst Quenched coefficient not effecting Water Sources (#228)
Kill Tracker - Fix reported unit type (#227)
Intel Items - Fix addIntel magazine locality (#225)
ACRE2 v2.7.3.1024
Link: https://github.com/IDI-Systems…/releases/tag/v2.7.3.1024
API - Add unit loadout filtering (#848)
Zeus - Fix unit muted after leaving Zeus with Spectator enabled (#918)
Zeus - Fix hearing local sources in addition to camera sources (#920)
Extensions - Fix buffer overflow in Debug builds (#924)
Extensions - Fix variable shadowing (#885)
Extensions - Fix a memory leak and error case in PIPE_COMMAND_READ (#883)
Signal - Fix excessive range bug LOS Multipath signal model (#925)
Signal Map - Fix marker creating with _ (#857)
Signal Map - Fix threading crash (#925)
117F - Fix auto-start on interface open when turned off (#915)
Core - Fix updateSelf position format (Zeus over water) (#887)
Core - Fix version display on extension installation (#902)
Core - Fix version (patch) comparison and log (#881)
Components - Fix receiving rack antenna search (#906)
GUI - Fix Inventory CBA compatibility and Vehicle Info seat changing (#903)
GUI - Hide antenna display in cargo seat or no radio (#897)
Server - Fix radio replace warning concatenation (#894)
Intercom - Fix hash script error if invalid unit (#880)
Racks - Improve intercom-only radio configuration in ACE Interact (#910)
Extensions - Cleanup pass on C++ signal code (#885)
ACE Interact - Only do a single call to getPlayerRadioList (#907)
Intercom - Allow usage underwater (#905)
Core - Initialize extension only on clients (#892)
GUI - Improve Vehicle Info UI logic (#903)
Racks - Optimize Intercom and Rack actions in ACE Interact (#910)
General - Cleanup (#923)
Core - Add debug information for reserved variable error (#909)
Plugin - Update TeamSpeak 3 SDK to v24 (#895)
Compatibility - Add loadout filter to ACE3 Respawn Save Gear (#898)
Chinese (#863, #868, #874)
Chinese Simplifed (#877)
French (#869, #935)
Portuguese (#932)
List - Fix Japanese and Russian string error (#868)
API - Localisation for Eden modules (#872)
Adapt to HEMTT (#889)
ReddnTanks v1.12.171
SWS: 1128145626
- Changed building small and large camonet is now a driver user action, if large camonet has been deloyed the engine of the vehicle turns off and will only start again when large camonet is undeloyed again
- Changed resized the stand for the trenches (it's larger now)
- Updated japanese translation
- Changed name from "Light Truck gl "Wolf"" to "LKW leicht gl "Wolf""
- Fixed M120 Tampella will work again with ACE reload (Not with the new csw feature)
- Fixed Fuchs San and Wolf San are now be recognized as a vehicle where soldiers can heal (Vanilla)
- Fixed GMW and MG3 ammoboxes are no longer recognized as medickits
- Fixed large camonet on Marder is now removeable again
- Fixed removed "topdown" mode from all Milan and TOW weapons on all vehicles
GRAD Trenches v1.5.9.4
SWS: 1224892496
- fixed digging on Server
- added missing bikey
- fixed .bisigned key
- fixed removal of trenches
- Remodeled all old trenches (thanks to 0Y0 && max1048 )
- Added a new long trench (thanks to 0Y0 && max1048 )
- Rewrote placement code
- Added looped animation
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 29.04.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 19.05.2020.
Arma 3:
LAMBs Danger v2.4.2
SWS: 1858075458 @LAMBS_Danger
Version 2.4.2
Fixed AI getting stuck in Garrison State
Fixed AI getting stuck in Fleeing mode
Fixed vehicle AI would sometimes spam shareInformation
Changed Investigation path removed from vehicle FSM (was unused)
Version 2.4.1
Added None to Task Garrison Exit Triggers (option prevents units from breaking garrison)
Added Increased Flare/Illumination usage on Contact State
Version 2.4.0
Requires: CBA_A3 3.15.0 or later
Added Port all Strings over to Stringtables so that they can get Localized
Added Vanilla EventHandler wrapper for all current Events
Added Nearby friendly fire check for Suppression with configurable setting
Added Nearby friendly fire check for vehicle suppression and assault functions
Added Maximum Reveal value setting
Added CBA Version dependency
Added Player only setting for Task Creep/Hunt/Rush (these modules can now hunt enemy AI)
Added SortByHeight, Teleport and Exit Condition setting to TaskGarrison
Added Teleport setting to TaskCamp
Added Remote compatibility to Task Assault/CQB/Camp/Creep/Garrison/Hunt/Patrol/Reset/Rush Zeus and Editor Modules
Added Rewrite of Task Artillery to make it multiplayer compatible
Added Various performance optimizations to danger FSM
Added Immediate Action state
Added fnc_immediateAction with smarter movement routines to avoiding fire
Added fnc_indoor to only recognize buildings
Added Units with ACE3 medical AI enabled will exit FSM
Added Tweaks to fine-adjust suppression position
Added Improvements to re-manning static weapons
Added fnc_leaderAssault, fnc_leaderFlank, fnc_leaderSuppress, and fnc_leaderGarrison*
Added fnc_leaderStaticDeploy, fnc_leaderStaticPack and fnc_leaderStaticFind (units will now dynamically deploy static weapons and more reliably man nearby ones)
Added fnc_doSmoke, fnc_doUGL (functions to throw smoke and shoot flares respectively)
Added FSM fix to prevent units from reacting to allied weapon fire
Added FSM reaction state will now only trigger on dangerous events**
Added FSM better support for ACE3 medical AI by delaying healing when unit is threatened by nearby gunfire or forced movement
Added FSM faster and more aggressive movement when 'forceMove' variable is enabled
Added units which call artillery will now attempt to use binoculars and stay in position to direct fire
Added settings to disable dynamic weapon deployment and remanning
Changed All number edit boxes in ZEUS Modules to sliders
Changed Module Artillery Dropdown to Side Selector
Changed Make use of CBA_fnc_getPos from CBA 3.15.0 update
Changed Moved various settings such as speed and search range from FSM to function for easier editing
Changed Increased threshold for doing suppression while suppressed from 0.5 to 0.75
Changed FSM priorities for bulletClose increased from 3 to 6
Changed fnc_fsmExitVariables to use fnc_isAlive
Changed Default settings for CQB range from 50 to 60
Changed Radio minimum range settings from 200 to 20 based on user input
Changed Gestures used to indicate initial reaction (from 'cease fire' to 'freeze')
Changed fnc_hideInside, reduced range units without cover would retreat from 45-110m to 10-55m
Changed Debug information variables are now global if `Debug Functions` setting is enabled
Fixed An issue with ShareInformation
Fixed That Task Creep/Rush didn't use user set Cycle Times
Fixed Error in fnc_vehicleSuppress (vehicles would fail to engage)
Fixed Assaulting units from occasionally looking into the ceiling
Fixed Global variable in suppression part of FSM (timeout)
Fixed Increased APC dismount range from 180 to 250 meters
Fixed Tightened range which units check for CQB buildings in CQB mode (No need to check out to 250 meters)
Fixed fnc_react - reaction state stances were reversed
Fixed fnc_suppress - override setting would also override intelligent target adjustment based on visibility
Fixed fnc_zoneMarker - marker is now created local only
Fixed FSM issues with doWatch and doLook
Fixed FSM leader state Contact! Now uses distinct gesture and collects troops better
Fixed FSM improved performance, moved more code to functions, and clarified priorities
Fixed move command in fnc_leaderFlank would override the current waypoint
Fixed Floating Waypoint in TaskGarrison
Fixed A possible issue with group counts overflowing max group limit with some taskX Modules/Waypoints
Removed fnc_leaderManoevure replaced by fnc_leaderFlank
GRAD Trenches v.
SWS: 1224892496 @grad
- fixed digging Helping
- fixed glitching with long trench
- fixed trench material
- Fixed continung Digging
- Fixed removing Eden placed trenches
- Fixed fixed multi dig
Redd n Tank Vehicles Version 1.12.172
SWS: 1128145626 @Redd_n_Tanks_Vehicles
Version 1.12.172
- Fixed Issue with "rnt_graben_gerade"
RHS USAF v0.5.2
SWS: 843577117 @rhsusaf
^ Tweaked LRAS3 MFD
^ Reduced M1134 turret rotation speed
^ Improved M1134 Gunner Panel materials
^ Added editor previews for new Stryker variants
^ Tweaked M1134 gunsight
^ Tweaked M1134 MFD & PiP screen
^ Cleaned up inheritance on RHS assets (declarations in wrong place) to fix potential clashes with other mods
^ Updated head injury macros to be up to date with Old Man
^ Fixed the M1134 Desert texture to include TOW Missiles details from the woodland ones
^ Added magazine Wells to M256 & M242
^ Added "rhs_mag_70Rnd_25mm_M242_M791" magazine to be used with M242
^ Added emissive material to burning engine sparks
^ Added optic destruction to new Stryker variants
^ Tweaked new Stryker variants TI textures
^ M1134 Stryker now spawns with full crew
^ Added Lane Marker System to M1132
^ Tweaked Stryker durability
FIXED IN 0.5.2
@ Fixed typo in virtualAmmoBox.sqf
@ Mast unfolding works also in Virtual Garage when damage on vehicle is disabled
@ Fixed missing front sight for M14 (RIS) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5660
@ Fixed position of SOCOM flash hider in first person LOD
@ Fixed wrong gunner proxy index on M1240 (M2) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5674
@ Adds Desert texture for M1127
@ Adds desert LRAS3 texture
@ Adds M1132 ESV Desert + hidden selections
@ Adds M1134 ATGM Desert + hidden selections
@ Added workaround for broken vanilla missile manual control on AI. TOW should usable be AI even if target has engine off - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5685
@ Fixed UH-1Y gunner view memory points - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5700
@ Fixed missing Smokegen string when running USAF standalone
@ Fixed missing STR_RHS_AUTHOR_FULL errors when only USAF mod was loaded
@ Cleaned up M136 & fixed its SMDI map
@ Fixed visibility of Raven laser designator - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2749
@ Fixed seat switching with "F" key on M1127
@ Fixed DVE action availability - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5704
@ Fixed C130J vehicle paradroping error
ADDED IN 0.5.1
add vehicle in vehicle transport to CH-47 config
add vehicle in vehicle transport to CH-47 model
Vehicle in Vehicle Transport for C-130 model
Vehicle in Vehicle Transport for C-130 config
Adds the first iteration of the M1127 Stryker RV for de-bugging purposes (Not functional)
Adds DVE for Reyhard to use in various US Forces vehicles
Adds first iteration of the M1132 Engineer Squad Vehicle (ESV) with M2, and Surface Mine Plow (SMP).
Adds M1126 Stryker with Mk. 19 GMG
Adds DVE to RG-33 SOCOM ASV, and RG-33L 6X6 Series of MRAPs
Adds DVE to M1239 SOCOM AUV
Adds DVE to M142 HIMARS
Adds first commit of the M1134 Stryker ATGM Vehicle.
Adds detail to gunners controls
add vehicle in vehicle transport to CH-53 config and model
Adds the M240B MMG to the M1134 Commander's position, except not-working. Only animated.
Added M14 by WinteR5
^ Added scripted workaround for planes not willing to engage ground targets if they have WSO
^ Tweaked ACOG back lens triangulation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5360
^ Changed M151 description from HEDP to HE - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5380
^ Removed explosion sound from penetrator base class
^ Tweaked GBU-12 center of mass
^ Improved AGM-114 accuracy in terminal phase
^ Increased MP7 ammo damage output - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2324
^ Added some workaround for SACLOS not working with AI with vanilla manual control - might be reverted if it contains some nasty side effects - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5367
^ Tweaked SCAR-H recoil values - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5387
^ Tweaked optics post processing effects
^ M9 hammer animation set to single action
^ Tweaked ERA blocks durability against HEATs
^ Added healing attribute to M1230A1 + added few more first aid kits & medikits - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5483
^ Tweaked M68CCO & SU-278 visuals when aiming down the sight
^ Tweaked M1240A1 weight - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5441
^ Tweaked M150 PP effects
^ M19 is now triggered only on contact - placing mines in the middle of road will be no longer effective
^ M19 is now using additional penetrator to simulate blast damage
^ Added simple Rhino system to MATV (work on M1240A1 with M2 variant only at the moment)
^ Added visible waypoints to Stryker BFT
^ Tweaked Stryker Vehicle Commander view
^ Removed Stryker periscope full screen mode since periscopes can be used from vehicle interior
^ Tweaked hitpoints configuration on MATV + more tweaks to fire geometry
^ Added proper firegeometry to MATV - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5418
^ Optimized R2T on MATV gunner positions - mirrors are no longer rendered when you are on gunner seat which result in smoother CROWS PIP screen
^ Tweaked interior glass of MATV
^ Applied RHINO functionality to rest of MATVs
^ Tweaked MATV dashboard texture
^ Changed MATV inheritance - add couple more base classes
^ Added bounding box extender to MATV to ensure proper damage detection to RHINO
^ Added RHINO destruction particle effects
^ Added test BFT map to MATV
^ Tweaked wheels hitpoints on MATV & M1117
^ Adjusted map icons for MATV
^ Reduced Rhino durability
^ Tweaked M1025 driver animation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5480
^ Tweaked C130J copilot animation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5432
^ Increased HEAT & ATGM indirectHit range - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5431
^ Tweaked MATV interior (unarmed variant for now)
^ Tweaked Javelin locking in top down mode
^ Added DVE & new dashboard textures to M1240 (basic variant only for now)
^ Tweaked DVE picture in picture screen ratio & added emissive material
^ Tweaked MATV wheel rvmats
^ Added separate TI rvmat for spare wheels for rest of MATV variants
^ Added few more details to MATV interior
^ MATV left mirror bounding box is moved away to the left when DVE is deployed so only one render source is used
^ Added DAGR GPS MFD to M1240 (basic variant only)
^ Added scripted solution for M1240 gear indicator
^ Splitted BFT function to separate file
^ Changed Co-Driver configuration on MATV - WARNING! It's now using turret, instead of regular seat meaning that missions with crew inside might need updating!
^ CROWS screens in MATVs are now emitting some actual light
^ New interior applied to all MATV variants
^ All MATV doors are animated with same speed now
^ Increased FFV rotation limits on MATV SOF variants (more freedom traded for visuals)
^ Tweaked M1126 (Mk19) inheritance
^ Added acceleration pedal animation to MATVs
^ Added various small dashboard indicators (lights, parking brake, service lights) to MATV
^ MATV co driver & Stryker Vehicle Commander can now use waypoint manager
^ Tweaked BFT brightness in direct light
^ Added data link to MATVs - they report now their position and get allies location on BFT
^ Tweaked BFT map rotation (reduced animPeriod to 0 - rotation should be smooth and instant)
^ Added handbrake to MATV
^ CH-53E user actions are now also available when using remote controlled unit
^ Tweaked sounds EH macros (simplified them)
^ Tweaked CH-47 floating time - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5564
^ Zeroed Mk17 ironsights to M80 Ball - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5564
^ Tweaked M113 Mk19 view gunner ammo box - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5538
^ Added glass destruction to Cougars
^ Added RHINO functionality to M1230 & M1237 vehicles
^ Tweaked UH60M max landing speed
^ Tweaked M1025/M998 wheel hitpoints
^ Added cargo variants of CH-47F and C130J
^ Added new animation for M1134 gunner
^ Updated RHS loader to Old Man update
^ Added additional Stryker icons and updated CfgPatches
^ add cargo variant to CH-53
^ add CH-53 cargo classes to CfgPatches
^ Added new inventory icons for US backpacks
^ Tweaked load of Eagle backpack - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5622
^ Added inertia to static M2 (test)
^ Added some basic handling of M1127 weapons
^ Enabled periscopes on M1134
^ Added animations for M1127 gunner
^ Tweaked gunner animations on M1127 (added IK)
^ Added PiP to LRAS3
^ Added KIA animations for new stryker poses
^ Added inertia to MATV OGPK mounted weapons
^ Added smoke launcher mem points for M1134
^ Tweaked locality of LOAL script - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5635
^ Added animation for folding of marker dispenser to M1132
^ Improved camera movement on static weapons
^ Added new icon for Eagle III (Coyote) backpack
^ Added toolkit and mine detector to EOD Technicians
^ Added animated ironsights to M14
^ Added magazine proxies to M14
^ Added M80 ball magazines for M14
^ Added icons for M14 inventory accessories
^ Tweaked muzzle flashes on new M14 accessories
^ Standardized M14 fire geometry
^ Reconfigured muzzle attachments on M14 & M14 EBR
^ Tweaked PP Effects on G33
^ Reorganized some of the scopes within JR framework - moved i.e. M150 + PNVS variant to long rail variant only
^ Added custom recoil for M14
^ Tweaked dispersion across M14 family
^ Tweaks to inertia of some weapons
^ Added turret lock indicator to M1134
^ Added action to fold mast on M1134
^ Added action to M1132 to unfold Lane Marking System (not working yet)
^ Added some scripted reticle for LRAS3
^ Added turret hitpoints to M1134
^ Updated M14 textures + added Fiberglass variant
^ Added M14 ground holders and Virtual Ammo Box entries
^ Configured M1134 commander pintle weapon
^ Added basic MITAS MFD
^ Added damage textures to new Stryker variants
^ Added new desert Stryker variants to CfgPatches
^ Tweaked PIP acog scopes (removed rvmat from R2T - picture should bit brighter)
^ Updated crew proxies in Stryker fire geometry
^ Added basic MFD for Stryker LRAS3
FIXED IN 0.5.1
@ HIMARS launcher hitpoint & firegeometry fixes - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5364
@ Fixed missing MATV KIA animation
@ Fixed wrong ammo in Mk14 Mk316 magazine - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5370
@ FMTV, MATV, Cougar, Caiman, HEMTT & Stryker were missing memory points for wheel trails decals - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5374
@ Fixed M1A1 driver KIA animation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5377
@ Fixed glove clipping on G3 uniform
@ Added missing supply memory point to CH-53 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5402
@ Fixed missing supply memory point on few M977A4 variants - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5481
@ Tweaked M1126 geometric occludders for passengers - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5498
@ Updated MATV CfgPatches - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5420
@ Fixed M397 bouncing mine functionality - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5471
@ Removed 3UGL from M320 GL
@ Fixed some z fighting in Stryker cargo compartment
@ Fixed missing damage UI in Stryker
@ Fixed Stryker Vehicle Commander LOD in optics mode
@ Fixed some potentially inherited MFD values for UH1Y
@ Mk19 static weapon had wrong components in fire geometry
@ Fixed MATV glass hitpoints
@ Fixed M1245 was missing MFD memory points
@ Fixed FFV restrictions on one of the M1079 seats
@ Fixed DUKE system destruction on MATVs
@ Fixed 2nd missing UV set on MATV CROWS lenses + tweaked materials
@ Fixed MATV turret mirrors on M240 & Mk19 variant
@ DIRCM was affecting radar guided missiles - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5502
@ AIM-9M on AH1Z is now using correct model of AIM9M
@ Fixed M1117 hull hitpoints - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5511
@ Fixed red dot on G33 with T1 combo - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5518
@ Fixed missing sections rpt errors for Stryker, HEMTT & FMTV
@ Fixed MATV gunner hatch was closed from passenger seat of M2 variant
@ First config of M1127 Turret
@ M1127 Shadow LOD fix, turret configging, model cfg editing fixes
@ Maybe fixed the DVE file with a PBO Prefix
@ Fixed M1240 spare wheel TI texture
@ MATV DVE monitor was shutting down when reversing due to BBoxes being to close to head
@ Co-driver of armed MATVs was missing BFT scale adjust action
@ Fixes a mem point on M1232 RG-33L 6X6
@ Possibly fixed M142 HIMARS config
@ M142 Mirror selection delete in Pilot LOD
@ Fixed missing icon on SU230A/PVS when 3D mode was used - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5577
@ Fixed CH-53E fold action didn't synchronize fuel status correctly when folding or unpacking - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5587
@ Fixed UV offset on some of the scopes - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5556
@ Fixed rpt spam related to wheel reference
@ Fixed rpt spam related to duplicated DUKE weapons
@ Fixed missing OGPK mirrors points on RG33L & Caiman
@ Fixed bits of Cougars fire geometry
@ Fixed FMTV SOV .rpt errors
@ Fixed FMTV SOV had wrong turret attenuation
@ Fixed few rpt errors on RG33, Stryker & SOCOMAUV
@ Fixed .rpt error about "dimension should be array of 2" for static weapons
@ Fixed M1A1HC Olive texture after removing IFF panel - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5594
@ Fixed some .rpt errors with FG
@ Fixed M109 assert connected to Commander memory points
@ Fixed duplicated weapons for M2A2 due to VG components
@ Fixed AIM9M error on AH1Z (magazine compatibility)
@ Fixed some wrong components on M1A2
@ Fixed UH60M was spawning above its land contact points
@ Fixed some .rpt errors related to CH53
@ Fixed: The M1134 Gunner now has the top hatch in Pilot LOD
@ M1127 LOD improvements
@ M1127 Adds Gunner Traverse Controller Stick
@ M1127 Interior texture improvements / LOD fixes
@ Added M1134 Fire geo
@ Interior texture fixes
@ Sight housing and assy now rotates with the TOW Missile Carrier
@ Adds M1127 Smoke Grenade Discharger Panel Mask
@ Up-sized the M1134 Mask to 2K
@ Slightly improved M1127 Smoke panel texture
@ Changed NOHQ to account for movement of the Azimuth indicator on the gunner's panel
@ Fixed HMG reload sounds
@ Fixed missing NVG shadow in view pilot
@ Fixed missing uvset on M8541 scopes
@ Added some missing memory points to RHS_M14_RAIL.p3d
@ Fixed one error related to turn out on Strykers
@ Fixed muzzle flashes on M1134 & M1127 weapons
@ Fixed rogue component in Fire Geo of m1a1hc.p3d
@ Fixed flashbang script not working when AFRF was not loaded - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5651
- Remove M1134 mask file and changes with mask_ca
RHS AFRF v0.5.2
SWS: 843425103 @rhsafrf
ADDED IN 0.5.2
BTR-80 2010 camo
VehicleTransport class for PTS-M, can be transported and transports
^ Tweaked T50 inheritance
^ Added additional seat to BMD-4 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5653
^ 2nd tweak to BMD-4 capacity - removed that new seat - seems only BMD-4M has 5 seats
^ Properties cleanup on AFRF static weapons
^ Updated BTR-80 tri texture
^ Cleaned up inheritance on RHS assets (declarations in wrong place) to fix potential clashes with other mods
^ Updated head injury macros to be up to date with Old Man
^ Adjusted loadout of BMD-4/M, BTR-80A & BMD-2
^ Added magazine wells for 2A42 & 2A70
^ Added some emissive value to burning engine sparks
^ Added MSK-40P, SM-320 & OZM-72 to minefield module - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5706
FIXED IN 0.5.2
@ Fixed UAZ rpt error regarding skeleton
@ Fixed .rpt errors connected to Su-25 MFD
@ Fixed Tu-95 rear gunner was using wrong LOD when in optics in mode
@ Fixed BTR-80 rear indicator
@ Fixed BMP-3 (Early) hatches in last LOD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5688
@ Replaced utd20_start.ogg with existing utd20_start.wss
@ Re-saved corrupt textures (according to pboproject)
@ Added workaround for recent change to addMagazineTurret - ammo selection should work again on T tanks (2S3/2S1/D30 still need a fix)
^ Pontoon bridge improvements:
^ Converted T tanks autoloader sound to SoundSet tech
^ Removed explosion sound from penetrator base class
^ Lowered volume of autoloader in interior view
^ Added few more tank groups (T14, 2S1 + new T72/90 tanks) for AFRF
^ Tweaked T-72 & 90 bottom hull side fire geometry - work on http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5378
^ Add VehicleTransport to GAZ66 and Ural
^ Added VG icon to BMK-T
^ Added some basic model.cfg to BMK-T
^ Removed some obsolete functions
^ Tweaked pontoon water resistance
^ Added ViV, slingloading, reflectors, passenger with turnout & improved BMK-T physics - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5382
^ Added some basic sounds, destruction & shadow LOD to BMK-T
^ Tweaked skin injury materials
^ Added few more faces from Contact DLC to Russian identity pool
^ Tweaked Mi-28 ejection script so dead AIs are no longer ejected - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5462
^ Tweaked ERA blocks durability against HEATs
^ Tweaked PKAS ADS view
^ TM62M is now triggered only on contact - placing mines in the middle of road will be no longer effective
^ TM62M is now using additional penetrator to simulate blast damage
^ Tweaked behavior of T tanks tracks when on reverse gear - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5503
^ T80B is now using 1100HP engine to represent later production model (typo fixing) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5486
^ Testing Ka-52 assisted missile firing for AI
^ Increased HEAT & ATGM indirectHit range - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5431
^ Unified explosion effects of PG9 & PG15 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5401
^ Disabled env map switching on Mi24 glass and changed env texture to jet variant
^ Added VG40MD to AFRF ammo crate - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5428
^ Tweaked glass tint on 1P87 & EKP-8 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=3611
^ Tweaked NIT-A FOV - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=4954
^ Added additional turret related hitpoints & firegeomtry to Tigr-STS
^ Added optic destruction to AGS-30
^ Tweaked PKM firegeometry
^ Tweaked geometry phys of Metis, NSVT & KORD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2130
^ Removed autocenter = 0 from SPG-9 & Kornet - those vehicles might end up in different locations!
^ Added buoyancy param to static weapons
^ Updated RHS loader to Old Man update
^ Added new inventory icons for UMBTS backpacks
^ Tweaked load of UMBTS backpack - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5622
^ Updated icon for SVD mag - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5616
^ Tweaked default magazines on plum variants of AK74 & AKS74 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5615
^ Improved PSO-1 ADS handling with some more exotic weapons and Zeus
^ Improved camera movement on static weapons
^ Tweaks to weapon inertia
^ Tweaks to JR configuration
^ Added tooltips for some of the Russian missiles
FIXED IN 0.5.1
@ Fixed PBO prefixes of new addons - revision version was not stored correctly in them
@ Fixed convexity of PG7VL magazine proxy
@ Fixed T90AM/SM was able to use searchlight which it doesnt have - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5373
@ Some of the tank ATGMs were missing from magazine well
@ Renamed BMK tug to BKM Tug, changed all pathing
@ Fixed BMD-1/2 secondary explosion
@ CfgPatches fixes for MSV troops
@ Fixed build problems with shadow volume 1000 in GAZ66, renumbered to 100
@ 1P78 had references to RHS: USAF mod
@ Returned BTR 70 & 80 interior cargo capacity to 8 seats - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5389
@ Mi-8 gunners are now longer marked as primaryGunners - attempt to fix http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5398
@ Mi-8MTV3 was missing supply memory point - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5399
@ Fixed BMK-T ghost LOD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5444
@ Fixed VOG-25P trigger reliability - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5464
@ Fixed auto track on modern T tanks was loosing lock too easily
@ Fixed Mi-28 ejecting dead AIs
@ Fixed typo in T80B enginePower - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5486
@ Fixed Tochka-U driver initial view - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5424
@ DIRCM was affecting radar guided missiles - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5502
@ DTK had non triangulated faces in 2nd shadow LOD
@ Fixed missing tracer on 7BT3 magazine - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5439
@ Mi-24 cargo compartment wasn't using interior glass material - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5427
@ Fixed T80 engine startup sound was missing range - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5421
@ Fixed Ka-52 & Mi-28 horizon movement in HUD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5504
@ SPO-15 now reports radars which are configured as a static weapon - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5529
@ MiG29SM gun indicator now properly shows ammo count again after moving flares to pylons
@ UAZ middle mirror was mirrored in wrong way - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5534
@ Cleaned up geomtries of rhs_pylon_m_9m127_6x.p3d - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5546
@ Fixed duplicated hitpoints error on Tigr-STS - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5545
@ Readded LG munition to D30 & 2S1 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5551
@ Fixed .rpt error about "dimension should be array of 2" for static weapons
@ GAZ Tigr hull hitpoint was tied to fuel memory points resulting in quite easy explosion of whole vehicle - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5533
@ Fixed PSO-1 zeroing changes when switching to ironsights - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5561
@ Fixed non closed 2nd shadow LOD on 1PN138 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5608
@ Fixed wrong selection in last LOD of RShG-2 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5607
@ Fixed typo in Russian translation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5614
@ Fixed Tigr STS & Tigr M geometries - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5634
@ Fixed some reload sounds on static weapons
@ Fixed missing NVG shadow in view pilot
@ Triangulated 2nd shadow lod of Tigr wheels
RHS GREF v0.5.2
SWS: 843593391 @rhsgref
^ Cleaned up inheritance on RHS assets (declarations in wrong place) to fix potential clashes with other mods
^ Lined up ironsights on UH1H
^ Added zeroing adjustments option to UH1H M240H machineguns
^ Removed UH1H fake cross hair - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5692
^ Updated head injury macros to be up to date with Old Man
ADDED IN 0.5.1
- M1 helmet w/cover (files - no config yet)
^ Lowered A29 Super Tucano distant engine sound
^ m1 helmet configuration - Mitchell, ERDL and Desert by Tim / DeltaHawk
^ inventory pictures for M1 helmet by Tim
^ Updated GREF troops CfgPatches
^ A29 Super Tucano sensor page shows NV/Laser targets too
^ Added proper inventory icons to Alice backpacks
^ Added loadouts presets to A29 Super Tucano
^ Tweaked skin injury materials
^ Tweaked UH-1H hitpoints & firegeometry - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5475
^ Removed incoming missile detection from UH-1H
^ Reduced UH-1H tail resistance against explosives
^ Added new sounds for A29 (thanks again Jester!)
^ A29 Brite Star II camera is no longer BW
^ Tweaked A29 sounds when flying 3rd person view
^ Tweaks to weapon inertia
FIXED IN 0.5.1
@ A29 AI can now engage ground targets if weapons are assigned to pilot & not to the WSO
@ added m1 to model.cfg
@ Fixed some rpt spam connected to A29
@ Another minor CfgPatches fix related to TLA
@ TLA groups had wrong side defined
@ Fixed missing nationalist groups in Zeus - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5386
@ Fixed NAPA Motorized (BTR-70) group side
@ Removed debug no dispersion code from L1A1 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5404
@ Fixed Garand ghost lod - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5458
@ Fixed Gorka-1 broken wounds after recent refactor - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5495
@ Mi-24 cargo compartment wasn't using interior glass material - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5427
@ Fixed CHDKZ Mi-8AMT crew - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5123
@ Forgot to commit one file related to UH1H hitpoints - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5535
@ Fixed A29 canopy texture links
@ L159, L39 & AN-2 were missing buoyancy parameter
@ Fixed some of the .rpt errors connected to UH1H
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 19.05.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 713~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 07.07.2020.
Arma 3:
LAMBs Danger v2.4.4
SWS: 1858075458 @LAMBS_Danger
Version 2.4.4
Fixed taskReset module not working properly in Zeus
Fixed some debug messages in taskArtillery
Version 2.4.3
Added context_menu actions support to the Zeus Enhanced mod
Added configurable setting for ‘combat mode’ sharing distance
Added patrol option to taskGarrison and taskCamp (default is disabled)
Improved taskAssault (more reliable)
Improved taskRush with dynamic cycle times
Fixed random suppressive fire in taskCQB and improved house selection routines
Fixed vehicles suppressing through terrain and high flying aircraft
Fixed units will more reliable man static weapons in taskGarrison and taskCamp
Fixed units will more reliably deploy static weapons from modded content
Fixed units with LAMBS AI disabled will no longer be forced into combat mode by information sharing
Fixed artillery registration issue
Fixed in Zeus, moduleCQB and moduleAssault would always delete the logic even when asked not to.
Fixed various issues in Eden and Zeus modules
This version fixes and improves many small aspects of the mod related to task modules and group level behaviour. For players using the Zeus Enhanced (ZEN) mod, we’ve also connected the modules to the contextual menu for ease of use.
GRAD Trenches v1.6.0.0
SWS: 1224892496 @grad
- Fixed: Simplified Chinese Translation (thanks to @GoldJohnKing)
- Fixed ACE changes
- Add: Simplified Chinese Translation (thanks to @GoldJohnKing)
- fixed Chernarus 2020
- fixed trenche needing to long to appear (thanks @Elgin675)
- fixed height difference between Eden and build trenches (thanks @Elgin675)
- fixed various bugs
- fixed multi dig
- added french translation (thanks @Mysteryjuju)
ACE3 v3.13.3
https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases @ace, @ace_compat_rhs_afrf3,@ace_compat_rhs_gref3, @ace_compat_rhs_usaf3
Dragging - Add Keybind for Carry (#7746)
Medical - Add Global Wound Reopen Chance Modifer (#7747)
Spectator - Add display loaded and unloaded events (#7720)
Advanced Fatigue - Fix SwayFactor setting (#7680)
Aircraft - Restore missing laser designator on Commanche (#7752)
Common - Fix disableUserInput blocking already open Zeus display (#7757)
Common - fix player's name showing as "Unknown" (#7662)
Compat RHS USF3 - Fix inheritence issue for m14ebrri for RHS 0.5.1 (#7705)
Explosives - Fix place explosives cache not being cleared on respawn (#7637) (#7739)
Fastroping - Fix FRIES removal (#7756)
FCS - Fix firedEH not being added in MP (#7675)
Hearing - Fix for "MrapAttenuation" (#7664)
Map - Only add BFT PFEH if enabled and fix missing markers (#7674)
Medical - Fix typo in vital adjustment conditional (#7759)
Medical - Prevent packing into bodybag for bodies in vehicle (#7731)
Medical Feedback - Fix overriding hearing setting when unconscious (#7744)
MicroDagr - Don't show markers on compass "map" control (#7751)
New group side in Leave Group interaction is same as original group side (#7667)
Pylons - Fix disconnect handling (#7766)
Quick Mount - Fix change seat while vehicle is moving (#7692)
Rearm - Fix some magazine types duplicating during rearm (#7760)
Reload - Fix display ammo count in vehicle (#7730)
RHS USF Compatibility - Change RHS_CH_47F class (#7708) (#7711)
switchUnits - Fix switching units not working (#6188) (#7676)
Trenches - Fix mission placed trench interactions (#7672)
Add support for ED-1D and ED-1E drones (#7778)
Advanced Ballistics - Improve Performance in handleFirePFH (#7699)
Arsenal - add custom right panel misc items buttons (#7596)
Arsenal - Add grenade fuse time stat (#7694)
Ballistics - Fix DMR_03 (SIG556) initSpeed (#7567)
CSW - Add configs for 1.98's M2 Turret (#7619)
GForces - Add forces strength coefficient setting (#7750)
Gunbag - Add weapon swapping (#7713)
Interaction - Show current team color in Team Management menu (#7650)
Map Gestures - Rewrite and Add Zeus, and Spectator support (#7653)
Medical - Add Patient Info to Layout Editor (#7745)
Medical - Improve injured sound by exiting the function earlier if no player is around (#7521)
Nightvision - Increase max amount of IR rays to 64 (#7669)
Reload - Fix display ammo count in vehicle (#7730)
RHS Compat ADD Missing (undefined) Weapons (#7702)
Tagging - Add support for mission Tags (#7710)
Wind Deflection - Improve Performance in updateTrajectoryPFH (#7700)
Ballistics - Fix DMR_03 (SIG556) initSpeed (#7567)
Compat_rhs ADD Missing (undefined) Weapons (#7702)
Compat_rhs_afrf3 - Add RHS:AFRF explosives compatibility (#7734)
Compat_rhs_gref3 - Add RHS:GREF explosives compatibility (#7735)
Compat_rhs_usf3 - Improve RHS:USAF explosives compatibility (#7736)
Medical_Treatment - Downscale Bodybag-item texture (#7755)
Add missing Polish translations (#7773)
Add Russian translation (#7742)
Add Simplify Chinese Localization to medical stringtable.xml (#7767)
Crew served weapons - Add spanish translations (#7728)
Dogtags - Improve spanish translation (#7729)
Translation - Update Japanese (#7668)
Translations - Add French CSW StaticM2ShieldBag key (#7696)
Translations - Add missing Czech translation strings (#7683)
Translations - fix Polish punctuation (#7776)
Translations - fix some french keys (blood status and trenches) (#7670)
Translations - Improve Artillery Tables (#7723)
Translations - Russian (#7770)
Translations - Spanish (#7685)
Translations - Spanish (#7686)
Translations - Spanish (#7687)
Translations - Spanish (#7688)
Translations - Spanish (#7722)
Translations - Simplified Chinese Translation for medical items and GUI (#7772)
Translations - Spanish Ballistics (#7724)
Translations - Spanish Cookoff (#7725)
Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (#7763)
Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (gunbag and map_gestures modules) (#7775)
Translations - Update / Fix Russian (#7764)
Turkish Language Update (#7690)
Update stringtable.xml (#7689)
ACEX v3.5.4
https://github.com/acemod/ACEX/releases @acex
Fortify - Fix legacy module support (#243)
Translations - Polish (#245)
Translations - Russian (#244)
Sitting - Fix interaction condition (#234)
Fortify - Make module dynamically check config for presets (#238)
Field rations - Add inventory context menu action (#229)
Killtracker - Add localized entries (#231)
Add missing Polish translations (#239)
Translations - German (#208)
Killtracker - Add localized entries (#231)
Translations - Russian (#235)
ACRE2 v2.7.4.1027
https://github.com/IDI-Systems/acre2/releases @acre2
Extensions - Fix freeze on start with Tobii EyeTracker (#951, #971)
Intercom - Fix missing variable for JIP player (#943)
Various - Fix undefined functions (#940)
Server - Fix masterIdTracker with multiple duplicates (#957)
GSA - Fix PFEH not being removed under some conditions (#949)
152/117F - Fix Zero Divisor when adding spaces to channel names (#946)
GSA - Fix PFH not being removed (#947)
Extension - Multi-thread init pbo/file scan (#973)
Extensions - Improve callExt for getSignal and update dynload (#933)
Extensions - Parse Startup Parameters Config File (#961)
GUI - Use XEH for inventory display initialization (#965)
GUI - Close inventory context menu after using open radio action (#964)
Respawn - Improve MenuPosition with Spectator (#929)
Radios - Cache module functions (PREP_MODULE) (#944)
Components - Improve getAntennaDirMan function (#934)
Debug - Add dump performance counters function and cleanup (#643)
ReddnTank v1.12.173
SWS: 1128145626 @Redd_n_Tanks_Vehicles
Version 1.12.173
- Fixed Missing Artillerycomputer for M120 in Vanilla
Version 1.12.172
- Fixed Issue with "rnt_graben_gerade"
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 07.07.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 23.09.2020.
Arma 3:
3CB Factions v3.0.2
SWS: 1673456286 @3CB_Factions
Added AN-PRC 155 Radio Backpack
Added Legacy support for enforced historic TKC Open and Fuel Ural classname change
Added M60A1 / M60A3 to AAF Indfor
Added Missing DHK1983, PGS64, and UKK muzzle brakes to AK-74n, AKS-74un and AK-74mr respectively
Added Option to enable thermal optics on gunner turret via vehicle attributes on AAF, HIDF, and USMC AAVs
Added Semi-Automatic mode to RPK / RPK-74
Added SVD NPZ variant
Fixed ADA CfgGroups incorrect side entries
Fixed ADE CfgInfantry incorrect side entries
Fixed ADE, ADM, and ADP Automatic Rifleman having wrong magazines in backpack
Fixed AAF Indfor Automatic Rifleman and SF Automatic Rifleman missing gun
Fixed AAF 'MSV' displayed names on static weapon teams
Fixed AAF Opfor Incorrect Vehicle Radio
Fixed Flapping rear ramp on AAV
Fixed Incorrect Sten Magazine ammo count
Fixed M14 sounds
Fixed Mirrored text on M60 ammo box
Fixed Missing AAV track_l, track_r, slide convex component errors in .rpt
Fixed Missing inventory image on PVS5A NVGs
Fixed Missing magazine in Takistan Army Team Leader weapon in Eden
Fixed Missing roof texture on Hilux Closed
Fixed Missing tracer on T-55 and M60A3 cannon shells
Fixed M60A1 and M60A3 name
Fixed PAGST Vest armour values
Fixed SDV incorrect textures
Fixed SVD inheritance to correct incorrect weight
Fixed SVD accessory changing weapon to black plastic variant
Fixed Takistan Repair Ural texture error
Replaced all deprecated TFAR radio classnames
Replaced Soviet Automatic Rifleman RPK with RPK-74
Added AAF Faction (AAF)
Added AAVP-7A1
Added African Desert Army Faction (ADA)
Added African Desert Army Paramilitaries (ADR)
Added African Desert Civilians (ADC)
Added African Desert Civilian Militia (ADG)
Added African Desert Extremists (ADE)
Added African Desert Militia (ADM)
Added African Desert Police (ADP)
Added AK-47 Assault Rifle
Added Beacons and Siren to Police BTR-40 and Gaz Vodnik Medevac
Added Beacons to Police Datsun, Hilux, Land Rovers, Gaz Vodnik, Gaz Volha and YAVA motorbike
Added Bicycles
Added Blowpipe AA
Added Bren Light Machine Gun
Added Browning HP Pistol
Added CHDKZ T-55 and MT-LB textures
Added Equipment for new factions
Added G3 Assault Rifle
Added Horizon Island Defence Force & IDAP Medevac UH1H variant
Added HK33 Assault Rifle
Added M60A1 & M60A3 tank variants
Added M939 MLRS variant
Added M939 Zu23 variant
Added Magazine and grenade Proxies to AK-47, FNFALs, G3s, HK33s, RPK, M16s, and M14s
Added MaxxPro Green and Woodland variants
Added MG3 Machine Gun
Added Motorbikes
Added MT-LB Zu23 variant
Added MTVR MLRS variant
Added MTVR Zu23 variant
Added RPK-74 Light Machine Gun
Added Side-specific tracer magazines (red, yellow, green, and white)
Added Skoda Octavia
Added Desert & Soviet Scud textures
Added Sterling submachine gun
Added SUV 4x4 Civilian, Armed, and Armoured VIP variants
Added Tanoa and Winter versions of Static Bunkers with option to hide camo net
Added unarmed nest bunkers under Structures > Military
Added working hidden textures to AN-2, T-34, T-55 and UH1H wreck models
Added working pedal animations to all wheeled vehicles
Added working additional dials to wheeled vehicles where possible
Changed Engine damage effect more in line with RHS
Changed M1 helmets for RHS versions
Changed M79 for RHS version
Changed T-34, T-55 Engine Sounds no more turbine!
Changed UH1H Unarmed, Armed and Gunship Hueys to RHS versions
Changed Weapon muzzle flashes to RHS versions
Fixed Cold War Early Soviet Spotter had wrong magazines
Fixed Incorrect civilian uniform inheritance
Fixed Multiple bugs and .rpt errors
Fixed Mutt Jeep TOW launcher not tracking while firing in 3rd Person
Fixed SelectionID .rpt spam while using ACE3
Fixed SU25 ammo / pylon / mfd .rpt errors
Fixed UH1H Medevac not exploding when destroyed
Improved driver animations
Improved MaxxPro .smdi
Improved shared textures to reduce duplication
Improved Wheeled vehicles tyre friction / slip values no more driving on ice!
Removed incorrectly added vehicles from BIS NATO, CSAT, AAF factions
Removed Land Rover (Open) rear windows from Pilot LOD
Known Issues:
M60 tank variants should have four crew slots. Loader required to be added in future update
M60 tank commander cupola M2 optic misaligned when zoomed in. Ranged when not zoomed
Bren L4 stand-in prone reload animation until one can be made
CUP Terrains Core v1.16.0.0
SWS: 583496184 @CUP_Terrains_Core
* cup_terrains_buildings - Added platform objects.
* cup_terrains_buildings - Added School Building Modules:
* cup_terrains_buildings - Classroom A 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - Classroom A 02
* cup_terrains_buildings - Classroom B 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - Classroom C 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - Classroom C 02
* cup_terrains_buildings - Corner
* cup_terrains_buildings - End A 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - End A 02
* cup_terrains_buildings - End B 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - End B 02
* cup_terrains_buildings - Entrance A 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - Entrance A 02
* cup_terrains_buildings - Stairs A 01
* cup_terrains_buildings - Stairs B 01
* cup_terrains_editor_c - School editor subcategory.
* cup_terrains_buildings,editor_c - Added Infrastructure editor subcategory
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Non LC variants of Castle Bastion and Castle Stairs.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings_c,compositions - Hide duplicate "Tent A".
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings_c,compositions - Hide duplicate "Tent East" and "Tent East C".
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings_c,compositions - Hide duplicate "Tent" and "Tent (Open)".
* cup_terrains_ca_structures_e - Missing staircase collision geometry in House_C_10_EP1.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures_e - Removed extra fire geometry component from second staircase in House_K_6_EP1.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures_e - Removed extra glass geometry component from House_C_3_EP1.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2 - New Ind_Mlyn_03 interior.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2 - New Ind_Mlyn_02 interior.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings2 - Retextured Ind_Mlyn_04 to be inline with other Mlyn buildings.
* cup_terrains_buildings,editor_c - Updated Myln Editor Previews
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings - Added firelod to Hlidac_budka.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings - Retexture of Hlidac_budka.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings - Retex of stodola_old_open.
* cup_terrains_ca_buildings_c,editor_c - Land_Fuelstation is now visible in editor
* cup_terrains_ca_roads2 - Allowed dam_concP_20 pieces to function as bridges.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Changed map value to "hospital" for A_Hospital.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Changed rubble texture on castle ruins models for Enoch equivalent.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Increased length of the roadway lod at the entrance of A_Castle_Bergfrit.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Increased width of the roadway lod at the top of A_Castle_Bastion.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Removed incorrectly functioning occluders from castle objects.
* cup_terrains_ca_structures - Removed small railing section from the top of A_Castle_Stairs_A.
CUP Terrains Maps v1.16.0.0
SWS: 583544987 @CUP_Terrains_Map
* cup_terrains_maps_sara_dbe1_c, - Corrected Grid config on United Sahrani.
* maps_takistan - Road fixes on Takistan.
* cup_terrains_maps_bohemia - Adjusted road position on Bystrika.
* maps_shapur_baf - Extracted lamp post from building on Shapur.
* cup_terrains_maps_bohemia - Grounded flying hay bales on Bystrika.
* maps_takistan, maps_zargabad - Replaced stonewalls with desert versions on Takistan and Zargabad.
* cup_terrains_maps_afghan_c,maps_bohemia_c,maps_bootcamp_acr_c,maps_chernarus_c,maps_chernarus_summer_c,maps_chernarus_winter_c,maps_provinggrounds_pmc_c,maps_shapur_baf_c,maps_takistan_c,maps_utes_c,maps_zargabad_c - Added ACE_canDig property to several surfacetypes, should ensure you cannot dig on concrete and rock surfaces.
ACE3 v3.13.4
SWS: 463939057 @ace
- Grenades - Add throwable explosive charges (#7860)
- Arsenal - Add Sorting Algorithms (#7719)
- Medical - Add unconscious animations (#7363)
- Map Gestures - Add Briefingscreen support, Different Camera Range, Improve Responsiveness, and Toggles for Curators and Spectators Maps (#7782)(#7876) (#7862)
- Arsenal - Fix sorting when using search (#7877)
- Arsenal - Fix face, voice, insignia in arsenal (#7879)
- Arsenal - Fix fire rate sort caused by flashlight (#7878)
- Arsenal - Fix PCML has no ammo (#7850)
- Cargo - Fix loaded cargo not being deleted when vehicle is destroyed (#7851)
- MicroDAGR - Fix contour interval info showing on compass (#7849)
- View Distance - Update view distance on video options changes (#7824)
- Medical Engine - Prevent issues with respawning and ragdoll animations (#7796)
- Tagging - Fix tag orientation on walls (#7795)
- Nametags - Fix names jump when no ranks shown and talking (#7807)
- Arsenal - double custom right panel misc items buttons fixed (#7801)
- Medical Treatment - Adding splints + tourniquets to simple crate (#7885)
- Medical - Add force walk option to fracture setting (#7852)
- Trenches - Add settings to configure dig/remove trenches durations (#7831)
- MicroDAGR - Improve item model (#7838)
- Goggles - Add CBRN facewear overlays from Contact (#7826)
- Maptool - Improve GPS 3D model by reducing vertex count A LOT (#7827)
- Common - Fix trenches on snow terrain on Thirsk Winter map (#7830)
- Tagging - Add: Support of localized string for tagging interaction (#7819)
- Goggles - Add effects only option (#7808)
- RHS Compats - Fix RHS:USAF Mk11 Mod 0 EC barrel lenghts (#7874)
- Ballistics - Add a 5.8mm magazine with the CMR-76 (QBU-88) (#7820)
- Hearing - Add hearing protection to LDF and Spetsnaz helmets (#7843)
- G-Forces - Add G-force reduction to Heli Pilot Coveralls [LDF] (#7825)
- MissileGuidance - Add config option for using pilot camera as primary SACLOS control method (#7812)
- RHS Compat - Fix RHS:GREF M21/G36 weapons (#7806)
- RHS Compat - Add RHS:SAF compat (#7793)
- RHS Compats - Fix inheritance on some weapons (#7784)
- Logistics Wirecutter - Add additional Contact and Malden fences (#7800)
- Update Japanese translation (#7880)
- Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (Grenades and Advanced Throwing) (#7871)
- Translations - fix some french keys (ACE Uncategorized menu) (#7866)
- Remove "ACE" prefix for the Gunbag category in Uncategorized menu (#7867)
- Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (Arsenal and Map Gestures) (#7863)
- Small Arms - Add stringtable (#7823)
- Update: Minor changes on Simplified Chinese translation. (#7829)
- Translations - Russian (#7786)
ACE3 RHS USAF Compat v3.13.4
SWS:708250744 @ace_compat_rhs_usf3
ACE3 RHS AFRF Compat v3.13.4
SWS:773131200 @ace_compat_rhs_afrf3
ACE3 RHS GREF Compat v3.13.4
SWS:884966711 @ace_compat_rhs_gref3
ACRE2 v2.8.0.1037
https://github.com/IDI-Systems…/releases/tag/v2.8.0.1037 @acre2
Add God Mode (#999, #1001, #1013, #1018, #1019)
Spectator - Add radios integration for EG and ACE Spectators (#963)
Spectator - Add Speaking UI (#990)
API - Add getAllRadiosByType (#988)
Documentation - Add God Mode Framework (#999)
Documentation - Add Spectator Displays Framework (#992)
Documentation - Add API functions (#991)
GUI - Fix Antenna Elevation indicator 3rd party compatibility (#1022)
API - Fix getRadioByType 2nd parameter (#988)
Components - Fix use of ATLtoASL on modelToWorld positions (#989)
Extension - Fix map loading on 32-bit (#979)
Data - Fix data sync log (#982)
Extensions - Fix pipe permission issues (#953)
Documentation - Fix C++ undefined behavior (#1003)
Signal - Improve calculation when antennas are at the same position (#984)
List - Improve Notification System (#1019)
Add custom displays support (via registration function)
Add Curator, EG Spectator, Arsenal and ACE Arsenal displays
Add keys support to Arsenal and ACE Arsenal
Improve rigidity of notifications
Fix custom display PTT spam
Documentation - Update Debugging with Signal Map Tool (#997)
API - Cleanup deprecated functions (#1016)
Core - Cleanup debug (#1002)
French (#1020)
ArmaZeusCache v1.1
SWS: 1908099028 @ArmaZeusCache
Prevent crash with upcoming performance branch update (yes, again :u)
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 23.09.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 4000~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 22.10.2020.
Arma 3:
Enhanced Movement Rework v0.5.1
SWS: 2034363662 @Enhanced Movement Rework
ACRE Animations v1.0
SWS: 2140308792 @ACRE Animations
Privat @ctab
Sangin v4
SWS: 2258347913 @@Sangin.v4
A3 Thermal Improvement v1.
SWS: 2041057379 @A3 Thermal Improvement
GRAD Trenches v.
SWS: 1224892496 @grad
- fixed 3den issue
- added support for ALL terrains (thanks @dedmen)
- added trenches to Zeus
Jbad v0.7101020
SWS: 520618345 @Jbad
fixed issue with water models on lythium
v.0.7101020 -fixed issue with Jbad_Misc_Well_C_U calling a texture from jbad_map_data
-added all pics and icons to the editor previews for everything currently placeable in the editor
v.0.7.100920c -really fixed logo error.
v.0.7.100920 -this update is being released to the upcoming Sangin standalone terrain by SmokeDog
-so many updates we lost track
some main ones listed below:
-damage value fixes..buildings should no longer be destroyed by machine gun fire..thank you @veteran29 for the patch while we worked on implimenting them (sorry it took so long)
-added damaged versions of buildings which are placable via the editor
-added config entries to make the ruins placable via the editor
-added building sounds, tweaked lods
-added/fixed issues in the eden editor (previews and icon images) there are still more that need to be completed that should be coming in the next update.
-please note some of the vehicles in the vehicles pbo are not completed and may or may not be worked on depending on time
but i think the Cat works so have fun.
-as always thanks for everyones support!!!
RHS USAF v0.5.3
SWS: 843577117 @rhsusaf
ADDED IN 0.5.3
Added M1151
Added M1152
Added M1165 ASV for USAF Security Forces
Added winch and AN/AAQ-24 DIRCM meshes to CH-53E model, and copied over improved FLIR mesh from UH-1Y. Credit to Odyseus for providing the winch
Stryker accessories
M1126 olive (dirty) textures
Created rhsusf_props
M995 5.56mm AP ammunition pouches for M249 (DODIC AA02: 4-M995 AP/1-M856 Tracer, Linked)
Stryker decal plane and decal files
Adds M1240A1 with Underbody Improvement Kit (UIK), in M2, M240, and Mk 19 variants. Q-Net armor and additional tow bar accessory to follow.
Adds M1277 with A1 kit (name change from M1240 CROWS, model and clsss names remain the same)
Adds the shot finder (boomerang) made by Foxone to the M1245 M2 and Mk19
^ Tweaked Stryker LODs
^ Removed baked ambient shadow from Tan Stryker hull texture - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5712
^ Added Grenade Launcher Unit Assembly controls to M1127
^ Reduced TOW AI autoseek
^ Increased max AI engagement range for M256 cannon (up to 5km)
^ Tweaked materials for GLUA model in UI
^ Reduced delay between shots for AI in tanks could - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5719
^ USF config was overriding AFRF FCS ammo configuration
^ ERA is more fragile to heavy AP rounds
^ Added subtle refract particle effects to missiles
^ Another attempt at fixing occluders after binarization
^ Tweaked M1134 alpha sorting in gunner LOD
^ M1126, M1127, M1132, M1134 Now have comms install in interior LODS. Consists of AN/VRC-92, AN/VIC-3 IC Boxes, and associated cabling.
^ Updated side mount JR config in USAF
^ Adds M1132 with plow hidden by default. M1132 with plow re-named to M1132 (M2) SMP.
^ M1165 Test added (non-working, currently invisible)
^ M1165 Texture Improvements
^ M1165 fire supp kit re-added
^ Adds non-functional comms kit for M1151/M1165
^ Adds non-functional tactical markings (camo7)
^ Adds proper string table names
^ Adds USMC versions of M1151/M1165
^ Adds IFF Panels
^ New tac markings
^ Tweaked interior camo selection of MATVs
^ Separated the raised exhaust from intake for future versions
^ Adds LODs
^ Improved M1151 Wheels
^ Added more M1151/M1165 Names to Stringtable
^ Adds Rhino to M1151
^ Improved RVMAT for Ext
^ Added hidden selection to Mk. 64 mount (non working)
^ M1152 String table added
^ Improvements to M1152 and the whole thing won't pack anymore
^ Corrected tracer burn times and colors for various 120mm rounds
^ Improved New Front Bumper textures - rebaked
^ Adjusted displayname strings of Mk19 vehicles to be consistent (Should be no more Mk 19/Mk.19/MK19/etc. variations when searching Eden)
^ M1152 SICPS Radio Kit Install part way done
^ M1152 SICPS Textures
^ Olive M1152/M1165 texture
^ Improved interior textures
^ Improved ACC Textures
^ Improved SICPS Textures
^ Improved Ext textures for removal of non-us specific equipment
^ Added a few more edges to UH-1Y FLIR ball to make it appear more round
^ Added basic LRAS3 functionality to M1151 (still needs completely new set of animations)
^ Covered some visible mesh holes/backfaces on CH-53
^ tweaked stryker textures
^ removed redundant geometry
^ Tweaked dispersion of USAF weapons - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5752
^ Tweaked M240 recoil - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5797
^ Small optimization to optic PiP handler
^ Tweaked 40mm HEDP damage so AI is now using it against IFVs - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5792
^ Tweaked recoil of 40mm grenades after after damage change + changed Mk19 CoM
^ Tweaked CH-53E RTD land contact points & adjusted geo physx
^ Small tweak to FMTV deploy event handler
^ RHINO is now how in TI when turned on - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5757
^ Some fixes to stryker textures
^ Updated stryker wheel textures
^ Added DCL-120 & inversed kinematics to UH60M gunners
^ Tweaked UH1Y gun limits & gunner animations
^ Added DCL120 scope to UH1Y & CH47 miniguns
^ Tweaked damage behaviour of helicopters
^ Some adjustments to Joint Rail optics setup on Sniper/DMR rifles
^ Moved railed M14 TOP optics proxy forward slightly to accommodate Leupold Mk.4 M3
^ Added nicer DVE to Stryker
^ Added MWC to stryker rear
^ Adjusted M1025/998/1045 series destroyed model
^ Adjusted M1025/998/1045 dashboard materials
^ Added animated suspension to M1025/998/1045
^ Changed default BO lights status on USAF vehicles
^ Added US Stencil decal font set
^ Added weapon inertia to Caiman & Cougar
^ Tweaked some speed, penetration, and/or damage values for a few 7.62x51 and 5.56x45 rounds
^ Added US Flag to ACU in several versions
^ Improved stryker hull ao and improved wheel textures
^ Few more UH1Y variants will be now visible in VG
^ Improved textures on MATV MRAP
^ Added facewear proxy to ACU first person LOD
^ CBA JAM magazineWells for more weapons
^ Tweaked beam ridding behaviour
^ Tweaked M1025/M998 damage selections once again
^ Minor improvements to C-130J propeller shadows
^ Added straps to Stryker Jerry cans on M1126 M2 only
^ Laser/Light attachments can be fitted to forward scout rail on 'SOCOM 16 (Rail)' (bear in mind lasers/lights will clip some long scopes models that fit on the optic rail, and obstructs ironsights)
^ Vastly improved M113 M2 gunner front windshield fire geometry
^ Added few more customization options to M113 (WIP)
^ Added separate commander turret to M113 - it's now possible to turn in & use FFV
^ Tweaked M113 shadow LOD around commander hatch
^ Added inertia to M113 weapons
^ Added weapon inertia to mounted M2 on FMTV & HEMTT
^ Added inertia to weapons mounted on M1 Tanks
^ Added separate turret for M1 Loader - player may now use FFV & M240 separately. Loader now can also use visor mounted on top of his hatch & this setup prevents bug with TI zoom on M1A2 Loader gun.
^ Added KIA anims for new M113 commander moveset
^ Renamed M1A1SA to M1A1AIM, since models are actually representing AIM variants
^ Added weapon proxy to Fire Geometry of FMTV, Caiman, Cougar, M1127 & RG33L
^ Added turret adjustment option to gunner of various pintle mounted weapons - use "Adjust up/down" action (default Ctrl+W/S) to lower or expose your character more (WIP)
^ Added suspension animation to M1151
^ Tweaked geometry PhysX & centre of mass of M1151
^ Added M1 TUSK cannon M2 to Fire Geometry
^ Fixed textures for boomerang on M1245
^ Added action to raise & lower TOW tripod in Eden editor via attribute
^ Tweaked VG options configuration on M1097 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5923
^ Adds hidden selection to the M1151 LRAS3 that doesn't work..
^ Added flag proxy to Strykers
FIXED IN 0.5.3
@ Fixed default value in M1132 Distance Interval variable
@ Fixed Lerca zoom - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5723
@ Fixed wrong passenger position in 2nd LOD on M1127
@ Fixed wrong behavior of cargo occluders after binarizing p3d on Stryker series - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5735
@ Automatic troops NVG handler no longer replaces NVG on character head if there is already some NVG attached to it
@ USAF references to AFRF which resulted in broken get out action if AFRF was not loaded - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5764
@ Gauges added to M1151
@ Gauge fixes for M1151
@ M1151/M1165 Shadow LOD fixes
@ M1165 WD does not appear in Garage any longer
@ Renamed camo7 to i1 to support decal system forthcoming
@ Fixed USMC Versions
@ Adds CIP Hidden panels
@ Set the snorkel to translate mode but then I broke it
@ Fixed air scoop shadow LOD issue
@ Fixed some Mk 19 stuff for later version
@ Fixed gunner proxies on M2 Version
@ Fixed the Hidden select on the Mk 64 mount (da12thmonkey lives!!)
@ Muzzle flash proxy was not visible when firing MG on some Stryker variants (possible zasleh/muzzleFlash selections clash)
@ Added the CIP to the selection, but appear to have broken the M1152
@ Fixed cargo proxy on M1152, will do to rest later
@ Camo selection added to M1151 Deploy Mk 64 Mount
@ Fixed M1152 RSV
@ Fixed placement of some comms kit in SICPS
@ Fixed M1151 Ext NOHQ
@ Reduced M14 max zeroing from 2000m to 1200m
@ Fixed hiding of spare wheel on hemtts
@ Fixed typo in buoyancy named property on hemtts
@ Fixed DUKE script behaviour on dedicated server - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5771
@ SU-260/P (MDO) wasn't using correct inventory image
@ Fixed Stryker AI cargo issue - Troop Commander is now commander of whole vehicle - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5713
@ fixed stryker hull AO issue
@ Fixed some CfgMoves .rpt errors related to M1127
@ C130J cargo is now only detached when speed is lower than 10m/s - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5810
@ Fixed VG radar action for AH64D on dedicated server - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5809
@ Fixed stryker interior colors
@ missing STORM texture
@ Removed decals from stryker interior
@ Stryker interior AO fixes
@ Weird layer on pioneer equipment
@ Changed opacity on woodland stryker tire dirt
@ Added missing bipod sounds USAF accessories
@ Changed position of all M11XX front suspension to be aligned center
@ Fixed shadows on Cougar turrets
@ Fixed glass pieces on Cougar Mk19 turret
@ Fixed UH1Y door hiding Virtual Garage action - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5830
@ M-ATV Mk.19 CROWS had the wrong "camo" retexture selection in distant LODs
@ Fixed rear MATV SOF textures
@ Fixed the MATV SOF rear WD Texture
@ Fixed MATV Ext textures
@ Fixed inaccurate displayName for some Flare/Chaff magazines
@ Underwing fuel-tanks were visible in C-130J shadow in spite of being removed from visual LODs
@ Fixed Mk17 LB transformed into wrong variant when folded - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5855
@ Fixed MATV Ext and Interior textures
@ AH-1Z's cannon ammunition incorrectly labeled as SAPHEI-T (tracer ammo) rather than SAPHEI
@ M240G had some overlapping camo selections
@ Changes the M1240 CROWS to M1277
@ Fixed alpha order for windows on all A1 MATVs
@ Rebaked M1240A1 / M1277 textures to fix a a few errors
@ Fixed M107 ghost LOD - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5906
@ Fixed AI spawning on new Loader MG turrets
@ Fixed order of turrets on M1A2 TUSK I
@ Fixed missing muzzle flashes on M1XX & MATVs
@ Fixed M11xx PKM gunner view & gunner animations
@ HEMTT ammo carrier with APK+M2 only had single memory point in its damper axis (broken suspension travel and gunner IK)
@ FFV751 was missing tandem HEAT warhead property - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5915
@ Some of the single shot rockets had mass assigned
@ Fixed ballistic glasses strings - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5921
@ Fixed M7 LVOSS with new geo and textures
@ Fixed rhsusf_M1085A1P2_B_D_Medical_fmtv_usarmy deploy action - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5930
RHS AFRF v0.5.3
SWS: 843425103 @rhsafrf
ADDED IN 0.5.3
Added KrAZ-255B1 in 4 variants: PMP carrier, BMK-T carrier, Flatbed & Fuel (TZ-8-255B) - Work in progress!
Added PMP-60 shore segment - Work in progress!
Added pontoon end
Added mixed 6b23 EMR w/ Flora
New BTR-80 textures
New textures+materials for AKS-74U and AKS-74UN
Added PG7VS & VM rockets to RPG7 - huge kudos goes to Istar from PSZ team!
^ Tweaked RHS JR support for SVD side mount
^ Reduced delay between shots for AI in tanks could - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5719
^ ERA gets triggered more easily by heavy AP rounds
^ Added subtle refract particle effects to missiles
^ Added master safe to Mi-24
^ Improved reliability of Mi-24 9S475 script when there were no weapons mounted on pylons
^ Added driver animation, lights & firegeometry to KrAZ-255B
^ Added Editor Previews & Virtual Garage icons to KrAZ-255B1
^ Tweaked visuals & configuration of BMK-T
^ Tweaked pontoons visuals
^ Tweaked BTR actions order - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5756
^ Corrected KrAZ rear lights orientation
^ Added special geometries to BMK-T
^ Added crew animations to BMK-T
^ Tweaked roadway LOD of BMK-T
^ Tweaked BMK-T engine params
^ Added ViV to KrAZ-255B1 BMK-T carrier
^ Added suspension animations to KrAZ-255B1
^ Added rear lights to KrAZ-255B1
^ Tweaked KrAZ-255 suspension animations
^ Added damage and destruction materials to KrAZ-255
^ Optimized GAZ66 R142 radio EH
^ Added weapon inertia to AFRF mounted weapons
^ Adjusted dispersion of AFRF weapons - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5752
^ Added Virtual Garage option to hide side walls on KamAZ-5350 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5748
^ Tweaked UAZ (DShKM) gunner view aiming point - it was aligned to 1st resolution LOD instead of gunner view - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5785
^ Added hidden selections to RPG7 warheads - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5707
^ Tweaked PKM/PKP recoil
^ Added hidden selections to KrAZ-255B1
^ Added TI textures to KrAZ & BMK-T
^ Tweaked 2A28 fire particle effects - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5796
^ Added hidden selections to 6B47 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5804
^ Tweaked OG-7V & TGB-7V maximum range - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5758
^ Changed default magazine for RPG7V2 in VA to PG7VL
^ Adjusted damage on AFRF helicopters
^ Added some AFM hitpoints to Mi24
^ Tweaked Pchela-1T geometry + added basic hitpoints - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5818
^ Tweaked 1P63 reticle behaviour in night - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5829
^ Mi-24 and Mi-8 can now be equipped with S-24 rockets from loadout editor
^ Tweaked mass of AFRF weapons
^ Tweaked beam ridding behaviour
^ Tweaked Vikhr max range & general characteristics - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5842
^ Tweaked 1P87 reticle - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5833
^ Changed logic for LRF handling (vanilla continuous one is limited to 5km)
^ Changed init zoom on 1P29. Click minus on numpad to get more situational awareness - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5862
^ Adjusted PSO-1M2-1 position for consistency with other scopes and moved VSS/AS Val optic proxy forwards
^ Increased ZSU-23 shells time to live from 6 seconds to 14 so it can reach 2.5km and bit beyond - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5881
^ Improved centering of RPG-7 magazine proxy in the barrel
^ Added RPG7 rocket flames delayed unhiding
^ Slightly updated btr-80 textures
^ Changed back display name of 3BM48 to 3BM46 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5891
^ Improved T80U series fire geometry & added optics destruction
^ Added new gunner animation for 9K38 Dijgit
^ Tweaked 9K38 Dijgit fire mode configuration - added ability to fire salvo - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5924
FIXED IN 0.5.3
@ Fixed tracks memory point on T80UK
@ Added baseWeapon property to rhs_weap_ak74m_camo_npz - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5709
@ Automatic troops NVG handler no longer replaces NVG on character head if there is already some NVG attached to it
@ Fixed BTR80 periscope - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5753
@ Fixed binocular action when turned out in some of the T tanks - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5762
@ Fixed missing interior sounds of YaK-B
@ Tweaked 6B47 & 6B23 with 6Sh116 last LODs - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5755
@ Fixed small typo in Mi28 ejection script - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5801
@ Fixed some CfgMoves .rpt errors related to BMK-T
@ Fixed Mi28 radar VG attribute on dedicated server
@ Added missing bipod sounds AFRF accessories
@ Fixed missing KrAZ-255 proxies in cargo LOD
@ Fixed BTR-70 spare wheel action range - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5835
@ Fixed trailing spaces in named selections of Makarov & AKS74U in resolution LODs
@ AFRF conflicted with compatibility of some scopes on USAF weapons when both mods were loaded
@ BTR-80 texture fixes
@ Fixed wrong definition of folded AK103 with Zenitco kit
@ Some of the single shot rockets had mass assigned
@ Added hiddenSelections to 6Sh46
RHS GREF v0.5.3
SWS: 843593391 @rhsgref
ADDED IN 0.5.3
^ Updated side mount JR config in GREF
^ Added CHDKZ variant of KrAZ-255B1
^ Added pylon destruction to UH1H
^ Added separate exhaust effect to A29 so mods like Blastcore are no longer breaking HUD with refract effect
^ SuperHind can now be equipped with S-24 rockets
^ CBA JAM magazineWells for more weapons
^ Changed init zoom on L2A2 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5862
^ HIDF machine gunners now using new FN MAG
^ Updated Field Cap (Spectre-SKWO) icon - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5920
FIXED IN 0.5.3
@ Fixed UH-1H dismounts behaviour - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5772
@ CDF BTR-80 texture fixes
@ Some of the single shot rockets had mass assigned
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 22.10.2020 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 30.01.2021.
Arma 3:
Realistic Auto Pilots
SWS: 1439605692
Secret 2.3
FTP ace compat bei optionals nicht vergessen
CBA_A3 v3.15.2.201119
SWS: 450814997 @CBA_A3
Add CBA_fnc_canAddItem function #1330 by Dystopian
Inventory - Add context menu options for pointers and optics #1328 by veteran29
Add CBA_fnc_hashValues #1350 by Fusselwurm
Add Disassembled XEH support #1384 by veteran29
Add IMI Galil magwells #1367 by Freddo3000
Invisible Target improvements #1346 by commy2
Joint Rails - Pistol Pointer slot uses Bipod slot overlay #1345 by commy2
Disposable - Reduce savegame file size #1334 by commy2
JR - Ensure class names returned by compatibleItems are in config case #1335 by mharis001
hashValues - don't copy arrays #1377 by PabstMirror
Fix statemachine conditions using global variables #1390 by BaerMitUmlaut
Russian translation #1347 by smitt14ua
Add missing Polish translations #1348 by HubertStefanski
Translation - Add French Translations (Ai) #1387 by Elgin675
SWS: 463939057 @ace
Version 3.13.5
_Requires CBA version 3.15.0 or later and Arma 3 version 2.00 or later._
## Change Log Summary
- Markers - Add timestamps (#7947)
- Common / Medical - Fix loading patients into turret only seats (#7980)
- Medical Statemachine - Fix players occasionally being invincible after respawning (#7999)
- Medical AI - Fix unconscious medics not being healed by other AI medics (#7995)
- Medical Status - Fix unconscious AI aiming at enemies (#7977)
- Ballistics - Update the B_556x45_dual (#7982)
- Medical Statemachine - Add setting to disallow bleedout in cardiac arrest (#7547)
- DAGR / Interaction Menu / Repair - Fix overwriting globals (#7990)
- Repair - Fix spare wheels receiving fall damage (#7978)
- Interaction - Fix door opening for buildings with 10+ doors (#7975)
- Medical AI - Fix AI healing itself too fast when hit (#7955)
- Zeus - Don't allow creating a new zeus module if we already are one (#7970)
- Refuel - Fix refuel nozzle getting stuck in destroyed vehicles (#7957)
- Cargo - Fix loaded objects taking damage (#7946)
- Cookoff - Fix engine fire position of Kamaz trucks (#7945)
- Grenades - Remove ref to missing audio (#7928)
- Fastroping - Fix inconsistent usage of ARR macro (#7936)
- Medical Treatment - Fix invalid usage of ARR macro (#7933)
- Hearing - Fix invalid usage of ARR macro (#7932)
- Fastroping - Fix invalid usage of ARR macro (#7931)
- Arsenal - Fix invalid usage of ARR macro (#7930)
- Explosives - Add `clackerAdded` event (#7994)
- Arsenal - Conditional on sorts (#7889)
- Arsenal - Sort by protection (helm, uniform, vest) (#7952)
- Medical - Adjustable times for many treatment actions (#7951)
- Medical - Allow placing unconscious in a body bag (#7941)
- Medical - Add Treatment Time Addon Settings (#7900)
- Gunbag - Add BI Arsenal Compatibility (#7887)
- Medical - Show triage level in interaction (#7940)
- Arsenal - Provide reference to the current box (#7948)
- Slideshow - Add "SlideChanged" event (#7954)
- Vehicle Lock: add events (#7938)
- Maptools - Include only highest res mipmaps in map overlay textures (#7953)
- Explosives - Add CBA settings for max/min/default timer values (#7916)
- Extensions - Fixed casting const char* to char* (#7925)
- Arsenal - Remove launcher sorts (#7890)
- Quick Mount: Check vehicle simulation (#7886)
- Medical Treatment - Settings cleanup (#7973)
- Medical Treatment - Title case autoinjector item names (#7974)
- Ballistics - Remove MAR-10 magazines from AWM magwell (#7777)
- Documentation - Remove slideshow note (#7715)
- Scopes - Weapons IronSightBaseAngle updated (#7958)
- Frag - Add frag values to R_MRAAWS_HE_F (#7927)
- Compat RHS USAF - Fix CH-47 ramp actions (#7918)
- Translations - Update French Translations (Medical Statemachine) (#7997)
- Translations - Update French Translations (Medical Treatment) (#7993)
- Translations - Update French Translations (Arsenal, Markers and Medical GUI) (#7987)
- Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (Medical Treatment) (#7988)
- Translations - Update / Fix French Translations (Explosives) (#7942)
- Translations - Turkish (#7909)
- Translations - Fix french translations (Fastroping) (#7910)
ACE3 USAF Compat Version 3.13.5 fixed
SWS: 773125288 @ace_compat_rhs_usf3
ACE3 AFRF Compat Version 3.13.5 fixed
SWS: 773131200 @ace_compat_rhs_afrf3
ACE3 GREF Compat Version 3.13.5 fixed
SWS: 884966711 @ace_compat_rhs_gref3
GRAD Trenches v.
SWS: 1224892496 @grad
- fixed texture placement issue ( thanks to @arend for the report )
- fixed an issue with the trenches showing while beeing placed ( thanks to @MonocledBadger )
- fixed HEMTT Path ( thanks to @krieghof )
- Fixed giant trench catapult glitch (thanks to @nomisum )
- Changed Stamina handling to streamline it and fixed digging helper stamina drain (thanks to @PhiJaSko )
- added optional decay for trenches (suggested by @jones140)
- Improved trench placement on roads (suggested by @-ben-)
- fixed removing & continuing Trenches
- changed stamina drain
RHS USAF v0.5.4
SWS: 843577117 @rhsusaf
^ Made antenna animations on M11xx series bit more smooth
^ Added camo variants of M8541 with high mount
^ Adjusted to high max fording depth on non USMC M11xx, M998 & M1025 series vehicles
^ Tweaked max wheels turning angle
^ USMC M11xx vehicles are using proper exhaust points
^ Added new DVE screen to rest of Stryker variants
^ Adjusted M995 AP caliber (penetration) value following initSpeed correction
FIXED IN 0.5.4
@ Fixed flying of SACLOS missiles over line of sight
@ Some of the M1 groups were still using old names
@ Fixed afterburner script exit condition
@ Fixed missing picture error for M24 & Leopold binoculars
@ Updated USAF load order & preload list to prevent some of the addons missing from Zeus on dedicated server + fix dependencies of 3rd addons which relay on USAF loadorder addon
@ Fixed glass selections in fire geometry of M1151 with MCTAGS turret & added missing weapon proxy in FG - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5941
@ M1127 Stryker RV missing mirror material in external LOD
@ Fix missing para folded icons which I forgot to commit - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5950
@ Unified engine damage configuration between M11xx & M1025
@ Fixed M18 Yellow Smoke grenade translation - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=3541
@ Some M855 ball and M995 AP mags inherited M855A1 initSpeed
@ Fixed M113 with Mk19 missing turret selection - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5967
RHS AFRF v0.5.4
SWS: 843425103 @rhsafrf
^ Added transport variant of KrAZ-255B1
^ Tweaked KrAZ-255B1 suspension strength
^ Added new autoloader sound
^ Tweaked T80U turret hitpoints
^ Updated BTR80 damage RVMATs - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5938
^ Tweaked KrAZ lights
^ Added flag proxy to KrAZ-255B1
FIXED IN 0.5.4
@ Fixed turn out option for FFV seat on open Ural variant
@ Fixed afterburner script exit condition
@ Removed some obsolete debug code from auto loader functions
@ Fixed flying of SACLOS missiles over line of sight
@ Fixed T80B tank commander override breaking gunner view
@ Updated AFRF load order & preload list to prevent some of the addons missing from Zeus on dedicated server + fix dependencies of 3rd addons which relay on AFRF loadorder addon
@ Fixed Ka-52 wrong rotor direction - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5943
@ Fixed Mi-28 main rotor rotation direction - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5946
@ GAZ-66 Ammo & Repair were using wrong land contact points
@ removed Mi-24P ghost LOD
@ Fixed copy paste armor values on 6b43 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5954
@ Fixed little typo in FiringLimits of Ural with Zu-23
RHS GREF v0.5.4
SWS: 843593391 @rhsgref
^ Added KrAZ-255B1 to CHDKZ & TLA
^ Added independent version of TLA
^ TLA Armed Offroad now have 90% chance to have armored shield mounted
FIXED IN 0.5.4
@ Fixed M-70B sound error when SAF is not loaded - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5933
@ Updated GREF load order & preload list to prevent some of the addons missing from Zeus on dedicated server + fix dependencies of 3rd addons which relay on GREF loadorder addon
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 30.01.2021 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 18.02.2021.
Arma 3:
Secret 2.3rc2
Download in PM
Secret Ace Compat 2.3rc2
in selbem Download
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 18.02.2021 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 17.03.2021.
Arma 3:
Entfernt werden:
@ArmaZeusCache (aufgrund von ArmA Update irrelevant geworden)
RnT Trenches Standalone
SWS: 1983487115 @RnT Trenches - Standalone
ACRE2 dev2.8.0.1040
- Gestures - Add Radio Use Animations (#1031)
- API - Add Audio Source Control (#1038)
- SEM70 - Fix frequency setting on dedicated server (#1068)
- Use isNotEqualTo (#1030)
- Attenuation - Improve handling of 1st person spectating (#1049)
- GSA - Fix connection issues on dedicated server (#1061)
- GSA - Fix disconnected unit notification (#1066)
- God Mode - Fix sendText (#1026)
- API - Fix scheduler issue in getRadioByType (#1034)
- API - Fix type check in setPTTDelay (#1025)
- PRC148 - Fix invalid knob position after call to setRadioChannel API (#1064)
SEM70 - Prep functions at preStart (#1063)
- Fix various debug macro usage (#1057)
- Documentation - Add GSM and Classnames (#1036)
- Extensions - Update to C++20 (#1058)
- Extensions - Fix loosing const-qualifier (#1027)
- Core - Change Babel default keybind to fix ACE Interact conflict (#1044)
- API - Improve module icons (#1045)
- Racks - Add an additional rack to helicopters (#1035)
- API - Optimize setPTTDelay (#1033)
- Documentation - Improve pax/passenger intercom clarity (#1037)
- French (Rack) (#1046)
- CI - Add release and development build workflow (#1062)
- CI - Add unbinarized HEMTT builds (no extensions) (#1050)
CBA_A3 v3.15.3.210310
SWS: 450814997
## Change Log Summary
New features and improvements for compatibility with Arma 3 version 2.02.
- Network - Add naked unit bug workaround (#1406) **Kexanone**
- XEH - Add Suppressed EH from 2.02 (#1427) **PabstMirror**
- Characters - Unlock malaria-infected civilians (#1344) **Kexanone**
- Arrays - Add function to get standard deviation (`CBA_fnc_standardDeviation`) (#1407) **Kexanone**
- XEH - Fix missing XEH on GM objects (#1426) **commy2**
- XEH - Fix missing XEH on AoW objects (2.02) (#1420) **PabstMirror**
- Joint Rails - Add Compatibility With Mk14 Classic variant (#1398) **commy2**
- Keybinds - `CBA_fnc_addKeybind` and custom controls (#1379) **mattysmith22**
- XEH - Use compileScript in CBA_fnc_compileFunction (#1422) **PabstMirror**
- Utilize `isNotEqualTo` (#1376) **Neviothr**
- Use `fileExists` command (2.02) (#1410) **PabstMirror**
- Tools - PyLint improvements (#1418, #1417, #1416) **Killswitch00**
- Use `configOf` command (#1419) **PabstMirror**
- Diagnostics - Add indentation in debug console with `Tab` (#1357) **veteran29**
- Magwells - Add CZ 807 Magwell (#1397) **TyroneMF**
- Hashes - Add Documentation for default parameter in hashGet (#1382) **jokoho48**
- Magwells - Add 556 STANAG magazines to SCAR EGLM magwell (#1401) **Dahlgren**
- Magwells - Add ACP-C2 magazine to `CBA_45ACP_1911` magwell (#1400) **Dahlgren**
- Magwells - Add `CBA_45ACP_1911` magwell to ACP-C2 (#1399) **Dahlgren**
- Magwells - Update 556 STANAG magwell with Sand magazines (#1402) **Dahlgren**
- Use `unitTurret` command (#1380) **PabstMirror**
- AI - Add Invisible Target Soldier string key (#1393) **commy2**
- Translations - Fix French Translations (AI) (#1394) **Elgin675**
ACE3 v 3.13.6
SWS: 463939057 @ace
SWS RHS USAF Compat 773125288 @ace_compat_rhs_usf3
SWS RHS AFRF Compat 773131200 @ace_compat_rhs_afrf3
SWS RHS GREF Compat 884966711 @ace_compat_rhs_gref3
Add Weapon Attachments interaction (#7706)
Medical - Enable forgotten unconscious fade in/out effects (#8156)
Javelin - Reduce soft-launch motor delay (#8152)
Arsenal - Fix Zeus UI lockup after closing arsenal (#8102)
Common - Fix Gesture mutex for scroll-wheel reloads (#8142)
Cook off - Fix ammo box cook off when setting is Players only (#8066)
Replace canAdd with CBA_fnc_canAddItem (#8012)
Markers - Fix Multiple Issues With Timestamps (#8034)
Cook-Off - Fix Disable ammunition cookoff and turret effect when skipping destruction effects (#8122)
Arsenal - Fix custom categories not working for some Misc item types (#8088)
Tripod - Fix blocking mouse wheel input handler (#8090)
Dragging - Fix mass synchronization (#8071)
Missile Guidance - Active Radar Homing: Use AGL for nearestObjects check (#8045)
Map Gestures - Fix briefing mode group (#8025)
Medical Treatment - Fix fnc_addToInventory call (#8013)
Arsenal - Fix sort by load (#8011)
Hellfire - Improve descriptions for hellfire variants (#8157)
Medical - Show "Inventory" action on unconscious units (#8083)
Medical Treatment - Settings to limit IVs to certain locations (#8116)
Utilize isNotEqualTo (#7929)
Advanced Throwing - Add object variable to disable pick up of attached throwables (#8031)
Quick Mount - Add icon for Change Seat action (#8126)
Wire Cutter - Replace fences with destroyed models when cut (#8106)
Common - Improve getPylonTurret by using getAllPylonsInfo (#8087)
General - Switch to CBA_fnc_addSetting (#8099)
Various - Use configOf command for faster lookup (#8100)
Goggles - Allow wiping in more states (#8111)
Medical Damage - Add setting for unconscious chance from pain (#8092)
Interact Menu - Combine parent menu with single child (#8060)
Grenades - Use fnc_addToInventory (#8016)
Interact Menu - Optimize interaction menu conditions (#8037)
Medical Engine - Hide actions that have ACE interactions (#8003)
Flash Suppresssors - Update configs for 2.02 (#8105)
R3F Compat - Update to the R3F weapons 3.7.1 (#8078)
Quick Mount - Cleanup unused variable (#8074)
Ballistics - Add 30rnd 556 magazines to SCAR EGLM magwell (#8054)
RHS Compat - Add ACE_GForceCoef value for DF-15 uniforms (#8039)
Arsenal - Remove useless isClass check in configClasses (#8018)
Tagging - Remove useless isClass check in configClasses (#8017)
Medical Treatment - Fix fnc_addToInventory call (#8013)
Update Japanese (#8146, #8150)
Spanish (#8129, #8139)
BWA3 v2.3
SWS 1200127537 @bwa3
SWS ACE Compat: 1200145989 @bwa3_ace
- hinzugefügt: Dingo 2 von Roman Pichurin (https://www.artstation.com/mendicantes)
- hinzugefügt: Mörser 120mm
- hinzugefügt: P12
- hinzugefügt: LLM-PI von Perfect Ace (https://www.artstation.com/perfectace)
- hinzugefügt: Impuls IIA
- geändert: G28 Modell
- geändert: P8 Modell
- geändert: G82 Modell von Roman Pichurin (https://www.artstation.com/mendicantes)
- geändert: Leopard 2 Textur
- geändert: G29 Mündungsgeschwindigkeit wurde nicht durch Schalldämpfer beeinflusst
- geändert: Kompatiblität der improvisierten Tarnung mit CUP, GM (Weferlingen Winter ausgenommen) und Livonia
- geändert: G27 Magazin und Frontgriff Modell
- geändert: Verschiedene Waffen nutzen nun Vanilla-Sounds
- geändert: G28 nutzt nun 20 Schuss Magazine
- geändert: P8 nutzt nun das LLM-PI statt dem LLM-01
- behoben: Einige Waffen fehlten im Arsenal und Kisten bei Benutzung von ACE
- behoben: Smoothingfehler Leopard 2
- behoben: Materialfehler bei Symbolen
- behoben: Eagle Dachschütze Animationsfehler
- behoben: Schattenfehler ZO4x30
- behoben: G29 LOD Fehler
- behoben: Konsistenz der Namensgebung der Magazine
- behoben: Materialfehler bei den Tarnnetzen
- behoben: Navipad wird nun ausgeblendet bei Bewusstlosigkeit (ACE3)
- entfernt: G28 E3 Patrol (Klassenname führt zu G27)
- entfernt: 7.62x51mm 10 Schuss Magazin (Klassenname führt zu 20 Schuss Magazin)
3CB Factions v4.0.3
SWS 1673456286 @3CB_Factions
Added Gorka uniforms to ChDSZ, ChDZZ, ChDKZ units
Fixed 2S6M Tunguska inventory containing BI 2035 equipment and weapons
Fixed 2S6M Tunguska not taking engine damage when submerged
Fixed ChDSZ, ChDZZ, ChDKZ AA / AT unit possessing AK74 magazine
Fixed ChDSZ, ChDZZ, ChDKZ Officer starting with no magazine in weapon
Fixed Fishing Boats missing from Civilian Factions while in Zeus
Fixed Fishing Boat causing '/ladder' error in ALIVE
Fixed Incorrect Eden Preview image for Takistan DsHKm UAZ
Fixed Incorrect HitPoint inheritance on Unarmed Fishing Boats
Fixed M60 tank ammo count to more real life amounts
Fixed M60 tank barrel depression from -5 to -10 degrees
Fixed Naming of 2S6M Tunguska Missiles to 9M311-M1
Fixed Naming of ChDSZ, ChDZZ, ChDKZ Rifleman to AKS-74U
Fixed NAPA AA / AT unit possessing AK74 magazine
Fixed NAPA BRDM-2 classname error
Fixed Russian text on ChDSZ, ChDZZ insignia patches
SWS 2041057379 @Thermal_Improvement
Fixed bug involving RHS vehicles
Enhanced Movement Rework:
SWS 2034363662 @Enhanced_Movement_Rework
- Added: 'Drop view elevation' setting to adjust how far the player must look down to trigger dropping
- Added: "EMR_animSpeedExclude" variable that can be set on units to prevent animation speed changes
- Changed: Some climbing intersect tweaks (Please report any unusual behavior)
- Fixed: ACE advanced fatigue wasn't recovering properly (Thanks Freddo)
- Fixed: 'Enable jumping' & 'enable climbing' settings weren't being applied correctly
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 17.03.2021 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 22.04.2021.
Arma 3:
Entfernt werden:
James Limiter zu finden in @3jgkp
Achilles Key //////// achilles_v1.3.1.bikey
Zeus Enhanced v1.10.0
set Mods[0]=1779063631
set Names[0]="@Zeus Enhanced"
Zeus Enhanced - ACE3 Compatibility v1.10.0
set Mods[1]=2018593688
set Names[1]="@Zeus Enhanced - ACE3 Compatibility"
GRAD Trenches v1.6.8.0
set Mods[2]=1224892496
set Names[2]="@grad"
- fixed assisted digging stamina issue
A3 TI v1.1.0
set Mods[3]=2041057379
set Names[3]="@Thermal_Improvement"
Fixed LTM bug for aircraft without targeting pods
Utilized objectparent instead of vehicle _unit where able for better performance
LAMBS_Danger.fsm v2.5.0
set Mods[4]=1858075458
set Names[4]="@LAMBS_Danger"
Version 2.5.0
Added new FSM with greatly streamlined performance and functionality
Added Group Memory layer for CQB
Added infantry cover seeking function
Added infantry ability to reposition within buildings
Added better checks to skip out FSM if AI behaviour is forced
Added new leadership assessment, contact, and tactics state
Added Group Attack -- making the entire group attack a single target
Added Group Garrison -- letting groups temporarily garrison buildings
Added Group Hold – groups without clear sight of enemies or when overwhelmed by enemy fire will reassess while hiding and manning nearby static weapons
Added group ability to respond to distant snipers by suppression or garrisoning or counter-attacking
Added Dynamic Reinforcement framework with a reinforcement event handler*
Added Eden settings to toggle group AI and reinforcement option
Added improvements to taskAssault waypoint (reliability and tactical proficiency)
Add two different ‘contact states**
Added ability for vehicles to call artillery fires
Added more refined support for ACE3 medical AI. (Fewer instances of AI attempting first aid while engaging or under fire).
Added friendly fire check to AI called artillery
Added units set to ‘FULL’ speedMode will not choose slow or defensive tactical options.
Added improved handling of mechanized/armoured infantry working in conjunction with tanks. Tanks will cover while infantry attack
Added post-contact behaviour. Units with active groupMemory will continue clearing suspected enemy locations.
Added more active use of ‘enableAttack’ in contact and group actions to more tightly control AI.
Added and improved player UI elements
Added Polish Localisation
Added Russian Localisation
Added many performance fixes and enhancements
Improved mod file structure for easier maintenance
Improved FSM priorities for added dynamism
Improved vehicle AI performance and speed
Improved infantry group AI in scope and intelligence
Improved CQB ability by increasing aggression and movement speeds
Improved infantry dodging and seeking cover
Improved group flanking
Improved group hiding
Improved group assaults in speed and consistency
Improved check body routines by differentiating between allies and enemies and adding a shared communications and group memory layer
Improved fleeing state in speed and cover seeking ability by assessing enemies within line of sight or current suppression states
Improved and fixed various aspects of civilian AI
Improved armed trucks will continuously suppress targets and will attempt to shift location if threatened.
Improved handling and threat management of armoured vehicles shifting locations
Improved FSM timings
Improved many debug markers and system messages
Improved group assessment state with better performance and more intelligent responses to enemy presence
Improved AI will attempt to suppress targets at longer ranges
Improved AI will use ‘hide’ and ‘garrison’ tactics in smarter, less intrusive manners.
Improved debug information with more salient content in Debug UI
Improved debug draw performance
Fixed Debug UI not resetting on Single player Restart
Fixed Debug UI not removing old and unused controls correctly
Fixed group hiding from being too invasive
Fixed Infantry fighting vehicles and tanks unwillingness to destroy buildings held by enemies.
Fixed AI units becoming stuck in ‘ATTACK’ pattern when an enemy is incapacitated with ACE3 enabled.
Fixed civilian AI running in place
Fixed Static artillery (mortars and modded guns) not resetting after a fire mission.
Fixed AI less likely to drop prone away from cover
Fixed packing and unpacking static weapons. Occasionally modded weapons would fail to register. Function more reliable overall.
Fixed units that have gone through a contact state will always re-assess.
Fixed units without ready weapons attempting to assault into CQB!
Fixed friendly fire issue with contact state
Changed lambs_wp_fnc_taskReset now returns a group instead of boolean.
Removed CQB formations***
ServerKeys Only
set Mods[5]=1180533757
set Names[5]="@JSRS_RHS_USAF"
set Mods[6]=945476727
set Names[6]="@JSRS_RHS_AFRF"
set Mods[7]=1180534892
set Names[7]="@JSRS_RHS_GREF_SAF"
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 22.04.2021 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
Update erfolgt am 02.05.2021.
Arma 3:
NIArms Core
NIArms G3
JSRS NIArsenal Keys
Display MoreBackpackOnChest - Redux v2.1.0 set Mods[0]=2372036642 set Names[0]="@BackpackOnChestRedux" Greenmag v1.0 set Mods[1]=2352603233 set Names[1]="@GreenMag" Greenmag RHS USAF Compat v1.0 set Mods[2]=2352615767 set Names[2]="@GreenMag - RHS USAF COMPAT" Hatchet Framework - Development Version v1.9 set Mods[3]=1745501106 set Names[3]="@Hatchet Framework - Development Version" Hatchet H-60 pack - Development Version v0.3.1 set Mods[4]=1745501605 set Names[4]="@H-60 pack - Development Version" KAT - Advanced Medical REWRITE v1.9 set Mods[5]=2020940806 set Names[5]="@KAT - Advanced Medical REWRITE" Zeus Immersion Sounds set Mods[6]=2020940806 set Names[6]="@ZeusImmersionSounds" ZluskeN Whistle Mod set Mods[7]=884372152 set Names[7]="@ZluskeNWhistleMod" Enhanced Map Ace Version set Mods[8]=2467590475 set Names[8]="@EnhancedMapAceVersion" Ratworks set Mods[9]=2458094846 set Names[9]="@ratworks" Splendid Smoke set Mods[10]=770418577 set Names[10]="@splendidsmoke" Apricots Slightly bounce GL Smoke Shell set Mods[11]=2039704764 set Names[11]="@ApricotsSlightlybounceGLSmokeShell" Apricots Slightly bounce GL Smoke Shell For RHS set Mods[12]=2039705812 set Names[12]="@ApricotsSlightlybounceGLSmokeShellRHS"
ADDED IN 0.5.5
Vert grip attachment for M4/M16 rifles w/M203 UGL
Adds Q-Net Armor to M1240A1 and M1277 M-ATV variants
Adds M1165A1 armoured GMV with SAG-2 (M2, Mk19 and M134 with scondary M240) and rear M240 swing-mount turrets
Added Q-Nets to M1277 M-ATV CROWS variants
Adds the first iteration of the M1A2 SEP V2 MBT, equipped with M153 CROWS
NXS sniper scopes (Navy/Marines '5.5-22x56' 2nd Focal-Plane and Army '3.5-15x50 F1' 1st Focal-Plane models. Includes long boi models with sunshade. Mil-dot and H58 reticles for 3.5-15x50)
^ Tweaked M11xx armor value so AI is engaging it with small arms
^ Added SCAR magazines to ammo crate
^ Adjusted opticType on RHS accessories
^ Reduced recoil of GAU8 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5963
^ Tweaked GBU-12 flight params - attempt to fix http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5496
^ Added spalling to vanilla HEAT penetrators
^ Added ability to detach empty FGM-148 tube
^ Reduced FGM-148 penetration to some more realistic values
^ Added ability to tow M119 Howitzer
^ Minor tweak to 105mm M14B1 casing geometry
^ Optimized wheels in last LOD of FMTV models
^ M119 Roadway LOD is hidden when vehicle is towed
^ Added MP7 muzzle accessories to Joint Rails (asdg_MuzzleSlot_46 )
^ Added compatibility entries for BIS accessories
^ Adjusted displaynames for M249s with Lightweight Collapsible Buttstock Assembly
^ Added some roundness to top LOD of UH-60 fuel tanks
^ Made ballistic glasses & goggles inventory icons more consistent with rest of the content
^ Tweaked announcer - pull up message is no longer triggered when gear is down
^ Slight section count reduction in all M11XX HMMWVs
^ Tweaked Bradley HE tracers size - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6023
^ Reduced height of MRZR ViV bounding box to its height when the rollcage is folded
^ Moved a vertex on ported C-130J model that caused some texture distortion on one side of the fuselage
^ Towing user actions are now only available to players
^ Added TOW ammo hitpoint to M1134, M996 & M1045 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6027
^ Tweaked what weapons are visible in Eden ammo crate
^ Tweaked visibility of folded weapons in VA - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6037
^ Experimental change to C130J hitpoints
^ Reduced CH53E AFM contact points
^ Adjusted alignment of O-GPK turret shadow on M-ATVs
^ Added additional particle effects to C130J - engine refract & extra destruction particle effects
^ Tweaked roadway setup of C130J so it starts correctly even when placed in Zeus
^ Tweaked front M1 gun limits - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5516
^ Move forward M249 by 5cm to prevent various optics clipping when weapon is deployed in prone stance - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6033
^ Adjusted turn in animation of M1151 GPK turrets gunners - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6034
^ Added LODs to AN-PRC-152 editor prop
^ Added version of AN/PRC-152 configured as a basic radio-slot inventory item
^ Adjusted tan colour of WMX flashlight (thanks to Eagle and warden)
^ Improved M1127 Textures with full re-bake
^ Added experimental function which removes engine fire particle effects after vehicle was repaired & engine was turned on
^ Reworked AFG attachment position on SOPMOD Block 2 rifles
^ Reworked AFG attachment position on M16A4 rifles
^ Reworked AFG attachment position on HK416/M27 rifles
^ Corrected descriptionShort text on several 6Rnd. magazines for the M32
^ Reduced spalling on HEDP rounds fired from Mk19 due to their high rate of fire and amount of bullets it can create
^ Animated M240 feed cover on M1151/M1165
^ Configured MELB GAU-19/A fire rates selectable between 1000 and 2000 rpm per manufacturer's specs, as opposed to fixed 1300rpm rate per GAU-19/B (may switch back to limited ROF if research reveals the gun should indeed be limited on MELB)
^ Regenerated CfgPatches & ground holders for place able items. Warning! Old editor weapons received scope = 1
^ Added or fixed short description on many accessories & weapons
^ Tweaked MP7 rate of fire - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6124
^ Tweaked detach action on helicopters & C130J
^ Increased Mk19 grenades life time - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6056
^ Changed M-ATV, M1151 etc. M240 gunner anim to fix broken neck
^ Adjusted get in points & actions on static weapons + prepared them for 2.04 update
^ Tweaked resolution LODs on vehicle mounted M240B
^ Fixed some door behaviour on uparmoured HMMWVs
^ Added visual smoke shells to Stryker family
^ Tweaked rear rotors hitpoints on CH-47 & 53 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6229
^ Unified DAGR & FFAR hit values - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6125
^ Tweaked sync of BFT map on large maps in MP
^ Slightly increased AI dispersion of man operated M2 machine guns
^ Moved MRZR-4 to the regular "Cars" Eden subcategory
^ Added ability to fold MP7A2
^ M240 OGPK and MCTAGS turrets updated with H24 cradle mount
^ Replaced barrel on Mk19 external view proxy model, with the more detailed barrel from View Gunner LOD
^ Tweaked DUKE destruction function to work better with MATVs
^ Improved M153 CROWS texture
FIXED IN 0.5.5
@ Fixed Lerca Tan icon error
@ Removed AI FCS laser magazines from Virtual Arsenal
@ Fixed camo1 selection in resolution LODS of rhs_spcs_rifleman.p3d & rhs_spcs_teamleader.p3d - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5986
@ Fixed folding with safe mode turned on would result with one magazine missing - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5886
@ Fixed issue when folding weapon could magically spawn new muzzle attachment - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5991
@ American helicopters were missing correct rotor centre memory points - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5999
@ Fixed gunner cue on AH-64 pilot seat was not updating correctly - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6001
@ Assigned proper materials to engine & fuel tank of Littlebird + added armorComponents to above mentioned hitpoints - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5998
@ Corrected M1117 crew - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5987
@ Fixed wrong inheritance of spotting scope
@ M11xx were missing black out lights configs and started with BO lights on
@ Fixed M1151 with LRAS3 was missing gunner get in memory points
@ Fixed M998 4D antenna hiding (this time for real)
@ Removed duplicated LWIRCM from MELB- http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6011
@ M240 was missing a section of it's gas-tube underneath the bipod
@ Fixed duplicated glass selection on M1240a1 with mk19
@ Removed basket options from CH-53E
@ Wheel hitpoints belonging to the second axle on several MRAPs, had steering animations
@ Mk19 M1240A1 had some duplicated glass panes that did not follow turret rotation
@ M1277 M-ATV w/ Mk19 CROWS windows were not tinted the same as the other non-SOCOM M-ATVs
@ M1 tanks were not able to load more than 8 rounds via loadout editor in some cases
@ Fixed scripted turrets not being locked properly in MP - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5894
@ M1 loader gun had wrong compartment defined
@ Not all M113 scripted turrets were locked properly
@ Turned out vehicle commander of Stryker was invisible for people inside when he was using one of the mounted weapons
@ Fixed small typo in FROG rvmat
@ 6Rnd. M662 Red Flare only contained one round
@ US Army & USMC helicopters were using wrong author string - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6138
@ Fixed small typo in A10A flight model config - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6166
@ Fixed door gunner limits on UH-60 -http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6180
@ Fixed UH-1Y copilot legs
@ ACU geometry model components were not conventionally numbered
@ Replaced "&" with "+" on grip & bipods combos since inventory system is using structured text - this resulted & being treated as html code.
@ Fixed bipods reappearing when dismounting gripod - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6218
@ Fixed spacing between components on M1 tanks which resulted in MG bullets going through rear armor - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6087
@ Fixed IBAS FCS when M791 rounds are loaded - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6230
@ MRZR-4 blackout light did not fully hide when turned off
@ Spent cases were not ejecting from the correct position on some vehicles with M240 turrets
@ M1151 Mk19 O-GPK ammo box was part of the Mk64 gun mount retexture selection in View Gunner LOD
@ Ammo boxes did not fully hide on roof of M1245 M-ATV
@ Removed obsolete hit part EH
@ Fixed ammo in editor M49 mine objects - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6220
ADDED IN 0.5.5
Added T15
Added towing system to ZU-23-2 & D-30 (ongoing Work In Progress). Those 2 heavy weapons can be only towed AFRF cars & trucks for now! For more info please go to following page - http://www.rhsmods.org/w/towing
Afghanka uniforms in many different varieties and camouflages
KLMK oversuit
OMON uniform
Cossak uniform
VKPO uniform
6B2 with variants
6B3 with variants
Belt pouches with variants
Suspender equipment with variants
Lifchik chest rig with variants
Chicom chest rig
6Sh117 with variants
6B45 with variants
Afghanka field cap with many variants
VKPO field cap
OMON cap
Cossack visor caps
Cossak Papakha
OMON Beret
Early VDV Beret
New SSh68
STSh-81 Sphera
New 6B47
New RPG pack
Added 6M2 and 6M2-1 Headphones inc. headgear, glasses and NVG slot variants, plus 6B47 helmet models with integrated headphones
Added RPG-18 from Arma 2
Added 6B5 vests from GREF to AFRF, to compliment the addition of other Soviet uniforms and equipment
R-187P1 Azart inventory item for radio-slot
R-169P-1-01 inventory item for radio-slot
Added RPK-74M
6L31 60 round, quad-stack 5.45x39mm magazine
^ Adjusted opticType on AFRF accessories
^ Autotrack system is now using getVehicleTIPars
^ Regenerated icons for AKS74U
^ Added recoil force to aircraft mounted GSh cannons - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5962
^ Tweaked AK74 animations a little bit
^ Tweaked hit points & fire geometry of D30 & ZU-23-2 - they should no longer explode from single grenade + they have now turret & gun hitpoints configured
^ Added spalling to vanilla HEAT submunition
^ Added additional particle effects to ZU-23-2
^ BTR-80 and 80A optimized definitively
^ Improved resolution LODs Crates and Wheels from the BTR70 / Habar.
^ Added SVD muzzle accessories to Joint Rails (asdg_MuzzleSlot_762R_SVD )
^ Added compatibility entries for BIS accessories
^ Improved resolution LODs BMP2
^ Improved resolution LODs BMP1.
^ Improved resolution LODs wooden ditching beam
^ Improved resolution LODs Konkursz.
^ Tweak to towing weapon helper function
^ Improved BMP1/BMP1D/BMP1K camo selections missing.
^ Improved resolution LODs BMK_T
^ Heavy weapon variables related to dragging are properly deinitalized when action is cancelled
^ Improved resolution LODs URAL : optimization of the last lod, which was too square.
^ Improved resolution LODs BMD/Habar : optimization of all the content : additions of 3 lods.
^ Improved resolution LODs PMP pontoon : added 3 lods.
^ Improved resolution LODs AK74
^ Improved resolution LODs ZIL131 : added lod 4 and 5.
^ Added glass panels to Kamaz-5350 last LOD
^ Made RSP-30 & TR-8 icons more consistent
^ Reduced Pchela-1T protection against HE rounds
^ Improved gear/backpack : added landcontact lod.
^ Added special function for handling of dragging heavy weapons by AI (can be only used by mission makers)
^ Added buoynacy=1 to fake towing vehicle
^ Tweaked what weapons are visible in Eden ammo crate
^ Tweaked visibility of folded weapons in VA - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6037
^ Added PG-1, PG-1M & basic implementation of OP4-M45 sight
^ Added optics hitpoint to D-30 & 2B14
^ Small tweaks to ZU-23-2
^ Tweaked 2B14 optic animation + disabled barrel stabilization
^ Improved resolution LODs T-72/T-90 series tanks
^ Improved resolution LODs NSVT : addition of a fifth lod
^ Tweaked vehicles door sounds
^ Added damage textures to new ZU-23-2 model + small color tweak to texture
^ Reduced inventory mass of bakelite and polymer 7.62x39mm AK 30-round magazines
^ Improved resolution LODs T-80 series tanks
^ Added experimental function which removes engine fire particle effects after vehicle was repaired & engine was turned on
^ Few logic tweaks to rhs_fnc_engineCheckDamage function
^ Separate AFG slot proxy definition in AFRF. Avoids USAF dependency if this feature is needed for RU weapons (or community addons) in future
^ Tweaked 9M117 max range & flight time (there are still some issues with guiding them above 5km though) - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6150
^ Tweaked launchers recoil (kudos to PSZ team!)
^ Regenerated CfgPatches & ground holders for place able items. Warning! Old editor weapons received scope = 1
^ Reduced 2A28 dispersion for AIs
^ Proper Eden editor preview images for VDV Recon units
^ Tweaked VOG-30/17 max time to live + added self destruct timer - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6056
^ Tweaked ZSU-23-4 max speed - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6057
^ Tweaked BTR-60 PhysX configuration - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6091
^ Added new T3 scope to ZU-23-2 & calibrated ZAP-23
^ Adjusted get in points & actions on static weapons + prepared them for 2.04 update
^ Reduced turn out limits on Tigr & Kamaz to reduce chance of seeing your own back - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6063
FIXED IN 0.5.5
@ Removed accidental PhysX override
@ Hide Igla pod missiles from Virtual Arsenal
@ Hide some FCS laser magazines from Virtual Arsenal
@ D30 & ZU-23 gun packing was incorrectly locking seats in MP
@ Fixed folding weapon stock with safe mode turned on would result with one magazine missing - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5886
@ Fixed AK74M safe mode animation
@ UAZ was still using old spare tire model in interior LOD
@ Fixed MiG-29SM missile feed - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5990 http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5525
@ Fixed issue when folding weapon or attaching NPZ could magically spawn new muzzle attachment - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5991
@ Fixed NIT-A reticle tint
@ Fixed number of available seats on open ZiL-131
@ Fixed KrAZ-255 door selections in interior LOD
@ Fixed errors related to missing ti textures & replaced them with procedural ones for now
@ Fixed Zil-131 door selections in LOD 3 & 4
@ Towing variables are properly deinitialized when vehicle gets detached
@ Some of the Russian ATGMs inherited tandem heat property - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6021
@ Fixed missing detail in KrAZ-255 interior view
@ Fixed some floating bits near middle KrAZ-255 wheel
@ SVD bolt stays in back position after firing last round
@ Fixed MiG-29SM distance to waypoint text clipping in one of the MFDs - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6042
@ Fixed T-72 startup sounds - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6045
@ Fixed scripted turrets not being locked properly in MP - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5894
@ Fixed smoke effect on OG-7V - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6062
@ Fixed model.cfg for BM-21 rockets ("Invalid parent bone 's13' for 'fire'" .rpt error)
@ AK-103 (Zenitko) handanims when grips were attached
@ AK-103 (Zenitko) was able to attach side-rail optics when the stock was folded
@ Tweaked T72/T90 fire geometry around ammo carousel - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6146
@ Fixed small typo in Su-25 flight model config - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6167
@ Fixed assert when turning out on 2S25, T80A & T80U series vehicles - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6189
@ Fixed 2A28 AI rate of fire - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6201
@ Fixed recoil related errors in single use launchers config - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6194
@ Typo in class rhs_weap_ak74m_fullplum_folded baseweapon parameter
@ Fixed T90AM commander zeroing was affecting AI - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6195
@ Fixed bipods reappearing when dismounting gripod - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6218
@ Fixed camo selections on 6B47 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6073
@ Fixed light going through BTRs hull - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6099
@ Fixed typo in 9M521 tooltip - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6128
@ Fixed issue with AI getting into Tigr-M was restarting players view mode - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6092
@ Fixed .rpt errors related to TR-8 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6226
ADDED IN 0.5.5
Improvised VOG-17 and VOG-25 based "Khattabka" hand grenades (many thanks to Georgy Kiselev https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oAmlDJ)
SPOSN tortila backpack in specter-skwo
^ M21 can be folded with optics attached to it - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5896
^ Added compatibility entries for BIS accessories
^ A29 is now using announcer for gear
^ Moved mag proxy of L1A1 to a more conventional position aligned with the edge of the cut-out side of the mag well, rather than the edge of the slanted side
^ Tweaked what weapons are visible in Eden ammo crate
^ Tweaked visibility of folded weapons in VA - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6037
^ Adjusted dispersion of GREF weapons (WIP)
^ Tweaked recoil of VHS-2 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6032
^ Added gun harmonization to A29 - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6046
^ Increased RPG-75 launcher mass to its loaded weight in line with other single-shot launchers (magazine is massless)
^ Added inventory icon for MP44 magazine - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6156
^ Toned down AN/PVS-2 radial blur
^ Regenerated CfgPatches & various items ground holders. Warning! Old editor weapons received scope = 1
^ Reduced reload speed of IZh-18 to 4.3 second
^ Added direct fire variants of 2S1 & 2S3 (mostly for AI since reticles are not adjusted for player use!)
^ Tweaked BRDM-2 (9P148) reload sequence (sounds/scripts) + added ability to manually fold ATGM
^ Added UI indication about turret lock to BRDM2 (9P148)
FIXED IN 0.5.5
@ Fixed ZPL-20 auto lead - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5903
@ Fixed M21 strings in GREF
@ FN MAG was missing a section of it's gas-tube underneath the bipod
@ ZT-6 was missing tandem warhead property - http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=6041
@ Panzerfaust 60 had no inventory mass
@ Removed bad bone from MG42 skeleton
@ Fixed typo in Blufor variant of CDF faction
Removed 6B5 vest model and class data from GREF, and transferred it to AFRF. Classnames remain the same in AFRF so the transfer should not affect units already equipped with 6B5 or inheriting from those classes. (Copies of _co/ textures and inventory icons remain in place in GREF in case texture paths are referenced by third-party missions/addons).
Scoped out M88 variant of Chicom vest
Falls ein Fehler bei dem Update auftritt, bitte das Programm einfach neustarten und nochmal durchlaufen lassen. Hilft das auch nicht bitte bei Sk3y melden.
Steht ab 02.05.2021 zur Verfügung ArmA 3 ~ MB.
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